Nakon nedavno završenog događaja „Strašno Brzo“ kompanije Apple 30. oktobra, novi MacBook Pro i iMac modeli zasnovani na M3 čipu su zvanično predstavljeni. Korisnici i mediji su podelili svoje utiske o ovim proizvodima, koji su verovatno poslednji novi hardveri kompanije Apple za 2023. godinu. Iako će se hardver polako završavati za ovu godinu, Apple nastavlja da radi na ažuriranjima softvera, s tim da ove nedelje objavljuje brojne ažurirane verzije radi otklanjanja grešaka, kao i nove bete za značajnije ažuriranje koje očekujemo da vidimo pre kraja godine. Takođe, Black Friday ponude su već počele nekoliko nedelja ranije, pa nastavite čitati u nastavku za sve najvažnije vesti ove nedelje.

Lansiranje M3 Mac računara, iOS 17.1.1 objavljen, i više

New MacBook Pro Reviews: Scary Fast, But M3 Pro Chip Has a Catch

The highly anticipated new models of the MacBook Pro, namely the 14-inch and 16-inch versions, have finally been released, featuring the M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max chips. With their launch, the first reviews of these laptops have started to emerge, providing a glimpse into their performance and features. Additionally, MacRumors has shared their own hands-on video of the new MacBook Pro models, providing viewers with an in-depth look at the devices.

Initial feedback on the new MacBook Pro models has been overwhelmingly positive, with many reviewers describing them as „scary fast.“ The M3 chip, which powers these laptops, delivers exceptional performance and speed, allowing users to seamlessly handle resource-intensive tasks, such as video editing and 3D rendering. The laptops’ powerful processors, combined with their high-resolution displays and improved thermal management, result in a smooth and efficient user experience.

However, reviewers have also pointed out a catch with the M3 Pro chip. While it offers impressive performance, it is accompanied by a noticeable increase in power consumption and heat generation. Some users have reported shorter battery life compared to previous MacBook Pro models, especially under heavy workloads. The laptops’ fans also tend to kick in more frequently, generating more noise. Despite these drawbacks, the overall consensus is that the M3 Pro chip’s performance still outweighs these limitations for most users.

The new iMac with the M3 chip

In addition to the new MacBook Pro models, Apple has also released an updated iMac featuring the M3 chip. This all-in-one desktop computer offers a sleek design and powerful performance. Reviews of the new iMac have been generally positive, with praise for its vibrant display, snappy performance, and improved cooling system.

The M3 chip in the new iMac delivers impressive processing power, making it suitable for a wide range of tasks, including creative work, gaming, and everyday computing. The device’s enhanced cooling system ensures that it can sustain high performance levels without overheating, resulting in a smooth and reliable user experience.

Apple Says There Won’t Be a 27-Inch iMac With Apple Silicon

Apple’s transition from Intel-based iMacs to Apple silicon has raised questions about the future of the 27-inch iMac. Apple has confirmed that it will not be releasing a new version of the 27-inch iMac with Apple silicon. Instead, the 24-inch iMac will remain the only all-in-one desktop computer available from Apple’s lineup.

While this news might disappoint some users who were hoping for a larger-screen iMac with Apple silicon, it does not necessarily rule out the possibility of a rumored 32-inch iMac Pro. Apple has not made any official announcements regarding a 32-inch iMac Pro, but speculation remains about its potential release in the future.

Apple Releases iOS 17.1.1 With Bug Fixes for BMW Wireless Charging and Weather Widget

Apple has recently released iOS 17.1.1, a minor update aimed at resolving specific bugs. One notable fix addresses a BMW wireless charging issue that was affecting some iPhone 15 users. With this update, iPhone 15 users can now enjoy seamless wireless charging in their vehicles.

Additionally, iOS 17.1.1 addresses a bug related to the Weather widget, specifically when it displays snow. Users who rely on the Weather widget for accurate and up-to-date information can now expect improved functionality and performance.

