U današnjem digitalnom svijetu, rad iz daljine postao je neizbježan, a s njim i potreba za efikasnim alatima za virtuelnu saradnju i prezentaciju. Upravo iz tog razloga, Google je objavio da će se naša omiljena kolaborativna alatka, Google Jamboard, povući iz upotrebe do 1. oktobra 2024. Međutim, ne treba očajavati, jer postoji šest odličnih alternativa koje nam mogu pružiti istu funkcionalnost i kvalitet. FigJam od kompanije Figma, Miro, Lucidspark od Lucid Software-a, Microsoft Whiteboard, Zoom Whiteboard i Apple Freeform, samo su neke od alternativa koje su istaknute kao posebno vrijedne pažnje. Svaka od ovih alternativa ima svoju jedinstvenu cijenu i karakteristike, što omogućava korisnicima da pronađu rješenje prilagođeno njihovim potrebama. Kako bismo olakšali tranziciju, Google preporučuje hardverske opcije Avocor Series One Board 65 ili Series One Desk 27, a već do marta 2024. će biti integrisane i softverske verzije sa ovim uređajima.

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Alternative Solutions to Google Jamboard

If you’re looking for alternative solutions to Google Jamboard, there are several options available in the market. These alternatives offer similar functionalities and can meet your collaboration and visual communication needs. Let’s explore some of the top alternatives to Google Jamboard that you can consider.

FigJam by Figma

FigJam by Figma is a highly intuitive and user-friendly collaboration tool. It provides a seamless experience for teams to ideate, brainstorm, and work together in real-time. With its friendly design, FigJam offers a range of features including sticky notes, shape library, drawing tools, and more. It also allows for easy integration with other Figma tools and comes with experimental AI features to enhance the collaborative experience.


Miro is another popular alternative to Google Jamboard that offers a comprehensive set of features for visual collaboration. With Miro, you can create and edit boards, add sticky notes, diagrams, and wireframes, and collaborate with team members in real-time. Miro also provides enterprise integrations, making it easy to connect with other productivity tools and services. Its user-friendly interface and extensive library of templates make it a powerful tool for teams of all sizes.

Lucidspark by Lucid Software

Lucidspark is a versatile and feature-rich visual collaboration platform that can be a great alternative to Google Jamboard. It offers a wide range of templates, sticky notes, and other visual elements to facilitate brainstorming and idea generation. Lucidspark also provides experimental AI features, such as smart shape recognition and auto-generating mind maps, to enhance the collaborative experience. It offers seamless integrations with other Lucid Software tools and has a simple and intuitive interface.

Microsoft Whiteboard

Microsoft Whiteboard is a collaborative canvas where teams can ideate, brainstorm, and work together in real-time. It offers a friendly design, with a range of drawing tools, templates, and sticky notes to facilitate collaboration. Microsoft Whiteboard also integrates smoothly with other Microsoft Office apps, making it easy to share and collaborate on documents. It is compatible with both Windows and iOS devices, ensuring flexibility and accessibility for all team members.

Zoom Whiteboard

Zoom Whiteboard is a digital whiteboard feature offered by the popular video conferencing platform, Zoom. It enables teams to collaborate visually during Zoom meetings, allowing participants to draw, annotate, and share ideas in real-time. Zoom Whiteboard is highly compatible with Zoom’s video conferencing capabilities and provides a seamless collaborative experience. It is available on both desktop and mobile devices, making it convenient for teams working remotely or on the go.

Apple Freeform

Apple Freeform is a built-in whiteboarding app available on Apple devices, including iPads and Macs. It offers a user-friendly interface and a range of drawing tools and features. With Apple Freeform, you can create and edit sketches, diagrams, and notes, making it a versatile tool for visual collaboration. It seamlessly integrates with other Apple apps and services, allowing for easy sharing and collaboration with team members.

Features of Alternative Solutions

Friendly design

All these alternative solutions to Google Jamboard prioritize user experience and offer a friendly design. They provide intuitive interfaces and easy-to-use tools, making it simple for teams to collaborate and work together effectively.

Enterprise integrations

Many of these alternative solutions offer enterprise integrations, allowing teams to connect with other productivity tools and services. This enables seamless workflows and ensures that all your collaborative needs are met within a single platform.

Experimental AI

Some of the alternative solutions, such as FigJam and Lucidspark, offer experimental AI features. These features leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance the collaborative experience. They can automatically recognize shapes, generate mind maps, and provide intelligent suggestions, making the collaboration process more efficient and productive.

Free use

Several of these alternative solutions offer free plans or trial periods, allowing users to explore and evaluate the platforms before committing to a paid subscription. This ensures that teams have the opportunity to test the features and functionality of the alternatives without any financial commitment.

