Nova iPads su konačno stigla! Nakon otkrivanja na prošlonedeljnom „Let Loose“ Apple događaju, novi modeli iPad Pro i iPad Air lansirani su ovog tjedna zajedno sa Apple Pencil Pro olovkom i redizajniranim Magic Keyboard-om. Ovo su prva ažuriranja za Apple-ovu liniju iPada u preko 18 mjeseci. Ovog tjedna smo također vidjeli izlazak iOS 17.5 i pripadajućih ažuriranja operativnog sistema, dok je Apple najavio neke pametne nove značajke pristupačnosti koje stižu kasnije ove godine, kao i intrigantne glasine o liniji iPhone-a za 2025. Nastavite čitati za detalje o ovim pričama i više.

New iPads Launch

Apple recently launched new iPad Pro and iPad Air models, along with the Apple Pencil Pro and revamped Magic Keyboard. These new models bring significant updates to Apple’s iPad lineup after more than 18 months. The iPad Pro features a faster M4 chip, a brighter OLED display, and a thinner design compared to its predecessor.

Izvještaji: Lansi novih iPads, Apple pregleda značajke pristupačnosti iOS 18, i još

iPad Pro Features

The new iPad Pro boasts a variety of features that set it apart from previous models. Not only does it come equipped with a faster M4 chip for improved performance, but it also sports a brighter OLED display and a thinner design. The front camera and Face ID sensors on the iPad Pro have been relocated to the landscape edge of the device, providing a more user-friendly experience. Additionally, the new model is compatible with the redesigned Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil Pro, offering enhanced functionality for users.

iPad Air Updates

Alongside the iPad Pro, Apple also released the new M2 iPad Air. This mid-tier iPad model features a 13-inch size option and comes with the new M2 chip for improved performance. The relocated front camera on the iPad Air makes landscape orientation usage more convenient for users. Despite the new features, the M2 iPad Air is priced at least $400 cheaper than the M4 iPad Pro, offering a more budget-friendly option for consumers.

iOS 18 Accessibility Features

Apple has previewed a range of new accessibility features coming later this year with updates like iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS 15, and visionOS 2. These updates will be beneficial for users with different accessibility needs, enhancing their overall experience with Apple devices.

Izvještaji: Lansi novih iPads, Apple pregleda značajke pristupačnosti iOS 18, i još

Eye Tracking Technology

One notable feature previewed for iOS 18 is eye tracking, which will allow users to control their devices using eye movements. This feature can be particularly beneficial for individuals with physical disabilities, providing a more accessible way to interact with Apple devices.

Reduced Motion Sickness

Apple has also introduced visual cues in iOS 18 to help reduce motion sickness when using Apple devices in a moving vehicle. These visual cues aim to create a more comfortable user experience for individuals who may experience motion sickness while using their devices on the go.

iOS 17.5 Update

Apple released iOS 17.5 this week after several weeks of beta testing. The update brings a range of new features and changes to the iPhone, including enhanced support for item tracking alerts and a new Quartiles game for Apple News+ subscribers. Additionally, iOS 17.5 includes 15 security patches to address various vulnerabilities, emphasizing the importance of keeping devices updated for security purposes.

Izvještaji: Lansi novih iPads, Apple pregleda značajke pristupačnosti iOS 18, i još

Item Tracking Alerts

With iOS 17.5, Apple has expanded support for item tracking alerts, allowing users to receive notifications for their tracked items directly on their iPhones. This feature enhances the utility of item tracking services and provides users with more control over their belongings.

Quartiles Game

For Apple News+ subscribers, iOS 17.5 introduces a new game called Quartiles, offering an interactive and engaging experience for users. The game is designed to provide entertainment and enjoyment for Apple News+ subscribers, adding value to the subscription service.

Emulators on the App Store

Apple recently updated its guidelines to allow retro game emulators on the App Store, leading to the release of several popular emulators for consoles like the Game Boy, Nintendo 64, original PlayStation, and more. These emulators provide users with the opportunity to experience classic games on their iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV, bringing a nostalgic gaming experience to modern devices.

Izvještaji: Lansi novih iPads, Apple pregleda značajke pristupačnosti iOS 18, i još

Popular Emulators Available

Some of the popular emulators currently available on the App Store include Delta, RetroArch, and others. These emulators allow users to access a wide range of retro games from various consoles, adding a new dimension to the gaming experience on Apple devices.

By embracing retro game emulators, Apple is catering to a diverse audience of gamers who appreciate classic titles and want to relive nostalgic gaming moments on their modern devices. The availability of emulators on the App Store expands the gaming options for users and reflects Apple’s commitment to providing a versatile and inclusive platform for entertainment.

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