U ovotjednoj epizodi „The MacRumors Show“, jedan od autora aplikacije Workflow, Matthew Cassinelli, pridružuje nam se kako bi razgovarao o Apple Shortcuts i potencijalnim poboljšanjima i AI funkcijama koje dolaze u iOS 18. Workflow je bila jedinstvena iOS aplikacija koja je korisnicima omogućavala kreiranje makronaredbi za izvršavanje određenih uzastopnih zadataka na njihovom uređaju. Apple je 2017. godine kupio Workflow, a sljedeće godine je preimenovan u „Shortcuts“. Od tada su Shortcuts postali ključni dio Apple ekosistema i mogu se koristiti za razne snažne i automatizovane radnje. Matthew, koji je radio u Workflow timu tokom tranzicije u Apple, sada nudi vlastitu biblioteku složenih Shortcutsa, kojoj možete pristupiti na njegovoj web stranici. U nastavku raspetljavamo Apple Shortcuts za početnike, razmatramo mnoge primjene za tu aplikaciju i razmišljamo o budućnosti sa AI tehnologijom.

Matthew Cassinelli on Apple Shortcuts and iOS 18

In this article, we will explore the world of Apple Shortcuts and the potential improvements and AI features that are expected to come in iOS 18. We will also take a closer look at Matthew Cassinelli, one of the minds behind Workflow, who now offers his own library of complex Shortcuts. Additionally, we will discuss the background of Workflow’s acquisition by Apple, the power of Shortcuts, use-cases for Apple Shortcuts, and the future of Shortcuts with AI.

Background on Workflow and Shortcuts

Workflow was a unique iOS app that allowed users to create macros for executing specific sequential tasks on their device. In 2017, Apple acquired Workflow and rebranded it as „Shortcuts“ the following year. Shortcuts have since become a vital part of the Apple ecosystem, offering users the ability to automate a wide range of actions. This acquisition marked a turning point in the development of Shortcuts and set the stage for its future integration with Siri and AI capabilities.

The MacRumors Show: Apple Shortcuts and iOS 18 ft. Matthew Cassinelli

Workflow’s Acquisition by Apple

Apple’s acquisition of Workflow in 2017 signified the company’s recognition of the value and potential of automation tools on its devices. With this acquisition, Apple aimed to enhance the functionality of its iOS ecosystem by integrating sophisticated automation capabilities into its devices. The acquisition paved the way for the rebranding of Workflow as Shortcuts, which has become an integral part of the iOS experience.

The Power of Shortcuts

Shortcuts empower users to streamline their workflows and automate repetitive tasks on their Apple devices. With Shortcuts, users can create a sequence of actions that can be triggered with a single command or tap, saving time and effort. Shortcuts can be created for a wide range of tasks, from simple actions like sending a text message to complex actions that involve multiple apps and services. This power and versatility make Shortcuts an essential tool for boosting productivity and efficiency on iOS devices.

The MacRumors Show: Apple Shortcuts and iOS 18 ft. Matthew Cassinelli

Matthew Cassinelli’s Library of Shortcuts

Matthew Cassinelli, a former member of the Workflow team, now offers his own library of complex Shortcuts. These Shortcuts are designed to automate various tasks and streamline workflows for iOS users. Cassinelli’s expertise in automation and his deep understanding of the capabilities of Shortcuts make his library a valuable resource for those looking to harness the full potential of the app.

AI Features Coming to Siri and Shortcuts in iOS 18

According to a report from The Information, iOS 18 is expected to introduce significant AI features to Siri and the Shortcuts app. Apple intends to enhance Siri’s capabilities to enable users to automate complex, multi-step tasks through voice commands. The integration of AI into Siri is expected to deepen its integration with Shortcuts, potentially allowing Siri to assist users in building their own shortcuts. These AI features have the potential to revolutionize the way users interact with their iOS devices and further enhance the power of Shortcuts.

Exploring Apple Shortcuts for Beginners

For beginners looking to dive into the world of Apple Shortcuts, there are numerous resources available to help you get started. Apple provides a comprehensive guide to Shortcuts on its website, offering step-by-step instructions and examples to help users understand the basics of creating and using Shortcuts. Additionally, Matthew Cassinelli’s library of Shortcuts serves as an excellent resource for beginners, providing pre-built Shortcuts that can be easily customized and deployed.

Use-Cases for Apple Shortcuts

The use-cases for Apple Shortcuts are virtually limitless. From automating simple daily tasks like sending a message or checking the weather to creating complex workflows that involve multiple apps and services, Shortcuts can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency. Some common use-cases for Shortcuts include automating social media posting, controlling smart home devices, tracking expenses, and even creating personalized workout routines. The flexibility and customizability of Shortcuts make them a valuable tool for both personal and professional use.

The Future of Apple Shortcuts with AI

With the expected AI features coming to Siri and Shortcuts in iOS 18, the future of Apple Shortcuts looks promising. The integration of AI capabilities into Shortcuts has the potential to revolutionize the way users interact with their iOS devices and open up new possibilities for automation and productivity. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more sophisticated and intelligent automation features in future iterations of Shortcuts.


Apple Shortcuts and the impending AI features in iOS 18 represent a significant advancement in automation and productivity on iOS devices. The acquisition of Workflow by Apple laid the foundation for Shortcuts to become an essential part of the iOS ecosystem. With Matthew Cassinelli’s library of Shortcuts and the diverse use-cases for the app, users have the tools they need to streamline their workflows and automate repetitive tasks. As AI technology continues to evolve, the future of Shortcuts looks promising, with the potential to further enhance the power and versatility of automation on iOS devices.

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