Fitbit Ace LTE is the latest Wear OS device by Google that is designed to promote healthy habits in kids through movement-based games and features for parents’ peace of mind. With the same processor as Pixel Watch 2 and a long-lasting battery, this watch offers customizable characters and activity tracking, making it an ideal choice for young users. As the first Fitbit device to run Wear OS, this release marks a new direction for Google in the wearable technology sector, emphasizing a simplified experience and child-friendly features.

The Fitbit Ace LTE aims to cater to children aged seven and above, offering interactive games, real-time location tracking, and parental controls for content and communication. With a focus on encouraging physical activity and healthy habits, this device combines the functionality of a fitness tracker with the fun of wearable technology, providing a unique experience for young users. As Google integrates Fitbit further into their ecosystem, the release of Fitbit Ace LTE sets the stage for more innovative and user-focused wearable devices in the future.

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About Fitbit Ace LTE

The Fitbit Ace LTE is a new wearable device powered by WEAR OS, developed by Google with a focus on promoting healthy habits among children. It features movement-based games, parental controls, and real-time communication and location tracking capabilities for parents. The device shares similar features with the Pixel Watch 2, offering a Snapdragon W5 chip, long battery life, and customizable elements like characters and activity rings.


The Fitbit Ace LTE comes equipped with hardware specifications comparable to the Pixel Watch 2. It features a Snapdragon W5 chip, 2GB of RAM, a circular pin-based charging connector with fast charging support, an optical heart rate sensor, Gorilla Glass 3 protection, and a 328mAh battery. The design includes a mix of stainless steel and recycled plastic, with a square OLED display and detachable bands.


The Fitbit Ace LTE operates on an optimized version of WEAR OS, offering a simplified user interface for easier navigation. The software includes interactive games tailored for children, such as movement-based activities and positive feedback systems. It also features an activity ring to help users track their movement goals effectively.

Target Audience and Features

The Fitbit Ace LTE is targeted towards children aged 7 and above, providing interactive games with positive reinforcement to encourage physical activity. Parental controls allow caregivers to manage screen time limits and contacts. Real-time location tracking, activity monitoring, and spending controls are features aimed at enhancing the overall experience and safety for young users.

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Privacy Concerns

To address privacy concerns, the Fitbit Ace LTE automatically deletes activity history after 35 days and location data after 24 hours. The device ensures that there are no display advertisements present, prioritizing user privacy and data security.

Strategic Implications

The release of the Fitbit Ace LTE marks a significant step in Google’s wearable strategy, showcasing the integration of Fitbit into Google’s operations. This device serves as a test run for potential expansion of the WEAR OS ecosystem and demonstrates Google’s interest in hybrid wearable devices for specialized purposes.

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The Fitbit Ace LTE is a noteworthy addition to Google’s wearable lineup, designed specifically as a kid’s companion device. With a focus on health, safety, and interactive features, this device has the potential for further expansion and collaboration between Fitbit and WEAR OS. It offers a glimpse into Google’s future strategies in wearable technology, indicating a shift towards a more integrated approach to smart devices.

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