Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 is the latest update in the world of Android, and it brings a plethora of new features and changes. In this video by 9to5Google, they go over everything new in Android 14, QPR 3 Beta 2, including user-facing changes and bug fixes. The update introduces a slight adjustment to the settings menu, making it more compact and removing subtle line dividers. Additionally, there are new graphics in the touch sensitivity menu and a new option in settings called „allow camera software extensions.“ While the update may not be packed with major features, it sets the stage for the upcoming summer feature drop.

March has been an exciting month for Android, with the release of the March feature drop and additional details about the Pixel Watch 3. However, the release of Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 is causing some concerns as it has bricked several Pixel phones during the sideloading process. It is advised to avoid sideloading at this time to prevent any issues. Despite the minor changes in the update, it is recommended to stay on the most stable version until further updates are released.

Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 brcka Pixel telefone sa strane prijenosa programa

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Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2: Everything New!

The recent release of Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 has brought some exciting changes and updates to the Android operating system. In this article, we will go over all the new features and improvements that this beta version has to offer. From user-facing changes to bug fixes, we will cover it all.

Release Details

Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 is a preview of the forthcoming quarterly update from Android. Although the official release is expected in June, this beta version gives us a sneak peek into what’s to come. It is important to note that this is a beta release and may not be stable, as some users have reported issues, including device bricking. Therefore, it is advisable to proceed with caution and avoid sideloading this update for now.


As a token of appreciation, Android has included a set of wallpapers in this update. These wallpapers follow Google’s color theme and are available for users to download and enjoy. It’s a small gesture of gratitude towards the Android community.

Bricking Issues

One of the major concerns with this beta release is the bricking of Pixel phones. Out of the six devices that were sideloaded with the QPR3 Beta 2 update, four of them experienced issues and failed to boot past the Google logo. Even the personal device of the reviewer, a Pixel 7, encountered this problem. It is advised not to sideload this update at this time. However, instructions for fixing bricked devices can be found on the 9to5 website.

Minor Changes

While Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 does not bring any groundbreaking features, it does include several minor changes that contribute to the overall user experience.

Adjustment to Settings Menu

Upon closer inspection, the settings menu in this update reveals a more compact design. The text, icons, and spacing are now more streamlined, creating a cleaner interface. Some subtle line dividers have also been removed, making it easier to navigate through the settings. Overall, it provides a pleasant UI cleanup.

New Graphic in Touch Sensitivity Menu

Continuing with the trend of adding visual enhancements, Google has introduced a new graphic in the touch sensitivity menu. This graphic serves as a glanceable tutorial for users, providing visual feedback on the changes they make. It adds a dynamic and engaging element to the user interface, making the software feel more alive.

Allowing Camera Software Extensions

A new option called „Allow Camera Software Extensions“ has been added to the privacy and security tab in the settings menu. While not much information is available about this feature, it is speculated to enable more complex camera controls for specific software features. This could potentially include video versions of the photo framing accessibility feature seen in the Pixel 8 Super Bowl ad, although this is purely speculative.

Implementation of Haptic Feedback for Brightness Slider

Haptic feedback has become a standard feature in modern smartphones, and Android continues to expand its implementation. In this update, haptic feedback has been added to the brightness slider when accessed via the quick menu. When the slider reaches its maximum brightness, a small vibration indicates its maximum reach. This subtle addition enhances user interaction and provides a more tactile experience.

Keyboard Vibration Toggle

Another feature brought over from the Android 15 developer preview is the keyboard vibration toggle. Users now have the option to disable vibration feedback completely when using the keyboard. This can be particularly useful for those who prefer a quieter typing experience.

Tweaks in the Passwords Tab

In previous versions of Android, the passwords tab in the settings menu was labeled as „Passwords in Autofill.“ However, in Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2, it has been renamed as „Passwords, Passkeys, and Autofill.“ Although a small change, it reflects a more accurate description of the functionality provided in this tab.

Bug Fixes

Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 also addresses several bug fixes and stability improvements. Some notable fixes include stability issues causing unexpected crashes, incorrect display of battery information, and interference with the double-tap-to-wake gesture in the Always-on Display mode. Many other stability fixes have been introduced behind the scenes to enhance the overall performance of the operating system.

Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 brcka Pixel telefone sa strane prijenosa programa

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The QPR3 Beta 2 update for Android 14 brings a handful of minor changes and bug fixes to the operating system. While there are no significant new features in this release, it sets the stage for future updates scheduled for the summertime. Given the potential instability of this beta version and the lack of major user-facing changes, it is recommended to hold off on updating for now. Users should wait for more stable versions before experiencing the full potential of Android 14.

Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 brcka Pixel telefone sa strane prijenosa programa

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Recommendations for Updating

Considering the minor nature of the changes and the reported issues with bricking, it is advisable to wait for more stable updates before updating to Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2. Keeping your device on the most stable version will ensure a smoother and safer user experience.

Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 brcka Pixel telefone sa strane prijenosa programa

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Feedback from Users

As this is a beta release, user feedback is crucial in identifying and resolving any remaining bugs or issues. Users who have updated to the QPR3 Beta 2 are encouraged to provide their feedback, especially regarding performance, stability, and any bugs they may encounter. Sharing experiences and insights will aid in further improving the Android operating system.

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