Ovaj članak, pod nazivom „Top priče: glasine o iPhoneu 16“, donosi najnovije informacije iz svijeta Apple tehnologije. Nedavno je puštena javnosti ažurirana verzija macOS Sonoma, koja donosi brojne nadogradnje kao što su desktop widgeti, Game Mode i mnoge druge promjene. Također, Apple već testira nadolazeće ažuriranje iOS 17.1 i drugih platformi te su se pojavile glasine o spekulacijama vezanim za iPhone 16. Uz to, razmatraju se i termalni problemi s iPhoneom 15 Pro te kontroverzni FineWoven dodaci tvrtke Apple. Nastavite čitati kako biste saznali detalje o ovim pričama i još mnogo toga!

Apple Releases macOS Sonoma With Desktop Widgets, Game Mode, and More

macOS Sonoma, the latest software update for Mac, was released to the public this week. This update comes after over three months of beta testing and brings with it a range of new features and changes. One of the notable additions in macOS Sonoma is the inclusion of interactive desktop widgets, allowing users to personalize their desktops with dynamic and customizable widgets. Another exciting feature is the Game Mode, which optimizes system performance for a smoother gaming experience. Additionally, users can now add websites to the Dock as web apps, providing quick and easy access to their favorite websites. Safari also receives several improvements, further enhancing the browsing experience on Mac. Overall, macOS Sonoma brings a host of new features and improvements to the Mac platform, offering users an enhanced and user-friendly operating system.

Everything New in iOS 17.1 Beta 1

Hot on the heels of iOS 17, Apple has already released the first beta of iOS 17.1. This update introduces a range of new features and changes to the iPhone. One of the key highlights of iOS 17.1 is the enhancements made to Apple Music, allowing users to enjoy an even better music streaming experience. The update also brings improvements to AirDrop, making it easier to share files and content with other iOS devices. With these new features and improvements, iOS 17.1 aims to further enhance the overall user experience on iPhone. The beta version of iOS 17.1 is now available for both developers and public beta testers, allowing users to get a sneak peek at the upcoming features before the official release.

iPhone 16 to Include an Additional Capacitive ‘Capture’ Button

In its relentless pursuit of innovation, Apple is rumored to include a new capacitive button called the „Capture Button“ in its upcoming iPhone 16 models. While the exact functionality of this button is yet to be confirmed, sources suggest that it could serve as a conveniently placed shutter button for the camera when shooting photos in landscape orientation. By adding this new button, Apple aims to provide users with an enhanced photography experience and make it easier to capture those perfect shots. The inclusion of the Capture Button is yet another example of Apple’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of smartphone technology and continually improving the user experience.

Top priče: glasine o iPhoneu 16

22 New Features You May Have Missed in watchOS 10

Apple has released watchOS 10, the latest software update for Apple Watch Series 4 and newer models. Along with this update comes a range of new features and changes that users may not be aware of. These hidden features include improvements to Siri, new watch faces, enhanced health and fitness tracking, and much more. By highlighting these lesser-known features, users can fully utilize their Apple Watches and make the most of the watchOS 10 update. With its continuous commitment to enhancing the Apple Watch experience, Apple has once again delivered a compelling update that brings fresh and exciting functionality to its wearable device.

iPhone 15 Pro Overheating Concerns Highlighted in Two More Reports

Reports of overheating issues with the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max continue to circulate, causing concern among users. This week, both The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg highlighted the ongoing discussions surrounding these thermal issues. Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has noted that the titanium frame of the iPhone 15 Pro may negatively impact its thermal efficiency, potentially leading to overheating problems. While Apple is expected to address these issues through future software updates, there are concerns that the improvements may be limited. It remains to be seen how Apple will respond to these concerns and provide solutions to ensure the optimal performance and thermal management of their devices.

Top priče: glasine o iPhoneu 16

Apple’s FineWoven Cases for iPhone 15 Continue to Be Heavily Criticized

Apple’s recently released FineWoven cases for iPhone 15 models have faced heavy criticism since their launch. Customers and media outlets have expressed dissatisfaction with the fabric exterior of these cases, citing concerns about susceptibility to scratches and stains. Despite these criticisms, Apple has yet to respond to the feedback and address the issues raised by users. The lack of a timely response from Apple has further fueled the negative sentiment surrounding the FineWoven cases. It remains to be seen whether Apple will take steps to improve the design and durability of these cases or offer alternative options for customers who are dissatisfied with their purchase.

Apple Begins Seeding iOS 17.1, macOS Sonoma 14.1, and Other Updates to Developers

Continuing its commitment to delivering a seamless user experience, Apple has commenced the seeding process for iOS 17.1, macOS Sonoma 14.1, and other upcoming software updates to developers and public beta testers. This marks the next phase in the development and refinement of these updates before their official release to the general public. By involving developers and beta testers, Apple can gather valuable feedback and make necessary improvements to ensure the stability, performance, and compatibility of its software across its devices. The release of these updates signifies Apple’s dedication to continuously enhancing its operating systems and delivering new features to its users.

Top priče: glasine o iPhoneu 16

Rumors Surface About iPhone 16

As Apple enthusiasts eagerly await the release of the iPhone 15, rumors have already started surfacing about its successor, the iPhone 16. These rumors suggest that Apple is working on exciting new features for the next iteration of its flagship smartphone. While specifics remain speculative at this point, leaks and speculation indicate potential advancements in display technology, camera capabilities, and overall performance. As with any rumors, it is important to approach this information with caution, as Apple’s plans may change as they continue to innovate and refine their products. Nonetheless, the rumors surrounding the iPhone 16 provide an intriguing glimpse into the future of Apple’s smartphone lineup.

Safari Improvements in macOS Sonoma

macOS Sonoma brings significant improvements to the Safari browser, enhancing the browsing experience on Mac. These improvements include faster page loading times, enhanced privacy features, improved tab management, and a more intuitive user interface. With faster page loading times, users can expect a smoother and more responsive browsing experience. The enhanced privacy features provide users with more control over their online privacy and security, giving them peace of mind while browsing the web. The improved tab management makes it easier to navigate and organize multiple tabs, allowing for better organization and productivity. These Safari improvements in macOS Sonoma contribute to a more efficient and enjoyable browsing experience on Mac.

Top priče: glasine o iPhoneu 16

Ongoing Discussion on Thermal Issues with iPhone 15 Pro

The thermal efficiency of the iPhone 15 Pro continues to be a topic of discussion among users and experts alike. Concerns regarding overheating have sparked ongoing debates about the device’s ability to maintain optimal performance under demanding conditions. Apple analysts, such as Ming-Chi Kuo, have suggested that future software updates may address these thermal issues. It is anticipated that Apple will implement improvements to regulate the device’s temperature and mitigate any potential overheating problems. As this discussion persists, users can look forward to potential software updates that may enhance the iPhone 15 Pro’s thermal management and ensure reliable performance in various usage scenarios.

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