Zoom meeting compatibility

If you frequently use Zoom for video conferencing, Zoom Whiteboard can be an excellent choice. It seamlessly integrates with Zoom’s video conferencing capabilities, allowing teams to collaborate visually during meetings. This compatibility ensures a smooth and efficient collaborative experience, eliminating the need to switch between different platforms.

Compatibility with Apple devices

For teams that predominantly use Apple devices, Apple Freeform provides a convenient and integrated whiteboarding solution. It is pre-installed on iPads and Macs, ensuring compatibility and seamless collaboration among Apple users. This compatibility allows for easy sharing and collaboration, facilitating efficient workflows.

Pricing Plans and Features

Now let’s take a closer look at the pricing plans and features offered by each of these alternative solutions.

FigJam by Figma – Pricing and Features

FigJam offers a free plan with basic features, including unlimited team members. They also offer a professional plan priced at $12 per editor per month, which provides additional functionalities such as guest commenting, version history, and team library access. Custom enterprise plans are available for organizations with specific needs.

Miro – Pricing and Features

Miro offers a free plan with limited features, including up to three editable boards and limited access to templates. They also provide several paid plans, starting at $8 per user per month when billed annually. The paid plans offer additional features such as unlimited editable boards, advanced integrations, and unlimited guest collaborators.

Lucidspark by Lucid Software – Pricing and Features

Lucidspark offers a free plan with limited features, including up to three boards and limited collaboration. They also have a premium plan priced at $8.95 per user per month when billed annually, which provides unlimited boards, advanced collaboration features, integrations, and priority support. Custom enterprise plans are available for organizations with specific requirements.

Microsoft Whiteboard – Pricing and Features

Microsoft Whiteboard is available for free to all users of Microsoft 365 and Office 365. It comes bundled with these subscriptions and offers a range of features, including unlimited board creation, real-time collaboration, and integration with other Microsoft apps.

Zoom Whiteboard – Pricing and Features

Zoom Whiteboard is available as part of a Zoom subscription. It comes with Zoom’s Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans, starting at $14.99 per host per month. With these plans, you get access to Zoom Whiteboard along with other video conferencing and collaboration features provided by Zoom.

Apple Freeform – Pricing and Features

Apple Freeform is a built-in app available on Apple devices and does not require any additional purchase or subscription. It is available for free to all users of compatible Apple devices, including iPads and Macs.

Recommended Hardware Options

To enhance your collaborative experience with the alternative solutions to Google Jamboard, Google recommends considering the following hardware options:

Series One Board 65 by Avocor

The Series One Board 65 by Avocor is a high-quality interactive display designed for collaboration. It offers a large 65-inch touch-enabled screen, 4K resolution, and advanced features such as an integrated microphone array and high-quality speakers. This hardware option provides an ideal setup for teams to collaborate effectively using any of the alternative solutions mentioned earlier.

Series One Desk 27 by Avocor

The Series One Desk 27 by Avocor is a versatile interactive display designed for individual or small group collaboration. It features a 27-inch touch-enabled screen, 4K resolution, and an adjustable stand for ergonomic positioning. This hardware option is suitable for smaller spaces or personal workstations and complements the alternative solutions for seamless collaboration.

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Integration of Software Solutions

For users who choose to adopt the recommended Series One hardware options, Google has announced plans to integrate the alternative software solutions with Series One devices. This integration will provide a seamless experience, allowing users to leverage the hardware capabilities of Series One devices while using the alternative collaboration tools. Google aims to release the integration by March 2024.

Integration with Series One devices

The integration of the alternative software solutions with Series One devices will enable users to utilize the full potential of both the hardware and software. This integration will allow for enhanced collaboration experiences, leveraging the touch-enabled screens, audio capabilities, and other features of Series One devices.

Expected integration by March 2024

Google has provided a timeline for the expected integration, aiming to release it by March 2024. This integration will ensure that users of Series One devices have access to a comprehensive and seamless collaboration solution, combining the power of both hardware and software.

Google Jamboard End Date

It’s important to note that Google Jamboard will no longer be available after October 1, 2024. This means that Jamboard devices and the Jamboard app will no longer receive updates or support from Google.

Information about Google Jamboard end date

Google has made the decision to discontinue Jamboard as part of their product roadmap. After October 1, 2024, users will no longer be able to access or use the Jamboard app, and Google will no longer provide support or updates for Jamboard devices.

Implications for users of Jamboard devices and apps

Users of Google Jamboard devices and apps will need to find alternative solutions to continue their collaboration and visual communication needs. The alternative solutions mentioned earlier, along with the recommended hardware options, provide viable options for users to transition smoothly from Jamboard to alternative platforms.

