Nedavno je Google objavio Google Pixel 8 Pro, zajedno s potpuno novom ekskluzivnom funkcionalnošću nazvanom Video Boost. Ova funkcija kombinira Google-ovu tehnologiju fotografije s kapacitetima obrade velikih podataka i modelima strojnog učenja kako bi značajno poboljšala kvalitetu videa i pružila, kako Google tvrdi, najbolji video pri slabom osvjetljenju na bilo kojem pametnom telefonu. U ovom video prikazu pružamo detaljan pregled Video Boost-a i videa snimljenog noćnim vidom na Google Pixel 8 Pro. Iako se ovaj članak ne bavi osporavanjem Google-ove tvrdnje, proveo sam dovoljno vremena s Video Boost-om kako bih vam dao pouzdan pregled o tome kako ga koristiti, uz usporedbu s iPhone 15.

Prvo, da biste pokrenuli Video Boost, morate otvoriti dio kamere za snimanje videa, otići u postavke i uključiti prekidač za Video Boost. Nakon toga ćete dobiti obavijest na tražilici koja pokazuje da je funkcija aktivna i spremna za upotrebu. Kada završite s snimanjem, dobit ćete privremenu datoteku koju možete odmah koristiti dok čekate završetak obrade u oblaku, a taj proces obično traje od 1 sata do 6 sati za neke veće datoteke od 5 do 8 minuta. Nakon što završi, primit ćete obavijest na Google Photos, gdje ćete biti preusmjereni na završeni projekt. Nakon 3 dana, potrošio sam sav prostor za pohranu i snimio u svim mogućim uvjetima, pa mi je iznenađujuće reći da je noćni snimak bio bolji dio ove funkcije. Iako je Google snažno promovirao Video Boost, moram razriješiti neku vrstu tajne, a to je da Video Boost nije vrlo koristan u idealnim svjetlosnim uvjetima. Google tvrdi da će funkcija dodati veći dinamički raspon, proizvesti življe boje, dodati više detalja i stabilizirati kadar, ali pri dnevnom svjetlu već imamo najbolji mogući slučaj za te vrijednosti i zbog toga ovdje se zapravo ništa novo ne dodaje.

Google Pixel 8 Pro: Video Boost FULL BREAKDOWN!

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How Video Boost Works

Turning on Video Boost

To turn on Video Boost on your Google Pixel 8 Pro, you need to open the video portion of your camera app and go into the settings. Look for the Video Boost toggle and turn it on. Once it’s activated, you will see a notification in the viewfinder indicating that Video Boost is active and ready to go.

Cloud processing time

After shooting a video with Video Boost, you will have a temporary file that you can immediately use while waiting for cloud processing to complete. The cloud processing time can vary, but it usually takes anywhere from 1 hour up to 6 hours for larger 5 to 8 minute files. Once the processing is done, you will receive a notification from Google Photos, directing you to the finished project.

Notification and access to finished project

Once the cloud processing is complete, you’ll receive a notification from Google Photos. Simply click on the notification and it will take you directly to the finished project. This allows you to easily access and share your videos that have been enhanced with Video Boost.

Daytime Use of Video Boost

Google’s claims for the feature

Google claims that Video Boost is designed to add more dynamic range, produce more vivid colors, add more detail, and stabilize the shot. The purpose of Video Boost in ideal lighting conditions is to enhance videos even further, providing the best possible video quality on any smartphone.

Issues with lighting conditions

However, when it comes to ideal lighting conditions during the daytime, Video Boost doesn’t seem to add much value. In fact, it may even create a washed-out and hazy look, losing critical shadows and definition in the process. While there may be slight color boosts and benefits from extra exposure, it’s not enough to make a significant difference in video quality.

Lack of added value

Since daytime shots already have the best-case scenario for dynamic range, color, and detail, Video Boost doesn’t bring anything new to the table. It may not be worth using the feature in well-lit conditions, as it doesn’t enhance the videos as much as expected.

Stabilization benefits

However, one aspect of Video Boost that stands out is its stabilization feature. The stabilization in Video Boost is excellent and makes a significant difference, especially in situations where the camera is not stable. Even while holding the phone one-handed and experiencing movement, the stabilization of the videos with Video Boost is comparable to using a gimbal. This makes Video Boost a valuable tool for capturing stable footage in less-than-ideal conditions.

