Apple je danas objavio da razvijači iz Evropske unije mogu dodavati alternativne prodavnice aplikacija na App Store Connect. Ove promjene su implementirane kako bi se podržala izmjena u ekosistemu aplikacija u Evropskoj uniji putem nadogradnje iOS-a na verziju 17.4. Ove alternativne prodavnice omogućavaju preuzimanje specijalnih iOS aplikacija sa veb stranica ili pretraživača, čime predstavljaju alternativu samom App Store-u. Sve aplikacije koje su dostupne putem ovih prodavnica moraju proći kroz provjeru Apple-a kako bi se spriječilo prisustvo zlonamjernog sadržaja. Da bi razvijači mogli dodavati alternative prodavnicama ili dodavati aplikacije za verifikaciju, moraju se složiti s novim poslovnim uslovima koje je odredio Apple. Ovi uslovi uključuju plaćanje Core Technology takse u iznosu od 0,5 eura po instalaciji za prodavnice i istu taksu za aplikacije nakon milion instalacija. Zahvaljujući ovim promjenama, alternative prodavnica i tržišnih aplikacija moći će biti kreirane i TestFlight će biti korišten za testiranje novih opcija. Takođe, TestFlight će podržavati aplikacije koje koriste alternative pretraživače i treća lica zaizvodnja.

Apple omogućava developerima dodavanje alternativnih App prodavnica na App Store Connect


Apple allows EU developers to add alternative app marketplaces to App Store Connect

EU developers now have the ability to add alternative app marketplaces to App Store Connect

Apple has announced that developers in the European Union (EU) can now add alternative app marketplaces to their App Store Connect accounts. This is a significant change that provides EU developers with more flexibility and options for distributing their iOS apps. Previously, developers were limited to exclusively using the official App Store for app distribution, but now they have the opportunity to explore alternative avenues.

Apple accepting submissions for the Notarization process

Alongside the ability to add alternative app marketplaces, Apple is also accepting submissions for the Notarization process. Notarization is a necessary step for any app that will be distributed through these alternative marketplaces. This process ensures that the apps meet Apple’s security and quality standards, protecting users from potential malware, viruses, and other malicious content. By requiring apps to go through the Notarization process, Apple is ensuring that the apps available through these alternative marketplaces are safe and reliable.

Submission for Notarization process now open

Developers can now submit their apps for the Notarization process

With the introduction of alternative app marketplaces, developers can now submit their apps for the Notarization process. This process involves Apple reviewing the app to ensure that it meets the necessary security criteria. By going through the Notarization process, developers can give users confidence that their app has been thoroughly vetted by Apple and is safe to use.

Notarization is required for apps distributed through alternative marketplaces

It’s important to note that Notarization is a requirement for apps that will be distributed through these alternative marketplaces. This ensures that all apps available through these marketplaces undergo the same rigorous review process and meet the same security standards as apps on the official App Store. By implementing this requirement, Apple is maintaining its commitment to user safety and privacy.

Apple omogućava developerima dodavanje alternativnih App prodavnica na App Store Connect

Changes made ahead of the launch of iOS 17.4 in the European Union

Apple is making changes to App Store Connect in preparation for the release of iOS 17.4 in the European Union

As part of Apple’s ongoing effort to enhance the iOS app ecosystem in the European Union, the company is making important changes to its App Store Connect platform. These changes are being implemented in preparation for the upcoming release of iOS 17.4, which will introduce significant updates to the app ecosystem in the EU.

iOS 17.4 overhauls the app ecosystem in the EU

iOS 17.4 represents a major overhaul of the app ecosystem in the European Union. This update aims to provide EU developers with more options and flexibility for distributing their apps while still maintaining the high standards of security and quality that Apple is known for. By implementing these changes, Apple is ensuring that EU developers can reach a wider audience while adhering to the strict guidelines set forth by the company.

