Apple je nedavno izdao iOS 17.5, najnoviju verziju iOS-a. Donosi neke veće promjene na iPhoneu ukoliko se nalazite u Europskoj uniji, dok donosi manje ažuriranja za one koji nisu. iOS 17.5 omogućava preuzimanje aplikacija sa web stranica direktno na iPhone-u, bez korištenja App Store-a, što je dostupno samo u EU. Također, donosi nove funkcionalnosti za Apple News+, podršku za treće-pokretačke uređaje i opciju „Repair State“ koja omogućava slanje iPhonea na servis bez deaktiviranja Find My i Activation Lock funkcija. Tu je i nekoliko drugih sitnijih promjena, kao što su novi dizajn Podcasts widgeta i poboljšana Mobile Device Management funkcionalnost. U ovom članku ćemo detaljno predstaviti sve novo što iOS 17.5 donosi.

Novosti u iOS-u 17.5: Šta je novo u iOS-u 17.5

App Downloads From Websites (EU Only)

iOS 17.5 introduces web-based app distribution in the European Union, allowing developers to offer their apps for download directly from their websites. iPhone users in the EU can now download iOS apps from supported websites without going through the App Store.

However, this functionality is limited to the iPhone and can only be used within the European Union. In order to offer an app for download from a website, developers must be members of the Apple Developer Program for at least two continuous years and have had more than one million first installs on iOS in the previous year.

It is important to note that all apps downloaded from websites onto iPhones must go through Apple’s notarization process. Additionally, while developers do not have to pay a commission to Apple for these downloads, there is a 0.50 euro Core Technology Fee.

Although this feature is currently available only on the iPhone, Apple plans to bring the same functionality to the iPad later this year.

Apple News+

iOS 17.5 brings some exciting updates to Apple News+. Users now have the option to access the Today feed and the News+ tab in offline mode, even without a cellular or Wi-Fi connection. This is particularly useful for users who are on the go and may not always have access to the internet.

In addition, iOS 17.5 introduces a new daily word game called Quartiles for Apple News+ subscribers. This game challenges players to combine tiles to form words and earn points. It offers a fun and interactive way to engage with the Apple News+ platform.

The update also includes a scoreboard feature for Apple News+ Puzzles, which provides players with data on their performance and streaks over time. This feature is available for Crossword, Mini Crossword, and Quartiles puzzles, and it allows users to track their progress and improve their skills.

Third-Party Item Tracker Alerts

With iOS 17.5, Apple introduces support for third-party item trackers. This feature has been in development for some time, and it aims to enhance the user experience by providing notifications when a third-party tracker is nearby.

Apple has collaborated with Google to develop a cross-platform solution for unwanted tracking alerts. This means that iPhone users will receive notifications if a compatible Bluetooth tracker that they do not own is moving with them. The notifications will be sent regardless of the operating system the tracker is paired with.

Google has also launched its Android-based Find My Device network, which is aligned with the initial rollout of Cross-Platform Tracking Detection. This network further enhances the capabilities of third-party item trackers and provides a more comprehensive solution for tracking and locating items.

Repair State

One of the notable features in iOS 17.5 is the repair state option for iPhones. This feature allows users to send their iPhones for service without deactivating the Find My and Activation Lock features.

In the past, sending a device for repair required turning off Find My to ensure ownership verification. However, with the repair state option, users can keep Find My turned on while their iPhone is being repaired. This means that the device remains trackable through the Find My app, providing users with peace of mind during the repair process.

iOS 17.5 also introduces a new „Remove This Device“ option in Find My. By using this option, users can put their iPhone into a repair state mode, indicating that it is ready for repair. This functionality simplifies the repair process and allows users to retain the benefits of Find My without any inconvenience.

Novosti u iOS-u 17.5: Šta je novo u iOS-u 17.5

Podcast Widget

The Podcast Widget in iOS 17.5 receives a visual update. It now features a background that changes dynamically based on the artwork of the podcast that is currently being played. This adds a visually appealing touch to the Home Screen or Lock Screen and enhances the overall podcast listening experience.

Mobile Device Management

iOS 17.5 includes improvements in Mobile Device Management (MDM) capabilities. MDM solutions now have the ability to enforce a beta version during automated device enrollment. This feature streamlines the initial device setup process, making it easier and more efficient for users.

By enforcing a beta version through automated device enrollment, MDM solutions can ensure that devices are set up with the latest software updates and features. This helps to enhance device security, performance, and compatibility with enterprise systems.

Novosti u iOS-u 17.5: Šta je novo u iOS-u 17.5

Code Changes

In iOS 17.5, there are some interesting code changes that hint at potential future features. One notable change is the possible inclusion of an iPad battery health feature. Although not officially listed as an iPadOS 17.5 feature, the code references suggest that it may be available on the latest iPads. This feature could provide information on maximum remaining capacity and charge cycle count, similar to the Battery Health feature on iPhones.

Another code change mentioned in the iOS 17.5 beta is the „Block All Participants“ option for group FaceTime calls. While there is no implementation of this feature yet, it suggests that Apple may be working on a way to block spam or unwanted participants from group FaceTime calls, providing users with more control and privacy.

More on iOS 17

For a comprehensive list of all the features available in iOS 17, users can access the iOS 17 roundup on MacRumors. This roundup provides detailed information on the various features and enhancements introduced in iOS 17, offering a complete overview of the operating system.

Overall, iOS 17.5 brings several significant updates and improvements to the iPhone and iPad experience. From web-based app distribution to offline mode in Apple News+, these features enhance usability, convenience, and user satisfaction. With the addition of third-party item tracker alerts, repair state option, and code changes, iOS 17.5 addresses user needs, improves device management capabilities, and hints at exciting future developments.

Novosti u iOS-u 17.5: Šta je novo u iOS-u 17.5

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