iFixit je danas podijelio video demontaže nove 14-inčne MacBook Pro sa M3 i M3 Pro čipovima, pružajući detaljniji uvid u unutrašnjost ovih prijenosnika. Interni dizajn gotovo se nije promijenio u odnosu na prethodne modele MacBook Pro. Uz to, iFixit je podijelio blog post u kojem objašnjava kako vjeruje da je Apple postigao novu, tamniju „Space Black“ završnu obradu za MacBook Pro. Ukratko, tvrdi se da je Apple uspio napraviti neujednačenu površinu anodizacije koja reflektira više svjetlosti, rezultirajući tamnijim izgledom. iFixit pruža dubokouman pregled ovog novog završetka, uključujući i novi brtvni premaz koji smanjuje otiske prstiju.

iFixit dijeli razobličenje M3 MacBook Pro uređaja, objašnjava kako je Apple napravio Space Black završetak

iFixit Shares M3 MacBook Pro Teardown

iFixit, a popular repair website, has recently published a video teardown of the new 14-inch MacBook Pro. The teardown provides a closer look inside the laptops, specifically the models equipped with the M3 and M3 Pro chips. Despite the new chip variants, the internal design of the MacBook Pro remains largely unchanged compared to previous models.

The video teardown offered by iFixit allows users to gain a deeper understanding of the internal components and construction of the MacBook Pro. This information can be particularly useful for those interested in repairing or upgrading their devices.

Internal Design of the MacBook Pro

During the iFixit teardown, it was discovered that the internal design of the new MacBook Pro models is very similar to their predecessors. This means that users can expect a familiar layout and overall construction when opening up their devices.

While the external appearance of the MacBook Pro has undergone some significant changes, such as the introduction of the Space Black finish, the internal components remain relatively consistent. This provides reassurance to users who are accustomed to the previous MacBook Pro models and may be hesitant to make the switch to the upgraded version.

iFixit dijeli razobličenje M3 MacBook Pro uređaja, objašnjava kako je Apple napravio Space Black završetak

Comparison with Previous MacBook Pro Models

Upon conducting the teardown, iFixit found that the internal components of the new MacBook Pro models are quite similar to those found in previous iterations. This includes the logic board, battery, cooling system, and other essential components. While there may be some minor differences in terms of component specifications, the overall functionality and performance are comparable.

This comparison highlights Apple’s commitment to maintaining a certain level of consistency and familiarity for its users. By keeping the internal design similar across generations, Apple ensures that users can transition seamlessly and make the most of their new MacBook Pro without facing any significant challenges.

Explaining the Space Black Finish

The Space Black finish is a notable feature of the new MacBook Pro models, and it has received significant attention from users and reviewers alike. iFixit has taken a closer look at this finish and has provided valuable insights into how Apple achieved the darker appearance.

Introduction to the Space Black Finish

The Space Black finish offers a sleek and premium look to the MacBook Pro. It is a departure from the traditional silver and gray finishes that Apple has utilized in the past. The deeper and darker appearance of Space Black appeals to users who prefer a more sophisticated aesthetic.

How Apple Achieved a Darker Appearance

To achieve the darker appearance for the MacBook Pro’s Space Black finish, Apple implemented a unique approach in the manufacturing process. iFixit explains that Apple made the anodized surface of the finish „more uneven“ at a microscopic level. This unevenness allows more light to reflect off the surface, resulting in a darker overall appearance.

Anodization Process

The anodization process plays a crucial role in the Space Black finish. Anodization involves treating the MacBook Pro’s aluminum surface with chemicals and electricity to create a layer of anodized aluminum. This layer enhances the durability and corrosion resistance of the MacBook Pro’s chassis while also providing an ideal surface for color application.

Effects of the Microscopic Surface

By creating a more uneven surface at a microscopic level, Apple has managed to diffuse incoming light rays in different directions. This diffusion reduces the amount of white light that reaches the viewer’s eyes, resulting in the desired darker matte finish. The nooks and crannies created by the etched anodized surface contribute to the unique aesthetic of the Space Black finish.

Scientific Overview of the Finish

In its blog post, iFixit provides a scientific overview of the Space Black finish. The company delves into the detailed process of etching the anodized surface, offering readers a deeper understanding of the technical aspects behind achieving the darker appearance.

New Anodization Seal to Reduce Fingerprints

Another improvement made by Apple in the Space Black finish is the introduction of a new anodization seal. This seal not only enhances the overall durability of the finish but also reduces the visibility of fingerprints and smudges. This is a welcomed feature for users who prioritize maintaining a clean and professional-looking device.

iFixit dijeli razobličenje M3 MacBook Pro uređaja, objašnjava kako je Apple napravio Space Black završetak

Video Teardown of the MacBook Pro

To further assist users in understanding the internal components and construction of the new MacBook Pro models, iFixit has provided a video teardown. This video can serve as a valuable resource for those interested in gaining a more comprehensive understanding of their devices.

Link to iFixit’s Video Teardown

iFixit’s video teardown of the 14-inch MacBook Pro can be accessed on their website. The video provides a detailed step-by-step guide on how to disassemble the device and offers insights into the various components found within.

Highlights of the Teardown

The video teardown highlights key aspects of the MacBook Pro’s internal design. It showcases the layout of the logic board, battery, cooling system, and other essential components. Additionally, it provides information on any changes or improvements made compared to previous models.

What the Video Reveals about the Internal Components

By watching the video teardown, users can gain a better understanding of how the internal components of the MacBook Pro are arranged and interconnected. This knowledge can be incredibly useful for troubleshooting purposes or for those looking to upgrade specific hardware components.

The New MacBook Pro Models

The new MacBook Pro models have recently been released, and they offer several notable features and upgrades compared to their predecessors.

Overview of the New MacBook Pro Lineup

The new MacBook Pro lineup includes the 14-inch and 16-inch models, both equipped with the latest M3 and M3 Pro chips. These chips bring improved performance and efficiency to the MacBook Pro, enabling users to handle demanding tasks and workflows with ease.

Key Features and Upgrades

Some key features and upgrades found in the new MacBook Pro models include a high-resolution Mini-LED display, improved thermal management, enhanced audio capabilities, and a redesigned keyboard. These features contribute to an overall enhanced user experience and increased productivity.

Release Date and Availability

The new MacBook Pro models were released earlier this week, and they are now available for purchase. Users can visit Apple’s website or authorized retailers to explore the different configuration options and choose the model that best suits their needs.

iFixit dijeli razobličenje M3 MacBook Pro uređaja, objašnjava kako je Apple napravio Space Black završetak

Linkbacks and Source

For more information on the iFixit teardown and details regarding the Space Black finish, readers can visit MacRumors.com. The website provides a comprehensive article that delves further into these topics.

Link to MacRumors.com Article

Readers can find the full article on MacRumors.com, which offers additional insights and discussions surrounding the iFixit teardown and the Space Black finish. The article provides a valuable resource for those interested in staying up-to-date with the latest MacBook Pro news.

Discussion in MacRumors Forums

MacRumors also hosts a forum where users can engage in discussions, ask questions, and share their thoughts on the iFixit teardown and the new MacBook Pro models. The forum serves as a platform for enthusiasts to connect and exchange information.

In conclusion, iFixit’s M3 MacBook Pro teardown provides valuable insights into the internal components and construction of the new MacBook Pro models. The Space Black finish, in particular, has garnered significant attention, and iFixit’s explanation sheds light on Apple’s innovative approach. With the release of the new MacBook Pro models, users can expect improved performance, enhanced features, and an overall optimized user experience.

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