Rumolisane boje za iPhone 16 modele Apple će otkriti svoju novu liniju iPhone 16 modela u nizu novih boja tokom ove godine u jesen. Evo svih dosadašnjih glasina o bojama za četiri modela: iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro i iPhone 16 Pro Max. Iako takve glasine treba uzeti sa oprezom, ove informacije nas svejedno intrigiraju i držimo se u toku s novim razvojima.

Rumorisane boje za iPhone 16 modele

iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus

The upcoming iPhone 16 series from Apple is generating a lot of excitement and speculation among tech enthusiasts and consumers. One particular area of interest is the color options that will be available for the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus models. Rumors suggest that Apple may be introducing more color choices for these devices compared to previous iPhone models. In fact, there are even rumors that the iPhone 16 Plus model may come in as many as seven new colors.

The rumored colors for the iPhone 16 Plus model are expected to either build upon the five existing colors in the iPhone 15 lineup or introduce entirely new finishes. However, there is some uncertainty regarding whether these rumored colors are exclusive to the iPhone 16 Plus model or if they will also be available for the smaller iPhone 16 model. Since the two models are expected to be identical apart from their size difference, it is likely that the same colors will be available for both models.

It is important to note that the reliability of these rumors has not been confirmed, and it is necessary to wait for corroboration from other sources before drawing any definitive conclusions. With that said, the possibility of more color choices for the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus models is an exciting prospect for consumers who enjoy customizing their devices to suit their personal style.

Rumorisane boje za iPhone 16 modele

iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max

When it comes to the iPhone Pro models, Apple has a tendency to choose cooler-toned colors. For the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max, Apple introduced a titanium chassis in four muted finishes: Natural Titanium, Blue Titanium, White Titanium, and Black Titanium. Rumors surrounding the iPhone 16 Pro models suggest potential changes to the existing colors.

According to a rumor from China, the iPhone 16 Pro lineup may feature a new „rose“ titanium color and a „space black“ color. The existing Blue Titanium color may be dropped from the lineup in favor of the new rose color, and the Black Titanium color may be replaced with a „space black“ shade similar to that of the iPhone 14 Pro. Additionally, the Natural and White Titanium colors are rumored to undergo slight variations. Natural Titanium may have a gray tint, while White Titanium may appear more like a „silver white“ color similar to the silver version of the iPhone 14 Pro.

Another rumor suggests that the iPhone 16 Pro models will be available in „Desert Titanium“ and „Titanium Gray“ color options. These additional color options could overlap with the separately rumored rose color and the tweaked Natural Titanium.

Furthermore, a recent rumor out of Korea indicates that Apple is working on an improved process for finishing and coloring titanium for the iPhone 16 Pro models. This new process is expected to provide a more polished appearance compared to the brushed finish of the iPhone 15 Pro models. The improved finish will resemble the heavily polished stainless steel material used in earlier Pro devices, but with enhanced scratch resistance.

Rumorisane boje za iPhone 16 modele

Summing Up

As of now, we are still several months away from Apple’s official announcement of the iPhone 16 series. It is important to remember that a lot can change in the coming months, and we may see new rumors and developments that corroborate or conflict with the information we currently have. Nevertheless, we are committed to keeping this article up-to-date with any subsequent information that becomes available.

For more information on the iPhone 16 lineup, we recommend checking out our dedicated roundups for the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro. These roundups provide comprehensive coverage of all the rumors and updates surrounding the upcoming devices.

Apple is expected to release the iPhone 16 series in the fall, so mark your calendars and stay tuned for the latest news and updates on this highly anticipated smartphone lineup.

Rumorisane boje za iPhone 16 modele

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