Sonos, poznata kompanija za zvučnike, planira proširenje svog asortimana proizvoda i ulazak na tržište konkurentno sa Apple uređajima, prema novom izvještaju sa Bloomberg-a. Njihov plan uključuje lansiranje visokokvalitetnih slušalica koje će se takmičiti sa AirPods Max, kao i set-top boxa koji će biti sličan Apple TV-u. Slušalice će biti dostupne u crnoj i bijeloj boji i imati će brojne funkcije kao što su glasovno upravljanje i sinhronizacija sa Sonos zvučnicima. Cijena ovih slušalica će se kretati između 400 i 500 dolara, kako bi bila u rangu cijene AirPods Max-a i drugih popularnih brendova. Očekuje se da će slušalice biti dostupne već u aprilu 2024. godine. Također, Sonos planira razvoj seta in-ear slušalica sličnih AirPods-u, dok će set-top box podržavati Dolby Atmos i Dolby Vision, a također će nuditi aplikacije i streaming servise kao i ostali slični uređaji. Kompanija je također u razvoju novih pojačala, zvučnika i sound barova za profesionalnu instalaciju, kao i za potrošače. Svojim novim proizvodima, Sonos planira privući i zadovoljiti korisnike, a očekuje se da će generisati više od 100 miliona dolara prihoda od novih proizvoda tokom 2024. godine.

Sonos to Launch Headphones and Set-Top Box

Popular speaker company Sonos is expanding its product lineup to compete with Apple devices. According to a report from Bloomberg, Sonos plans to enter several new markets, including the launch of over-ear headphones and a set-top streaming box.

Upcoming Over-Ear Headphones

Sonos is set to release over-ear headphones that will directly compete with Apple’s AirPods Max. The headphones will be available in black and white and will offer features such as voice control navigation and synchronization with Sonos speakers, soundbars, and subwoofers. Sonos aims to price its headphones in the range of $400 to $500, which aligns with the price point of the AirPods Max and other competing headphones from brands like Sony and Bose.

Emphasis on Customization and Sound Fine-Tuning

While Sonos is not planning to introduce a more technical feature set compared to Apple, it focuses on customization and sound fine-tuning. The company will offer a „Passport“ app that allows users to customize and fine-tune the sound according to their preferences. Sonos has been working on these headphones for several years, and they are expected to be available as early as April 2024. Additionally, Sonos is also considering the development of earbuds that would be similar to Apple’s AirPods.

Expected Release Date

Sonos plans to release the over-ear headphones in April 2024, providing consumers with a premium audio option that competes with Apple and other established brands in the headphone market.

Introduction of Set-Top Streaming Box

Sonos aims to enter the set-top streaming box market, similar to Apple TV. This device will serve as a hub for Sonos audio equipment and will support Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision, providing an immersive audiovisual experience for users. The set-top box will offer a variety of apps and streaming services, similar to existing options in the market.

Development of Android-Based Operating System

For the set-top streaming box, Sonos is developing an Android-based operating system. This will provide users with a familiar interface and access to a wide range of apps and services. The operating system will be optimized for Sonos audio equipment and will offer seamless integration and control.

Price Range and Negotiations with Cable Companies

Sonos is reportedly aiming to price the set-top box in the range of $150 to $200, offering a competitive option compared to existing set-top boxes in the market. The company is also in talks with cable companies to explore the possibility of offering live television content through the set-top box, providing users with a comprehensive entertainment solution.

Possibility of Sonos Video Service

In addition to live television offerings, Sonos is considering the development of its own video service. This would give users access to a curated selection of video content, further enhancing the entertainment capabilities of the set-top box.

Sonos planira lansirati slušalice i set-top box u vrijednosti od 400 dolara i više, takmičeći se sa Apple uređajima

Development of Amplifiers and In-Ceiling Speakers

Sonos is expanding its offerings for professional installers by developing new amplifiers and in-ceiling speakers. These products are specifically targeted at professional installers who require high-quality audio equipment for commercial installations.

Version of Era 100 Speakers for Businesses

To meet the needs of businesses, Sonos plans to release a version of the Era 100 speakers tailored for commercial use. This will provide businesses with a premium audio solution that integrates seamlessly with Sonos’ ecosystem of products.

Sonos planira lansirati slušalice i set-top box u vrijednosti od 400 dolara i više, takmičeći se sa Apple uređajima

High-End TV Sound Bar Update

Sonos is also working on enhancing its high-end TV sound bar, the Arc. While specific details about the updates are not mentioned, customers can expect improvements to the sound quality, connectivity options, and overall user experience.

New Version of the Sub

In sync with the set-top streaming box, Sonos is developing a new version of the Sub. This updated Sub will seamlessly integrate with the set-top box, providing users with enhanced bass performance and an immersive audio experience.

Sonos planira lansirati slušalice i set-top box u vrijednosti od 400 dolara i više, takmičeći se sa Apple uređajima

Updated Roam Speaker

Sonos is also planning to release an updated version of its portable speaker, the Roam. The improvements to the Roam speaker will enhance its portability, durability, and audio performance, making it an ideal choice for users who want to enjoy Sonos’ audio quality on the go.

Sonos’ CEO Plans to Enter New Product Category

Sonos’ CEO, Patrick Spence, has confirmed the company’s plans to enter a new product category. These new products will complement Sonos’ existing lineup and aim to delight customers while also driving revenue. Sonos expects to generate more than $100 million from the sales of these new products in 2024.

As Sonos expands its product offerings, customers can look forward to a wider range of premium audio solutions that compete with Apple and other established brands in the market. Whether it’s headphones, a set-top streaming box, or other audio equipment, Sonos continues to prioritize innovation and customer satisfaction.

Sonos planira lansirati slušalice i set-top box u vrijednosti od 400 dolara i više, takmičeći se sa Apple uređajima

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