Šta očekivati od macOS 15? Kada se WWDC 2024 održi u junu, Apple će predstaviti sledeću generaciju macOS-a, macOS 15. Iako su najveće glasine o budućem softveru usmerene na iOS, macOS i iOS često dele mnoge funkcije, tako da imamo neku predstavu o tome šta nas očekuje u macOS-u. Apple radi na dodavanju nekoliko funkcija usmerenih na veštačku inteligenciju svojim nadogradnjama operativnih sistema, mnoge od kojih će verovatno biti prikladne za više platformi. Očekuje se da će veštačka inteligencija poboljšati Siri, kao i dodatno integrisanje sa aplikacijom Shortcuts koja će omogućiti korisnicima automatizaciju složenih zadataka koji uključuju više aplikacija. Takođe, postoje glasine o tome da bi Apple mogao koristiti generativnu veštačku inteligenciju za nove funkcionalnosti. Pored toga, macOS 15 mogao bi doneti i druge novine kao što su poboljšanja pristupačnosti, mogućnost selektovanja određenih delova unutar aplikacija i nadogradnje aplikacije Maps. Očekuje se da će macOS 15 biti predstavljen na WWDC 2024, a zatim će biti dostupan za javno korišćenje u jesen.

Šta očekivati od macOS 15

AI Features

Apple is set to introduce a range of AI-centric features in the upcoming macOS 15 update. These features are expected to be available across various Apple devices, including iOS. Some of the anticipated AI features include AI-generated Apple Music playlists, AI-assisted writing in Pages, AI-assisted slide deck creation in Keynote, and AI code writing features in Xcode. Additionally, Siri will see improvements and deeper integration with Shortcuts.

Siri is expected to benefit greatly from AI improvements. Rumors suggest that the personal assistant will become better at natural conversation and user personalization. This functionality is expected to be available across all devices. Apple is working on enhancing the interaction between Siri and the Messages app, enabling features such as auto-completing sentences and following multi-part, complex commands. The integration with the Shortcuts app could allow users to automate complex tasks that involve multiple apps. There is also speculation about the potential inclusion of a chatbot based on generative AI, with rumors suggesting a possible partnership with Google or OpenAI for language models.

Other New Additions

Aside from AI features, macOS 15 is expected to introduce several other enhancements and additions. These include Accessibility improvements, the Freeform Scenes feature, and enhancements to the Maps app.

Accessibility improvements will include an Adaptive Voice Shortcuts feature that allows users to create custom phrases and link them to specific accessibility settings. Additionally, Live Speech organization will be enhanced with user-created categories for improved accessibility.

The Freeform Scenes feature aims to enhance navigation and sharing within boards. Users will be able to select specific sections or scenes within their boards, enabling faster navigation and sharing of content.

The Maps app is expected to receive support for creating custom routes, allowing users to plan their own personalized navigation experiences. Furthermore, the introduction of topographic maps will enhance the app’s overall functionality and provide users with more detailed geographical information.


Since 2013, Apple has been using California landmark names for its Mac operating system releases, and it is expected to continue this tradition with macOS 15. Some possible names for macOS 15 could include Redwood, Grizzly, Sequoia, Mammoth, Pacific, Rincon, Farallon, Miramar, Condor, Diablo, and Shasta. These names have been trademarked by Apple and could potentially be used as the official name for the latest macOS release. However, Apple also has the flexibility to choose a non-trademarked name, as it has done in the past.

Previous macOS releases have been named after California landmarks, including Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, and Sonoma. These names reflect Apple’s commitment to capturing the essence of California and its natural wonders in its operating system updates.

Release Date

macOS 15 will be previewed at the WWDC 2024 keynote on June 10th. Following the preview, the first beta version will be made available to developers on the same day. It is expected that a public beta version will follow in the summer, giving users the opportunity to try out the new features and provide feedback.

The public launch of macOS 15 is anticipated to take place in the fall, with a likely release window in September or October. This timeline is based on previous macOS release patterns, which typically see new versions introduced in the fall.

Šta očekivati od macOS 15

Read More

For more information on what to expect from macOS 15, stay updated with our macOS 15 roundup on MacRumors.com. We will provide comprehensive coverage before and after WWDC, ensuring you have all the latest news and insights into the features and improvements that macOS 15 has to offer.

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