It’s important to note that this update is only available for iPhone XS and newer models. Users can easily install the update by navigating to the Settings app and selecting General, followed by Software Update.

Lansiranje M3 Mac računara, iOS 17.1.1 objavljen, i više

Apple Releases watchOS 10.1.1 With Fix for Apple Watch Battery Drain Bug

Alongside the iOS 17.1.1 update, Apple has also released watchOS 10.1.1, a minor update specifically designed to address a bug causing excessive battery drain on various Apple Watch models. Users who had updated their Apple Watches to watchOS 10.1 were experiencing significant battery drain issues, impacting the overall usability of their devices.

Apple acknowledged the battery drain issue in an internal memo and promptly worked on a solution. With watchOS 10.1.1, users can expect improved battery life and a more reliable performance from their Apple Watches.

To install the update, users can access the Watch app on their iPhone and navigate to the General tab, followed by Software Update. By following these simple steps, Apple Watch users can enjoy an optimized and longer-lasting battery experience.

iOS 17.2 Will Add These 10 New Features to Your iPhone

While iOS 17.2 is still in beta testing, it is already generating excitement for the upcoming features it will introduce. The first beta of iOS 17.2 has provided a sneak peek into ten notable features that users can anticipate.

One of the most exciting additions is the ability to record spatial video on iPhone 15 Pro models. This feature allows users to capture immersive and three-dimensional videos that can be viewed on devices supporting Vision Pro technology. Additionally, the second beta of iOS 17.2 has expanded the optional Sensitive Content Warning feature to include Contact Posters and stickers in the Messages app, among other improvements.

With each beta release, Apple is refining and enhancing iOS 17.2, aiming to deliver a more polished and feature-rich user experience. Users can look forward to the official release of iOS 17.2, which will introduce a range of exciting new capabilities to their iPhones.

Lansiranje M3 Mac računara, iOS 17.1.1 objavljen, i više

Apple Silicon Buyer’s Guide: Which Chip Should You Choose?

Choosing the right Apple silicon chip for your next Mac purchase can be a crucial decision. Apple offers a variety of chips across different generations and variations, each with its own performance benchmarks. To help users make an informed decision, MacRumors has created a comprehensive buyer’s guide.

This guide provides an overview of Apple’s latest M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max chips, which have been announced for the latest MacBook Pro and iMac models. It examines the differences between these chips, their performance capabilities, and the specific use cases they excel in. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each chip, users can choose the one that best suits their needs.

Whether you prioritize power for demanding tasks or energy efficiency for extended battery life, the Apple Silicon Buyer’s Guide will provide valuable insights to help you make a well-informed decision.

The Best Early Black Friday Apple Deals

As the holiday shopping season approaches, early Black Friday deals are already starting to emerge. Apple enthusiasts can take advantage of these deals to score significant discounts on their favorite Apple products. MacRumors is actively tracking and updating the best Apple deals to provide users with the most up-to-date information.

With dedicated deal guides for Apple’s major product categories, MacRumors ensures that users can easily find the best offers for devices such as iPhones, iPads, Macs, and Apple Watches. These deal guides offer a comprehensive overview of the discounts, allowing users to compare prices and make the most informed choices.

By staying tuned to MacRumors’ coverage of early Black Friday deals, users can maximize their savings and kickstart their holiday shopping.

Lansiranje M3 Mac računara, iOS 17.1.1 objavljen, i više

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MacRumors offers a weekly email newsletter that highlights the top Apple stories of the week. This newsletter provides a convenient and concise recap of the major topics covered, allowing subscribers to stay informed and up-to-date with the latest news.

Each edition of the newsletter includes related stories that tie together various Apple-related news, offering readers a comprehensive view of the week’s top stories. With a simple subscription to the newsletter, users can have this curated recap delivered directly to their email inbox every week.

For those interested in staying well-informed about the latest Apple news, the MacRumors Newsletter offers a hassle-free and efficient way to stay in the loop. Subscribe today to enjoy a regular dose of Apple-related updates.

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