Najzanimljivije vijesti ove sedmice obuhvataju lansiranje Apple Vision Pro, funkcionalnosti iOS 17.4 Beta i još mnogo toga. Nakon nedelju dana od lansiranja Apple Vision Pro uređaja, korisnici su se počeli upoznavati sa novim uređajem i dijele svoje misli o njemu, dok stručnjaci su detaljno proučavali hardver. Pored svih novosti vezanih za dugoočekivane slušalice kompanije Apple, ovaj tjedan smo vidjeli još više napretka u iOS-u 17.4 i drugim ažuriranjima operativnog sistema koja se očekuju narednog mjeseca, sveža nagađanja o iPhoneu 16 i još mnogo toga. Pročitajte dalje kako biste saznali sve detalje o ovim pričama i više!

Top Stories: Pregled lansiranja Apple Vision Pro, funkcionalnosti iOS 17.4 Beta, i više

Apple Vision Pro Launch Recap

The Apple Vision Pro headset has been out for a week, and users are starting to settle in with the new device. This highly-anticipated headset has generated a lot of buzz, and people are eager to share their thoughts on it. In addition, teardown experts have been diving into the hardware, conducting detailed analyses of the internal components. Let’s take a closer look at what users are saying about the Apple Vision Pro and what the teardown experts have discovered.

User Thoughts on the New Device

Users have had a varied range of experiences with the Apple Vision Pro headset. Some have praised its sleek design and comfortable fit, while others have found it to be too bulky and heavy. The display quality has received mixed reviews, with some users impressed by the high resolution and vibrant colors, and others mentioning slight pixelation issues. One common point of agreement among users is the immersive audio experience provided by the built-in speakers. Overall, feedback from users has been largely positive, with many applauding Apple’s innovation and technological advancements.

Teardown Experts’ Findings

Teardown experts at iFixit have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the internal components of the Apple Vision Pro headset. Their findings reveal the intricate engineering behind this device. The headset is equipped with an array of cameras, sensors, and fans, all meticulously arranged to provide an optimal user experience. The teardown experts have also provided technical details about the Vision Pro’s displays, battery pack, and overall repairability. This level of detail allows users and enthusiasts to gain a deeper understanding of the hardware and appreciate the craftsmanship that has gone into creating this groundbreaking headset.

iOS 17.4 Beta Features

Apple is constantly working on improving its software, and the upcoming iOS 17.4 update is no exception. This software update is expected to launch next month and comes with several new features and changes for iPhone users.

Overview of Upcoming Software Update

iOS 17.4 will introduce significant changes to the App Store, particularly for EU users. These changes aim to comply with new regulations and provide a more transparent and fair experience for app developers. Additionally, Apple Podcasts will now include transcripts, making it easier for users to follow along and search for specific content within episodes. SharePlay functionality will also be extended to the HomePod, enabling users to enjoy synchronized media playback across multiple devices. The update will also bring a fresh set of emoji, offering more expressive options for users to communicate with.

New Features and Changes for the iPhone

In addition to the App Store and Apple Podcasts enhancements, iOS 17.4 will introduce various improvements specifically for iPhone users. This update prepares for the launch of next-generation CarPlay, offering a seamless integration between iPhones and compatible vehicles. Apple continues to prioritize user privacy and security, and iOS 17.4 includes further enhancements in this regard. Overall, the update aims to provide a smoother and more secure user experience, while also introducing exciting new features to enhance productivity and entertainment.

Fix for Text Bug in iOS 17.3.1

Apple is always diligent in addressing software bugs and issues promptly. In iOS 17.3.1, a text-related bug was identified and a fix was released. This bug fix ensures that users can continue to use their iPhones without any disruptions or inconveniences. It demonstrates Apple’s commitment to delivering a stable and reliable software experience to its customers.

Top Stories: Pregled lansiranja Apple Vision Pro, funkcionalnosti iOS 17.4 Beta, i više

Apple Vision Pro Apps to Check Out

With the launch of the Apple Vision Pro headset, developers have been hard at work optimizing their apps for the visionOS operating system. Apple announced that over 600 apps have been optimized for visionOS so far, opening up a world of possibilities for Vision Pro users.

List of Apps Optimized for visionOS

To help users navigate the vast array of apps available for the Vision Pro, MacRumors has compiled a comprehensive list of optimized apps. This list includes popular apps from both larger and smaller developers, covering a wide range of categories such as entertainment, productivity, fitness, and more. With so many options to choose from, users can personalize their Vision Pro experience according to their preferences and interests.

Notable Apps and Favorites

While all the optimized apps offer unique experiences, there are a few that have stood out among users. MacRumors has highlighted some of these notable apps, showcasing their innovative use of the Vision Pro’s features and their ability to enhance the user’s overall experience. Additionally, a video has been shared, featuring ten of the favorite apps chosen by MacRumors. This video provides a visual demonstration of how these apps can be utilized with the Vision Pro, giving users a taste of the possibilities that lie ahead.

iFixit Shares Apple Vision Pro Teardown

iFixit, known for their thorough teardowns of electronic devices, has recently shared their analysis of the Apple Vision Pro. This teardown offers a detailed look inside the headset, revealing the intricate details of its internal components.