Google Pixel 8 Pro: Video Boost FULL BREAKDOWN!

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Night Sight Video

Enabling Night Sight Video

Night Sight Video can be enabled in the same way as Video Boost. Manually toggle the Night Sight Video setting in the camera app’s settings, and it will be activated during the processing phase when filming in low-light conditions.

Improvement in video quality

When shooting videos in low-light conditions with Night Sight Video enabled, you’ll notice a significant improvement in video quality. Entire scenes are brightened up, and details that were previously invisible become visible. Whether it’s objects in the foreground or the illuminated sky in the background, Night Sight Video enhances the overall visual experience.

Comparison with iPhone 15

At the launch event, Google compared Night Sight Video on the Pixel 8 Pro with video footage from the iPhone 15. The results were impressive, with the Pixel 8 Pro holding its own against one of its biggest competitors. The handling of light sources by the Pixel 8 Pro, in particular, stood out, with Google able to prevent ambient light from being blown out while still providing a scenic glow that enhances the overall video quality.

Handling of light sources

Google’s Night Sight technology applied to Night Sight Video not only amplifies light sources in a clean and even way but also extends the light throughout the scene. This results in a more balanced and visually appealing representation of the scene, with details previously hidden in darkness becoming visible.

Google Pixel 8 Pro: Video Boost FULL BREAKDOWN!

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Negatives of Video Boost

Limitations with zoom and lens options

One drawback of Video Boost is the limitation in zoom and lens options. You can only use the 1X or 2X zoom with Video Boost, which means you can’t test out the digital 20X zoom or utilize the capabilities of the ultrawide lens. This limitation restricts the creative possibilities and versatility of Video Boost in certain scenarios.

Manual enabling every time

Another inconvenience with Video Boost is that it has to be manually enabled every time you exit the video portion of the camera app. This can become tedious, especially if you frequently switch between video and other camera modes. It would be more user-friendly if Video Boost could remember your preference and stay enabled until you choose to turn it off.

Large file sizes

Using Video Boost results in large file sizes. While it’s difficult to provide an exact estimate, as it may vary depending on factors such as resolution and length of the video, a general approximation is around 1 gigabyte per minute of footage. With the temporary SDR file and the permanent raw-like clip being stored, using Video Boost frequently can quickly fill up your storage space. It’s advisable to make sure you have enough space before using this feature extensively.

Google Pixel 8 Pro: Video Boost FULL BREAKDOWN!

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Final Verdict

Need for improvements in daytime recording

While Video Boost shows potential in enhancing video quality in low-light conditions and providing excellent stabilization, there is room for improvement when it comes to daytime recording. Currently, the major benefit of Video Boost during the daytime is its stabilization feature, which is commendable. However, to truly live up to its name as Video Boost, there needs to be more added value in terms of dynamic range, color, and detail to make a significant difference in ideal lighting conditions.

Stabilization as the major benefit

The standout feature of Video Boost is its stabilization. Whether shooting one-handed or in unstable circumstances, Video Boost provides stabilization that is comparable to using a gimbal. This makes it a valuable tool for capturing smooth and stable footage, especially in challenging situations.

Improvement in Night Sight Video

Night Sight Video is where Video Boost shines, providing a noticeable improvement in video quality in low-light conditions. The brightening of scenes, enhanced details, and the superior handling of light sources make Night Sight Video a feature worth trying out.

Suggestions for making the feature better

To enhance the overall experience of Video Boost, there are a few suggestions that could be considered. Firstly, expanding the zoom and lens options available with Video Boost would allow users to explore more creative possibilities. Secondly, the ability to remember the Video Boost setting and keep it enabled until specifically turned off would eliminate the need for manual enabling every time. Lastly, finding ways to optimize file sizes without compromising on video quality would be beneficial for users who frequently utilize Video Boost.

In conclusion, Video Boost has its strengths and limitations. While improvements are needed in its daytime recording capabilities, its stabilization feature and enhancement of Night Sight Video make it a valuable tool for capturing high-quality videos in challenging lighting conditions.

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