Budući da Apple planira predstaviti dva nova modela iPad Pro-a i dva nova modela iPad Air-a 2024. godine, to će donijeti značajne promjene i za Magic Keyboard i Apple olovku. Magic Keyboard će doživjeti prelazak na aluminijski okvir umjesto trenutnog poliuretanskog materijala, kako bi se stvorila čvršća i kvalitetnija struktura koja će pružiti slično iskustvo korištenja kao MacBook. Također, planira se veći trackpad koji će bolje odražavati iskustvo korištenja Mac računara. Što se tiče Apple olovke, očekuje se da će biti predstavljena „prava“ treća generacija olovke koja će naslijediti drugu generaciju. Moguće promjene uključuju dostupnost crne boje olovke, kao i magnetske vrhove za različite aktivnosti. Detalji o datumu lansiranja novih uređaja i dodataka još uvijek nisu poznati, ali očekuje se da će to biti u proljeće 2024. godine.

Šta je sljedeće za Magičnu tastaturu iPada i Apple olovku

Magic Keyboard

Apple’s Magic Keyboard is set to undergo a comprehensive redesign that will provide users with a more robust and durable typing experience. The new Magic Keyboard will feature an aluminum frame, replacing the current polyurethane material used in its construction. This overhaul in design will bring the Magic Keyboard closer in resemblance to Apple’s MacBook lineup, which also boasts an aluminum frame.

In addition to the sturdier frame, the Magic Keyboard will incorporate a larger trackpad, mirroring the trackpad found on MacBook devices. This enhancement aims to provide users with a seamless transition between typing on an iPad and navigating through various tasks, making the overall experience more akin to using a Mac.

While Apple has not disclosed any details regarding pricing for the revamped Magic Keyboard, the adoption of premium materials, such as aluminum, may result in a potential increase in price compared to the current version of the accessory, which starts at $299.

The Magic Keyboard is currently available in two sizes and comes in either black or white. It remains to be seen whether there will be any changes to the color options with the introduction of the redesigned version. However, the upcoming Magic Keyboards are expected to be compatible with both the iPad Pro and the iPad Air. This compatibility will offer users the flexibility of choosing between the 11-inch version for the iPad Pro or the 10.9-inch version for the iPad Air.

Šta je sljedeće za Magičnu tastaturu iPada i Apple olovku

Apple Pencil

Apple is also set to introduce a new generation of its Apple Pencil alongside the refreshed iPad lineup. This „true“ third-generation Apple Pencil will serve as the successor to the previous models and is expected to bring several exciting updates.

One of the rumored updates includes the possibility of offering the Apple Pencil in black and white colors. Although this rumor has not been widely discussed, it would mark a departure from the current white-only model and provide users with more aesthetic options.

There have also been speculations regarding the inclusion of interchangeable magnetic tips for the Apple Pencil. These magnetic tips would enable users to customize their drawing experience based on their specific needs, whether it be for drawing, painting, or technical sketches. However, it is worth noting that this rumor may have been inaccurate and only pertained to the recently released USB-C Apple Pencil.

Furthermore, Apple filed a patent in 2020 for a color sensing technology that could potentially be incorporated into the Apple Pencil. This feature would allow users to sample colors from their environment, providing artists and designers with a new level of convenience and inspiration. However, it remains uncertain whether this functionality will be present in the upcoming Apple Pencil.

With the expected launch of the Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil coinciding with the refreshed iPad lineup in early 2024, users can anticipate a highly integrated and optimized experience.

Šta je sljedeće za Magičnu tastaturu iPada i Apple olovku

Launch Date

The new generation Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil are projected to debut alongside the upcoming iPad Air and iPad Pro models in early 2024. These releases are expected to occur around the March timeframe, aligning with Apple’s tradition of holding spring events to announce new products.

Apple enthusiasts can look forward to this upcoming event, where the company will likely highlight the enhanced features and capabilities of the new Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil. These accessories aim to provide users with a more seamless and intuitive user experience, further blurring the lines between iPads and Macs.

As the launch date approaches, more details and specifics about the Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil are likely to surface. As industry experts and consumers eagerly await these updates, Apple continues to push the boundaries of innovation, further solidifying its position as a leader in the technological landscape.

Šta je sljedeće za Magičnu tastaturu iPada i Apple olovku

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