Očekujte Appleov novi MacBook Air M4 iz 2025. godine. Premda će prvi uređaji s M4 čipom stići već 2024., MacBook Air će dobiti nadogradnju tek godinu dana kasnije. Ovaj vodič sadrži sve što trenutno znamo o sljedećoj generaciji MacBook Air-a. M4 čip će se fokusirati na umjetnu inteligenciju kako bi podržao AI značajke koje dolaze s novim softverskim nadogradnjama. Očekuje se da će M4 čip imati Neural Engine s više jezgri, što će omogućiti obradu AI i strojnog učenja. Što se dizajna tiče, ne očekuje se nikakva promjena u odnosu na prethodni model iz 2022. godine. Novi MacBook Air će se uglavnom usredotočiti na unutarnje nadogradnje. Prema izvorima, očekuje se da će nadogradnja MacBook Air-a biti dostupna u proljeće 2025. godine.

Šta očekivati od Appleovog MacBook Air-a M4 iz 2025.

M4 Chips

Introduction to M4 Chips

The M4 chip is the fourth-generation Apple silicon chip that is set to be introduced across the Mac lineup. While the first M4 Macs are expected to launch in 2024, the MacBook Air won’t receive an update until 2025.

Timeline of M4 Chip Release

The 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Air models were recently updated with M3 chips in March 2024, which means that they won’t be the first devices to receive the M4 chip. Apple has chosen to wait until 2025 for the release of the M4 chip, creating a gap of approximately a year between the M3 and M4 chip lineups.

Focus on Artificial Intelligence

Rumors suggest that the M4 chip will have a strong focus on artificial intelligence (AI). This is expected to support the AI features that will accompany the next round of software updates. While most of the AI talk has been centered around iOS 18, Apple is planning to integrate AI across all its platforms. To facilitate this, the M4 chip is anticipated to come with a Neural Engine that has more cores. The Neural Engine will be responsible for handling AI and machine learning tasks. In comparison, the M3 chip currently has a 16-core Neural Engine.

Neural Engine with More Cores

The M4 chip is expected to feature a Neural Engine with more cores compared to its predecessor. This increase in core count will significantly enhance the performance of AI and machine learning tasks. With more cores, the Neural Engine can process data faster and more efficiently, ensuring a smoother user experience.

Standard M4 Chip for MacBook Air

While Apple is working on different variants of the M4 chip, including the M4 Pro, M4 Max, and M4 Ultra, the MacBook Air models are expected to feature only the standard M4 chip. It is likely that there will be at least two variations of the M4 chip, differing in the number of GPU cores. For example, the current MacBook Air offers an 8-core GPU as the base option, with a 10-core GPU variant also available. The M3 CPU remains the same across all versions, and a similar approach is expected with the M4 chip.

Built on Apple’s 3-nanometer Process

The M4 chip, like its predecessor, will be built using Apple’s advanced 3-nanometer process. This process allows for smaller, more power-efficient chips with improved performance capabilities. While the transition from the M2 to M3 chips saw a significant performance boost due to a change in node size, the jump between the M3 and M4 may not be as substantial. However, users can still expect modest GPU and CPU speed improvements with the M4 chip.

Šta očekivati od Appleovog MacBook Air-a M4 iz 2025.


Introduction to Design

The design of the MacBook Air received a major overhaul in 2022, and it is unlikely that there will be any significant tweaks with the 2025 refresh. Apple typically waits several years before making significant design changes, and there have been no rumors indicating a refreshed look for the MacBook Air in 2025.

No Tweaks in Design

Considering the recent design update, users can expect the 2025 MacBook Air to maintain the same design elements. The size options are likely to remain 15.3 and 13.6 inches, offering users the choice between a larger or more compact device. The MacBook Air will likely continue to feature a flat, MacBook Pro-style body with a Force Touch trackpad. The display is also expected to retain the notch design, providing a larger screen-to-body ratio.

Size Options and Body Style

Apple is expected to continue offering the MacBook Air in its current size options, catering to different user preferences. The flat, MacBook Pro-style body design will provide a premium look and feel, along with enhanced durability. The Force Touch trackpad will offer precise input control, ensuring an optimal user experience.

Continuation of MacBook Pro-style Body

The 2025 MacBook Air is expected to maintain the MacBook Pro-style body introduced in the 2022 redesign. This body design offers a sleek and professional appearance, appealing to a wide range of users. It also provides enhanced durability to withstand everyday use.

Display with Notch

The display of the 2025 MacBook Air is likely to feature a notch, similar to the current models. The notch design allows for a larger screen-to-body ratio, maximizing the usable display area. Users can expect vibrant colors, high contrast, and sharp image quality on the MacBook Air’s display.

Internal Updates

While the external design of the MacBook Air may remain largely unchanged, the 2025 refresh is expected to focus on internal updates. These updates may include enhancements to performance, battery life, and other hardware components. The internal updates will ensure that users can enjoy a seamless and efficient computing experience.

Šta očekivati od Appleovog MacBook Air-a M4 iz 2025.

Launch Date

Introduction to Launch Date

According to reports from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, the MacBook Air is set to receive an update in the spring of 2025. The spring season in 2025 starts on March 20 and ends on June 20.

Update Expected in Spring 2025

Users can anticipate the arrival of the updated MacBook Air in the spring of 2025. This update will bring new features and improvements to enhance user productivity and overall computing experience. Apple aims to provide its customers with cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions.

Timeline of Spring 2025

The spring season of 2025 will mark the release of the updated MacBook Air. During this period, Apple will announce and make the new MacBook Air available for purchase. Customers can look forward to experiencing the latest advancements in Apple’s hardware and software.

Related Roundup and Buyer’s Guide

For more information and updates about the MacBook Air, users can refer to related roundups and buyer’s guides. These resources provide in-depth coverage and expert analysis of Apple’s products, helping users make informed decisions when purchasing or upgrading their devices.

In conclusion, the forthcoming M4 chip is set to revolutionize the MacBook Air lineup, with a focus on artificial intelligence and enhanced performance. While the design of the MacBook Air is expected to remain unchanged, users can anticipate internal updates and an improved computing experience. The launch date in the spring of 2025 will bring new possibilities for MacBook Air users, elevating their productivity and creativity. Stay tuned for more updates on Apple’s 2025 MacBook Air as they become available.

Šta očekivati od Appleovog MacBook Air-a M4 iz 2025.

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