Alternative app marketplaces serve as an alternative to the App Store

Alternative app marketplaces are special iOS apps that can be downloaded onto an iPhone from a website or web browser

Alternative app marketplaces are unique iOS apps that provide an alternative to the official App Store. These marketplaces can be downloaded directly onto an iPhone, either through a website or a web browser. This allows users to access a variety of apps outside of the traditional App Store ecosystem. The availability of alternative app marketplaces gives developers additional avenues for app distribution and opens up new possibilities for reaching users in the EU market.

Apple omogućava developerima dodavanje alternativnih App prodavnica na App Store Connect

Both marketplaces and apps are checked by Apple to prevent malicious content

Apple reviews both the alternative marketplaces and the apps distributed through them to ensure they are free from malware, viruses, and malicious content

To protect users and maintain the integrity of the iOS ecosystem, Apple thoroughly reviews both the alternative app marketplaces and the apps available through them. This includes checking for any potential malware, viruses, and other types of malicious content. The review process ensures that users can trust the apps they download from these marketplaces, maintaining a high standard of security and quality. By conducting these reviews, Apple remains committed to providing a safe and reliable app experience for all users.

Developers need to agree to Apple’s new business terms

To add an alternative app marketplace or submit an app for Notarization, developers must agree to Apple’s new business terms

To utilize the features of adding an alternative app marketplace or submitting an app for Notarization, developers must agree to Apple’s new business terms. These terms outline the requirements and obligations that developers must adhere to when using the App Store Connect platform. By agreeing to these terms, developers are committing to the guidelines and regulations set forth by Apple, ensuring a consistent and secure app experience for all users.

Core Technology Fee for app marketplaces and apps

App marketplaces are required to pay a Core Technology Fee of 0.50 euros per install

As part of the new business terms, app marketplaces are subject to a Core Technology Fee. This fee requires app marketplaces to pay 0.50 euros for every install of their marketplace app. The Core Technology Fee reflects the value and services provided by Apple to support the distribution and security of these alternative marketplaces. It is a necessary contribution that app marketplaces must pay to continue offering their services to EU developers and users.

Apps distributed through the marketplaces also need to pay the fee after 1 million installs

In addition to the Core Technology Fee for marketplaces, the apps themselves that are distributed through these marketplaces are also subject to the fee. Once an app reaches 1 million installs, the developer is required to pay the Core Technology Fee. This fee ensures that developers are contributing to the ongoing maintenance and support of the app ecosystem, allowing Apple to provide a high level of service and security to all users.

TestFlight can be used for beta testing with alternative app marketplaces

With alternative app marketplaces added to App Store Connect, developers can set up marketplace distribution and test new features using TestFlight

One of the benefits of adding alternative app marketplaces to App Store Connect is the ability to use TestFlight for beta testing. TestFlight is a platform provided by Apple that allows developers to distribute beta versions of their apps to a select group of testers. By integrating alternative app marketplaces with App Store Connect, developers can take advantage of TestFlight to test new features and gather feedback before releasing the app to the general public. This ensures a more refined and high-quality app experience for users.

TestFlight supports alternative payments through third-party providers

Developers can use TestFlight to test apps that utilize alternative payment methods provided by third-party providers

In addition to supporting beta testing, TestFlight also provides support for apps that utilize alternative payment methods through third-party providers. This enables developers to test and validate the functionality of their apps’ payment systems within the context of alternative app marketplaces. By using TestFlight, developers can ensure that their apps’ alternative payment methods are seamless and effective, enhancing the overall user experience.

In conclusion, Apple’s decision to allow EU developers to add alternative app marketplaces to App Store Connect brings significant changes to the iOS app ecosystem. With these changes, developers have more options for distributing their apps while still adhering to Apple’s strict security and quality standards. The introduction of the Notarization process ensures that all apps available through these alternative marketplaces undergo rigorous review to protect users from malicious content. By agreeing to Apple’s new business terms and paying the required Core Technology Fee, developers can take advantage of the additional distribution channels offered by these marketplaces. The integration of TestFlight allows for beta testing and validation of alternative payment methods, further enhancing the developer experience. Overall, these changes provide EU developers with greater flexibility and opportunities to reach a wider audience in the European Union.

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