Prema izvještaju Marka Gurmala za „Bloomberg“, Apple planira lansirati nove modele iPad Air, iPad Pro i MacBook Air u proljeće ove godine. Na temelju ovog vremenskog okvira, uređaji bi mogli biti pušteni u prodaju već u ožujku ili travnju. Nakon što se uređaji lansiraju, pažnja će se preusmjeriti na Appleov tradicionalni developerski konferenciju WWDC u lipnju. Ovaj članak sumira nagađanja o glasinama i očekivanjima vezanim za ove nadolazeće uređaje, uključujući povećanje performansi, redizajnirane kamere, bežično punjenje i podršku za Wi-Fi 6E. Također, spominje se da će sljedeći iPad Pro biti opremljen OLED zaslonima, dok će MacBook Air dobiti podršku za M3 čip i unaprijeđenu grafiku.

iPad Air

The iPad Air is anticipated to come in two sizes: 10.9-inch and 12.9-inch displays. These larger screen options provide users with a more immersive viewing experience and increased productivity capabilities.

Rumored features for the next iPad Air models include the use of Apple’s M2 chip, which will deliver faster performance compared to previous models. Furthermore, a redesigned rear camera bump is expected for improved photography and videography capabilities. In terms of connectivity, the next iPad Air is expected to support Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.3, providing users with faster internet speeds and improved wireless connectivity for peripheral devices. It is important to note that no major external design changes are anticipated for the next iPad Air.

The current fifth-generation iPad Air, which features the M1 chip, was released in March 2022. The new iPad Air models are expected to build upon the success of their predecessor by offering enhanced performance and features to meet the demands of modern users.

Novi iPad Air, iPad Pro i MacBook Air modeli vjerovatno dolaze u martu ili aprilu

iPad Pro

The upcoming iPad Pro models are highly anticipated to be the first iPads equipped with OLED displays. OLED technology brings significant advantages, including increased brightness, higher contrast ratio, and lower power consumption. These OLED displays have already been successfully implemented in the latest iPhone and Apple Watch models, demonstrating improved visual quality and energy efficiency.

The switch to OLED displays may result in a higher price point for the next iPad Pro models. However, customers can expect a more vibrant and immersive viewing experience that showcases the full potential of OLED technology.

iPad Pro models released in 2017 and later incorporate ProMotion technology, offering a variable refresh rate between 24Hz and 120Hz. The shift to OLED displays is expected to further improve the refresh rate capability, enabling the screen to drop down to 10Hz or lower. This enhancement saves battery life while maintaining a smooth and responsive user experience. Users can also look forward to an always-on display mode, which allows the screen to reach refresh rates as low as 1Hz, similar to the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro models.

Other rumored features for the next iPad Pro include the use of Apple’s latest M3 chip, which will deliver even faster performance compared to previous models. Additionally, the inclusion of MagSafe wireless charging and a redesigned Magic Keyboard with a larger trackpad and an aluminum top casing are also anticipated. Apple may consider making changes to the rear camera bump for the iPad Pro models, further enhancing their photography and videography capabilities.

The current iPad Pro models, featuring the M2 chip, were released in October 2022. The upcoming iPad Pro models are expected to push the boundaries of performance and innovation, catering to professionals and creatives who demand the best from their devices.

Novi iPad Air, iPad Pro i MacBook Air modeli vjerovatno dolaze u martu ili aprilu

MacBook Air

Apple is planning to release multiple models of the MacBook Air, all featuring the M3 chip, in the coming months. It is worth noting that this release strategy differs from previous years when the 13-inch and 15-inch models were launched separately. This indicates that the next MacBook Air models will likely be released simultaneously, providing customers with more options to meet their specific needs.

The integration of the M3 chip in the next MacBook Air models will bring hardware-accelerated ray tracing and mesh shading, resulting in improved graphics rendering capabilities. This upgrade enhances the performance of graphics-intensive tasks, including gaming, by delivering more accurate lighting, reflections, and shadows. Apple has already implemented the M3 chip in other devices, such as the 14-inch MacBook Pro, 16-inch MacBook Pro, and 24-inch iMac, showcasing its power and efficiency.

While no major design changes are expected for the MacBook Air this year, users can anticipate the addition of Wi-Fi 6E support. This feature ensures faster and more reliable wireless connectivity, providing users with seamless internet access and improved performance for online activities.

The current 13-inch MacBook Air was last updated in July 2022, while the first-ever 15-inch MacBook Air was released in June 2023. The upcoming MacBook Air models, equipped with the M3 chip, will build upon the success of their predecessors, delivering enhanced performance and capabilities for both casual users and professionals alike.

In conclusion, Apple’s upcoming lineup of iPad Air, iPad Pro, and MacBook Air models promises to deliver significant improvements in performance, display quality, and connectivity. These new devices are expected to cater to a wide range of users, from casual consumers to creative professionals. With a rumored release in March or April, customers can look forward to experiencing the latest advancements in Apple’s technology and computing capabilities.

Novi iPad Air, iPad Pro i MacBook Air modeli vjerovatno dolaze u martu ili aprilu

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