Očekuje se da će iOS 17.1, iPadOS 17.1, macOS Sonoma 14.1, tvOS 17.1, watchOS 10.1 i HomePod Software 17.1 nadogradnje biti dostupne korisnicima sutra, nakon nekoliko nedelja beta testiranja. Programski kod će najverovatnije biti dostupan u 10:00 časova, po pacifičkom vremenu, što je uobičajeno vreme kada Apple objavljuje svoje nadogradnje. Poslednjih sedmica, Apple je testirao verziju „release candidate“ za sve nadolazeće softverske promene kako bi se osiguralo da ne postoji greška koja bi mogla oštetiti uređaj. Ovog puta smo dobili pouzdane informacije o tačnom datumu lansiranja putem francuskih izvora. iOS 17.1 će uključivati i novu funkcionalnost koja će smanjiti nivo zračenja iPhone 12 modela kada su postavljeni na sto ili neku drugu površinu. Nadamo se da će ova nadogradnja donijeti i neke nove korisne funkcije i ispraviti neke od poznatih grešaka. Ako koristite Apple Watch, možda ćete se baš svidjeti nadogradnja na watchOS 10.1 koja donosi nove mogućnosti i olakšava korištenje uređaja. Čini se da će i macOS Sonoma 14.1 donijeti nekoliko ispravki, dok će HomePod 17.1 podržavati Enhance Dialogue funkcionalnost koja poboljšava kvalitet zvuka prilikom gledanja Apple TV programa. Sve detalje o novim funkcionalnostima možete pronaći u našem vodiču za beta verziju iOS 17.1.

Očekuje se da iOS 17.1 bude lansiran sutra

iOS 17.1 Expected Launch Date

Software updates are an integral part of keeping our devices running smoothly and introducing new features. Apple users have been eagerly waiting for the release of iOS 17.1, iPadOS 17.1, macOS Sonoma 14.1, tvOS 17.1, watchOS 10.1, and HomePod Software 17.1 updates. After several weeks of beta testing, these updates are expected to be launched to the public on [specific launch date] at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. This article will highlight the new features and enhancements that users can expect from iOS 17.1.

Očekuje se da iOS 17.1 bude lansiran sutra

Beta Testing Phase

Before releasing any software update to the general public, it is essential to conduct thorough testing to ensure the stability and functionality of the update. Apple has been following this industry practice and has completed the beta testing phase of iOS 17.1 along with its sister updates. The release candidates (RCs) for all these updates were seeded to users for testing purposes. This rigorous testing process is aimed at identifying and fixing any device-breaking bugs before the official launch.

Očekuje se da iOS 17.1 bude lansiran sutra

Specific Launch Date in France

The iOS 17.1 update in France holds a special feature that aims to reduce the radiation level of iPhone 12 models when they are placed on a table or another surface. French regulatory group ANFR has confirmed that the iOS 17.1 update is expected to be released „by October 24.“ This specific launch date announcement provides users in France with a clear timeline for when they can expect to experience the benefits of this radiation-reducing feature.

Očekuje se da iOS 17.1 bude lansiran sutra

New Features in iOS 17.1

Although iOS 17.1 does not introduce the highly anticipated Journal app, it brings several useful new features that enhance the overall user experience. One notable feature is the ability to continue large AirDrop transfers over the internet. This means that users can initiate a transfer and walk away while it is in progress, without the need for both devices to be in close proximity.

Apple Music enthusiasts will also find improved options in iOS 17.1. The update includes new options for favoriting songs, allowing users to better curate their music libraries and effortlessly access their favorite tracks. Moreover, iOS 17.1 introduces enhanced display options in standby mode, providing users with more control over how their devices behave and allowing them to tailor their experience to their preferences.

The Screen Time feature, designed to help users manage their device usage, is also improved in iOS 17.1. Users can now expect more accurate and reliable data across multiple devices, ensuring a consistent and detailed overview of their screen time habits. Additionally, the update addresses several bugs, including issues with search in the Messages app and persistent images on iPhone 15 models.

Očekuje se da iOS 17.1 bude lansiran sutra


As the launch of iOS 17.1 and its sister updates approaches, Apple users can look forward to an array of new features and enhancements that will enhance their overall experience. The ability to continue AirDrop transfers over the internet, improved options for Apple Music songs, enhanced display options in standby mode, and increased reliability in the Screen Time feature are just a few highlights of what iOS 17.1 has to offer. Stay tuned for the official release and make sure to update your devices to benefit from these exciting new features.

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