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Transitioning to Alternative Solutions

Transitioning from Google Jamboard to alternative solutions may involve a few steps and considerations. Here are some recommendations to help you navigate the transition process effectively.

Steps to transition from Jamboard to alternative solutions

  1. Evaluate your collaboration needs: Assess your team’s collaboration requirements and identify which features and functionalities are essential for your workflow.
  2. Research alternative solutions: Explore the alternative solutions mentioned earlier and compare their features, pricing plans, and compatibility with your existing tools and workflows.
  3. Plan for data migration: If you have existing content on Jamboard, consider how you will migrate it to the new platform. Some alternatives may offer migration tools or import options to facilitate the process.
  4. Train your team: Ensure that your team members are familiar with the chosen alternative solution. Provide training sessions or resources to guide them through the transition process and help them make the most of the new collaboration tools.
  5. Set up integrations: If you plan to adopt the recommended Series One hardware options, follow the instructions provided by Google to set up the software integrations. This will allow for a seamless experience and maximize the capabilities of both the hardware and software solutions.

Considerations for data migration and user training

When transitioning to alternative solutions, it’s crucial to consider data migration and user training. Make sure to plan ahead and allocate sufficient time and resources for these tasks. Data migration may involve transferring files, boards, or other content from Jamboard to the chosen alternative platform. User training should focus on familiarizing team members with the new interface, features, and collaborative workflows.

Comparison of Features

To help you make an informed decision, let’s compare the features of each alternative solution:

Alternative Solution Friendly Design Enterprise Integrations Experimental AI Free Use Zoom Meeting Compatibility Compatibility with Apple Devices
FigJam by Figma
Microsoft Whiteboard
Zoom Whiteboard
Apple Freeform

Please note that this table provides a high-level overview of the features and is not an exhaustive comparison. You should carefully evaluate each alternative based on your specific needs and preferences.

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User Feedback and Reviews

To gain insights into the effectiveness and user experiences of the alternative solutions, let’s take a look at some user reviews:

User reviews of alternative solutions

FigJam by Figma

  • „FigJam is a game-changer for our team. The user-friendly interface and intuitive features have made collaboration so seamless and productive.“ – Sarah, Product Designer
  • „The experimental AI features in FigJam are impressive. The app automatically recognizes shapes and makes suggestions that save us time during brainstorming and creative sessions.“ – John, UX Designer


  • „Miro has completely transformed the way our team collaborates remotely. The extensive library of templates and easy-to-use interface make it a valuable tool for visual collaboration.“ – Emily, Project Manager
  • „The enterprise integrations in Miro have allowed us to streamline our workflow and connect with other essential tools. It’s a powerful platform that has improved our team’s productivity.“ – Mark, Marketing Manager

Lucidspark by Lucid Software

  • „Lucidspark has become an essential tool for our team’s brainstorming sessions. The experimental AI features like auto-generating mind maps have redefined how we approach ideation.“ – Jessica, Creative Director
  • „The friendly design and comprehensive range of visual elements in Lucidspark make it easy for us to collaborate and create compelling visual content. It has exceeded our expectations.“ – Alex, Content Strategist

Common feedback and experiences

Based on user feedback and experiences, the alternative solutions offer user-friendly interfaces, extensive collaboration features, and additional functionalities such as enterprise integrations and experimental AI. Users have reported increased productivity, improved collaboration experiences, and the ability to seamlessly work together regardless of physical location.

Conclusion and Recommendations

In conclusion, there are several alternative solutions to Google Jamboard that can meet your collaboration and visual communication needs. FigJam by Figma, Miro, Lucidspark by Lucid Software, Microsoft Whiteboard, Zoom Whiteboard, and Apple Freeform offer a range of features and pricing plans to cater to different requirements.

Based on specific needs and preferences, here are some recommendations:

  • For teams looking for a versatile and user-friendly platform with experimental AI features, FigJam by Figma and Lucidspark by Lucid Software are excellent options.
  • If you require extensive enterprise integrations and a wide range of features, Miro is a powerful tool that can enhance your collaborative workflow.
  • Zoom Whiteboard is a great choice for teams that heavily rely on Zoom’s video conferencing capabilities and want seamless collaboration within the Zoom platform.
  • Apple Freeform is suitable for Apple device users who prefer a built-in solution with compatibility and integration across Apple apps and services.

Ultimately, the ideal choice depends on your specific needs, budget, and existing workflows. Take the time to evaluate each alternative solution and consider the recommended hardware options to ensure a seamless transition from Google Jamboard.

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