U posljednjim vijestima vezanim za iPhone 17, dolaze glasine o impresivnim specifikacijama ovog nadolazećeg uređaja. Prema izvorima iz lanca isporuka Apple-a u Aziji, analitičar Jeff Pu otkriva da će iPhone 17 Pro i Pro Max imati čak 12GB RAM-a, što je veliki napredak u odnosu na prethodne modele. Osim toga, iPhone 17 Pro Max će također dobiti suženi Dynamic Island zbog upotrebe manje „metalens“ za Face ID sustav. Ove najave su uzburkale maštu i interes korisnika, a dok čekamo zvaničnu objavu o ovom novom iPhone-u, ostaje nam samo da se prepustimo nagađanjima i nestrpljivo čekamo novosti.

iPhone 17 Pro Glasine: 12GB RAM, Uži Dinamički Otok za Pro Max


The upcoming iPhone 17 Pro and Pro Max models are expected to come with a substantial upgrade in their RAM capacity. According to analyst Jeff Pu, who has sources within Apple’s supply chain in Asia, the iPhone 17 Pro and Pro Max will be equipped with a generous 12GB of RAM. This is a significant improvement compared to the previous iPhone 15 Pro models, which only had 8GB of RAM. The increase in RAM capacity is expected to result in improved performance and better multitasking capabilities on the new iPhones.

Alleged RAM amounts

As per the rumors, the RAM configuration for the iPhone 17 lineup is rumored to be as follows:

  • iPhone 17: 8GB RAM
  • iPhone 17 Slim: 8GB RAM
  • iPhone 17 Pro: 12GB RAM
  • iPhone 17 Pro Max: 12GB RAM

This implies that the base iPhone 17 model and its slimmer variant will continue to have 8GB of RAM, while the Pro and Pro Max models will receive a notable boost to 12GB of RAM. This differentiation in RAM amounts is likely to cater to different user needs and preferences.

iPhone 17 Pro Glasine: 12GB RAM, Uži Dinamički Otok za Pro Max

Comparison to iPhone 15 lineup

To better understand the significance of the RAM upgrade in the iPhone 17 Pro models, we can compare it to the RAM configuration of the iPhone 15 lineup:

  • iPhone 15: 6GB RAM
  • iPhone 15 Plus: 6GB RAM
  • iPhone 15 Pro: 8GB RAM
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max: 8GB RAM

The comparison clearly shows that the upcoming iPhone 17 Pro models will have a considerable advantage in terms of RAM capacity. With 12GB of RAM, the iPhone 17 Pro and Pro Max will be better equipped to handle resource-intensive tasks and provide users with a smoother and more efficient multitasking experience.

Narrower Dynamic Island on Pro Max

The alleged rumors also suggest that the iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature a narrower Dynamic Island. This change is said to be a result of the adoption of a smaller „metalens“ for the Face ID system. The Dynamic Island, which houses the Face ID components, has been a notable design feature since its debut in the iPhone 14 Pro.

The reduction in size of the Dynamic Island is a significant development, marking the first size reduction since its introduction. By incorporating a smaller metalens, Apple aims to optimize the space and further refine the design of the iPhone 17 Pro Max. This change could potentially result in a more streamlined and aesthetically pleasing appearance for the device.

In conclusion, the rumors surrounding the iPhone 17 Pro models indicate a significant upgrade in terms of RAM capacity compared to their predecessors. With 12GB of RAM, the iPhone 17 Pro and Pro Max are poised to deliver improved performance and exceptional multitasking capabilities. Additionally, the mention of a narrower Dynamic Island on the Pro Max suggests that Apple is committed to enhancing the design and functionality of its flagship devices. As with any rumors, it’s important to note that these details are still speculative and should be taken with a grain of salt. However, they do provide some exciting insights into what we can expect from the upcoming iPhone 17 Pro lineup.

iPhone 17 Pro Glasine: 12GB RAM, Uži Dinamički Otok za Pro Max

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