OK, let’s get straight to the point. We have some major pixel leaks to discuss, specifically about the Pixel 9, 9 Pro, 9 Pro XL, Fold 2, and more. Based on renders, it seems that Google is making quite a drastic design change with the Pixel 9. It’s going for a boxier style with flat side rails, a flat rear glass, and a smaller pill-shaped module replacing the camera visor. In terms of variants, there are expected to be four: the base model Pixel 9, the smaller Pixel 9 Pro with all the pro-level features, the Pixel 9 Pro XL, and the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, all featuring a Samsung modem for satellite connectivity and the rumored tensor G4 chip that is said to run cooler. If you want to know more details, there’s a whole video dedicated to these devices, which you can find below.

Let’s dive deeper into the leaks surrounding the Google Pixel 9. From what we can gather from the renders, there will be a significant design change. The Pixel 9 will have a more boxy shape, with flat side rails and a flat rear glass. Gone is the camera visor, replaced by a smaller pill-shaped module. Moreover, there will be four variants available: the base model Pixel 9, the smaller yet feature-packed Pixel 9 Pro, the larger Pixel 9 Pro XL, and the foldable Pixel 9 Pro Fold. All of these models are expected to feature a Samsung modem for satellite connectivity and the tensor G4 chip, which is rumored to run cooler due to some updated packaging. If you’re eager to learn more about these devices, we have a comprehensive video that covers everything in-depth.

MAJOR PIXEL LEAKS: Pixel 9, 9 Pro, 9 Pro XL, FOLD 2 + more #TeamPixel #Google

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Design Changes

The upcoming Google Pixel 9 series is set to bring some major design changes. Based on renders, it is evident that the Pixel 9 will have a more boxier style compared to its predecessors. This boxier design gives the phone a sleek and modern look. In addition to the boxier style, the Pixel 9 will also have flat side rails, which enhances the overall aesthetics of the device. Furthermore, the rear glass of the phone will be flat, adding to its sophisticated design. In terms of the camera module, the Pixel 9 is expected to feature a smaller pill-shaped module, replacing the previous large camera visor. These design changes not only make the device more visually appealing but also contribute to an improved user experience.

Pixel 9 Variants

The Pixel 9 series will come in several variants to cater to different user preferences. The base model, known as the Pixel 9, will offer all the essential features and functionalities of a flagship smartphone. It will be the go-to option for users who want a reliable and powerful device without any frills. The Pixel 9 Pro, on the other hand, will be a smaller phone that packs pro-level features. This variant is perfect for users who require professional-grade capabilities in a compact form factor. For those who prefer a larger display, the Pixel 9 Pro XL will be available. It offers the same pro-level features as the Pixel 9 Pro but with a bigger screen for a more immersive viewing experience. Lastly, there is the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, a unique addition to the series. This variant will feature a Samsung modem for satellite connectivity, allowing users to stay connected even in remote areas.

MAJOR PIXEL LEAKS: Pixel 9, 9 Pro, 9 Pro XL, FOLD 2 + more #TeamPixel #Google

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Tensor G4 Chip

One of the most exciting aspects of the Pixel 9 series is the introduction of the Tensor G4 chip. This chip is rumored to run cooler compared to its predecessors, ensuring optimal performance even during intensive tasks. The Tensor G4 chip also promises improved energy efficiency, prolonging the battery life of the device. Additionally, the chip will come with newer packaging, which further contributes to its enhanced performance. With the Tensor G4 chip, users can expect a smooth and efficient user experience on their Pixel 9 devices.

MAJOR PIXEL LEAKS: Pixel 9, 9 Pro, 9 Pro XL, FOLD 2 + more #TeamPixel #Google

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Detailed Coverage

For a more comprehensive understanding of the upcoming Pixel 9 series, we recommend watching the video by 9to5Google. This video provides detailed coverage of the design changes, variants, and the new Tensor G4 chip. It delves deep into the features and functionalities that will make the Pixel 9 series stand out from its competitors. So if you want to stay up to date and fully informed about the upcoming Google Pixel 9 devices, be sure to check out the linked video.

MAJOR PIXEL LEAKS: Pixel 9, 9 Pro, 9 Pro XL, FOLD 2 + more #TeamPixel #Google

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The release of the Google Pixel 9 series and the Pixel 9 Pro Fold is highly anticipated, and for good reason. The series brings exciting design changes such as a boxier style, flat side rails, flat rear glass, and a smaller pill-shaped camera module. These changes not only enhance the visual appeal of the devices but also contribute to an improved user experience. The series will also be available in different variants, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of users. From the base model to the more feature-rich Pro variants, there is a Pixel 9 device for everyone. The addition of the Tensor G4 chip further adds to the appeal of the series, with its rumored cooler operation and improved packaging. To stay updated on the latest news and updates from TeamPixel and Google, be sure to keep an eye out for future announcements. Exciting things are coming, and the Pixel 9 series is set to deliver a remarkable smartphone experience. So stay tuned!

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