U današnje vrijeme, većina ljudi se oslanja na električne i baterijske uređaje kako bi zadovoljili svoje svakodnevne potrebe. To uključuje kućanske aparate za kuhanje, čišćenje i druge dnevne potrebe, ali i osobne uređaje poput računara, laptopova, pametnih telefona i tableta za posao i zabavu. Još jedan veliki primjer su ručni satovi, koji, iako vam omogućavaju da praktično pratite vrijeme tijekom dana, zahtijevaju električnu energiju ili baterijsku ćeliju kako bi radili. Problem s obje ove metode napajanja je taj što su obje jednako loše za okoliš. Srećom, postoji ekološki prihvatljivije rješenje koje vam omogućava praćenje vremena dok istovremeno smanjujete svoj ugljični otisak. Upoznajte Bedol Drizl.

Bedol DRIZL - Eko-prijateljski vodeni ručni sat


The Bedol DRIZL wristwatch is designed to be compact in size, making it lightweight and comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. Its fun and fashionable design features a unique water drop shape, highlighting its water-powered functionality. The wristwatch is constructed using high-quality TPU plastic, ensuring durability and longevity. As for its power-source method, the Bedol DRIZL utilizes Bedol’s patented Water Clock technology, which converts ions present in water into clean energy for powering the watch, eliminating the need for batteries.

Bedol DRIZL - Eko-prijateljski vodeni ručni sat


Setting up the Bedol DRIZL wristwatch is a simple process. Users will need to remove the back cover using a small coin to access the inside of the watch. Once the back cover is removed, the water reservoir can be filled with ordinary tap water. After filling the reservoir, the back cover can be carefully screwed back into place, securing the water inside the watch. This straightforward maintenance procedure ensures that the watch remains functional and accurate.

Bedol DRIZL - Eko-prijateljski vodeni ručni sat


The Bedol DRIZL wristwatch features an LCD display screen that provides a clear and easy-to-read display of the time. Two push buttons are incorporated into the design of the watch to allow users to configure the time settings. The left-side button is used to increase the hours, while the right-side button is used to increase the minutes. This intuitive interface makes adjusting the time settings quick and convenient.

Bedol DRIZL - Eko-prijateljski vodeni ručni sat


The Bedol DRIZL wristwatch offers an eco-friendly way to keep track of time while reducing your carbon footprint. Its water-powered technology eliminates the need for batteries, making it a sustainable and environmentally-conscious choice. The wristwatch also makes for a great gift for individuals who prioritize eco-friendly products. Additionally, the Bedol DRIZL is available in a variety of attractive color options, allowing individuals to choose a watch that suits their personal style. With a price tag of just $48, the Bedol DRIZL offers an affordable and eco-friendly solution for accurate timekeeping. To purchase the Bedol DRIZL wristwatch, you can visit Bedol’s official shopping page.

Bedol DRIZL - Eko-prijateljski vodeni ručni sat

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