Detailed Analysis of the Internal Components

The teardown conducted by iFixit provides enthusiasts with an in-depth understanding of the engineering prowess behind the Apple Vision Pro. By meticulously disassembling the headset, iFixit experts have explored the arrangement and functionality of each component, shedding light on the intricate design choices made by Apple. This thorough analysis allows users to appreciate the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into creating such a complex device.

Technical Details of Displays, Battery Pack, and Repairability

In addition to the overall analysis, iFixit has specifically delved into the technical aspects of the Vision Pro’s displays, battery pack, and repairability. By examining key components and their functionalities, iFixit provides valuable insights into the technology that powers the device. Additionally, details about repairability help users and technicians understand the feasibility of repairing the Vision Pro in case of any issues or damages. This technical breakdown enhances the overall appreciation and understanding of the Vision Pro’s hardware.

Top Stories: Pregled lansiranja Apple Vision Pro, funkcionalnosti iOS 17.4 Beta, i više

Apple Testing Slim Camera Bump Design for Base iPhone 16

As rumors about the upcoming iPhone 16 models circulate, one exciting update involves the rear camera bump design. Leaked schematics suggest that the base iPhone 16 models will feature a slim, vertical, pill-shaped rear camera bump.

Slim, Vertical, Pill-Shaped Rear Camera Bump

The traditional horizontal camera arrangement may be replaced with a sleek, compact vertical design. This new camera bump design not only contributes to a more streamlined look but also paves the way for additional features.

Spatial Video Recording Feature

One of the notable features associated with this new camera bump design is spatial video recording. Currently exclusive to the Pro models in the iPhone 15 lineup, spatial video recording allows users to capture videos with enhanced depth perception. Bringing this feature to the base iPhone 16 models will provide users with an immersive video recording experience. These rumored camera updates demonstrate Apple’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of smartphone photography and videography.

Apple Now Selling Refurbished 14-inch M3 MacBook Pro

For those in search of a high-quality laptop at a discounted price, Apple has added the 14-inch MacBook Pro with the standard M3 chip to its online refurbished store.

Discounted Prices for Certified Refurbished Laptops

Apple’s certified refurbished products are essentially indistinguishable from brand new models. They undergo extensive testing and come with a one-year warranty, ensuring that customers receive a reliable product. By purchasing a refurbished MacBook Pro, customers can enjoy a discount of approximately 15% off the original price. This opportunity allows individuals to own a premium Apple laptop at a more affordable cost.

Top Stories: Pregled lansiranja Apple Vision Pro, funkcionalnosti iOS 17.4 Beta, i više

The MacRumors Show: One Week With Apple Vision Pro ft. Quinn Nelson

In a recent episode of „The MacRumors Show“ podcast, special guest Quinn Nelson of Snazzy Labs joined the hosts to discuss his experience using the Apple Vision Pro over the past week.

Podcast Episode Discussing User Experience with Vision Pro

„The MacRumors Show“ offers listeners an in-depth discussion about various topics related to Apple products. In this particular episode, Quinn Nelson shares his firsthand impressions of the Vision Pro headset, highlighting its strengths and areas for improvement. The podcast serves as a valuable resource for those interested in learning more about the user experience and features of the Vision Pro.

Availability on YouTube Channel and Podcast Apps

„The MacRumors Show“ podcast is conveniently available on MacRumors’ dedicated YouTube channel, allowing users to watch or listen to the discussions at their preferred convenience. In addition, the podcast can be accessed through various podcast apps, ensuring widespread accessibility for enthusiasts seeking insights into the latest Apple products.

MacRumors Newsletter

MacRumors offers an email newsletter that compiles the top Apple stories of the week, providing subscribers with a concise recap of major news and updates.

Email Newsletter Highlighting Top Apple Stories

The MacRumors newsletter is a great resource for those who want to stay up-to-date with the latest Apple news. By subscribing to the newsletter, readers receive a weekly email summarizing the most important stories published on MacRumors. This curated selection allows subscribers to stay informed about key developments without having to search for individual articles.

This comprehensive article provides an overview of the recent Apple Vision Pro launch, user thoughts on the new device, teardown experts’ findings, iOS 17.4 beta features, optimized apps for visionOS, the iFixit teardown of the Vision Pro, camera updates for the iPhone 16, Apple’s sale of refurbished MacBook Pros, „The MacRumors Show“ podcast episode featuring the Vision Pro, and MacRumors’ email newsletter highlighting top Apple stories. Each section delves into the details and provides a nuanced understanding of the respective topic.

Top Stories: Pregled lansiranja Apple Vision Pro, funkcionalnosti iOS 17.4 Beta, i više

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