Ubrzo će biti predstavljen iOS 18, sa najavom da će biti najveća ažuriranje u istoriji iPhone uređaja. Očekuje se da će novi iOS 18 doneti preko 20 novih funkcija koje će biti predstavljene na WWDC konferenciji sledećeg meseca. Među glavnim promenama su novo AI funkcije za Siri i druge aplikacije, podrška za RCS u Messages aplikaciji radi poboljšanja iskustva slanja poruka između iPhonea i Android uređaja, kao i povećana prilagodljivost Početnog ekrana i druge promene u korisničkom interfejsu. Prema najavi, beta verzija iOS 18 biće dostupna članovima Apple Developer programa odmah nakon predstavljanja na konferenciji, dok se očekuje da će široko biti dostupna svim korisnicima u septembru. Za više informacija, posjetite naš iOS 18 sažetak.

iOS 18 Rumor Recap

As you anticipate the upcoming release of iOS 18, you may be eager to learn about the exciting new features rumored to be included in this update. Below, we provide a detailed recap of the major changes and enhancements that you can expect to see in iOS 18.

Smarter Siri and Generative AI

Rumors suggest that iOS 18 will introduce new AI features for Siri, transforming the way you interact with your device. With generative AI on the horizon, the possibilities for a smarter, more intuitive Siri are endless. Exciting developments in AI technology promise to revolutionize your user experience.

Rumors o iOS 18

More Customizable Home Screen

Get ready to personalize your Home Screen like never before with iOS 18. Reports indicate that Apple will finally allow users to place app icons anywhere on the grid, creating a unique layout tailored to your preferences. Say goodbye to static, one-size-fits-all Home Screens and hello to a new era of customization.

Rumors o iOS 18

New Accessibility Features

Apple continues to lead the industry in accessibility features, with iOS 18 poised to introduce a range of new tools designed to enhance user experience for individuals with diverse needs. From eye tracking to vocal shortcuts, iOS 18 promises to make your device more accessible and user-friendly for all.

Rumors o iOS 18

New Apple Maps Features

Navigation just got an upgrade with Apple Maps in iOS 18. Expect to see features like custom routes and topographic maps, offering innovative ways to explore your surroundings and plan your journeys. Whether you’re a frequent traveler or an outdoor enthusiast, these new Apple Maps features are sure to enhance your navigation experience.

Rumors o iOS 18

RCS Support in Messages App

Apple is set to embrace the cross-platform messaging standard, RCS, in the Messages app with iOS 18. This update will bring a host of new features to your messaging experience, including higher-resolution media sharing, improved group chats, and enhanced communication between iPhones and Android devices. Stay connected like never before with RCS support in iOS 18.

Rumors o iOS 18

More Rumors Per App

In addition to the major updates highlighted above, iOS 18 is rumored to bring significant enhancements to various native apps on your device. From Apple Music’s auto-generated playlists to revamped Calculator and Calendar apps, iOS 18 is shaping up to be a comprehensive update that touches every aspect of your digital life. Keep an eye out for these exciting changes across your favorite apps.

Prepare for an iOS 18 update that promises to revolutionize your iPhone experience in more ways than one. Stay tuned for WWDC next month when Apple unveils the highly anticipated iOS 18 and all the groundbreaking features it has in store.

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