Mjesec WWDC-a je ovdje! Glasine o tome šta bismo mogli vidjeti na Appleovoj godišnjoj konferenciji programera već mjesecima rastu, i sada smo samo nekoliko dana udaljeni od ključnog događaja gdje će Apple otkriti što ima spremno za iOS 18, macOS 15 i više. Apple-ova Beats marka također ima neke nove proizvode koji bi uskoro trebali biti lansirani, dok je Apple napokon ponudio obnovljene modele iPhonea 14 po povoljnijim cijenama za one koji traže uštedu, stoga pročitajte u nastavku sve detalje!

Apple’s WWDC 2024 Schedule Revealed

Apple has finally shared the schedule for its upcoming WWDC 2024 event, including the time for the highly anticipated keynote address. Make sure to mark your calendars for June 10 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time to catch all the latest announcements about iOS 18 and other major updates.

Refurbished iPhone 14 Models Now Available

If you’re in the market for a new iPhone but want to save some money, Apple is now selling refurbished iPhone 14 models in the U.S. and other countries. These devices come with a new battery, outer shell, and box, providing a like-new experience at a discounted price.

Rumors about what we may see at Apples annual developer conference have been building for months

Exciting AI Features Coming to iOS 18

Get ready for a slew of new AI-powered features coming to iOS 18. From photo retouching to voice memo transcription, iOS 18 is set to revolutionize how you interact with your iPhone. Stay ahead of the curve by learning all about these exciting updates.

Enhancements to CarPlay in iOS 18

Are you a fan of Apple’s CarPlay system? With iOS 18, you can expect new accessibility features like Sound Recognition, Voice Control, and Color Filters to enhance your driving experience. Plus, keep an eye out for next-generation CarPlay-enabled vehicles hitting the market soon.

Rumors about what we may see at Apples annual developer conference have been building for months

Beats Solo Buds Launching Soon

Music lovers rejoice! Apple’s Beats brand is gearing up to release the new Solo Buds, promising up to 18 hours of battery life and seamless integration with iOS and Android devices. Don’t miss your chance to order these wireless earbuds starting June 18 and enjoy your favorite tunes on the go.

New Beats Pill Speaker on the Horizon

If you’re a fan of portable speakers, you’ll be thrilled to know that a new Beats Pill speaker is in the works. With features like a USB-C charging port and longer battery life, this upcoming speaker is sure to be a hit among music enthusiasts. Stay tuned for more updates on its release.

Rumors about what we may see at Apples annual developer conference have been building for months

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