Netflix više ne dopušta pretplatnicima da plaćaju putem Appleove App Store aplikacije. Iako je Netflix već 2018. godine prestao da omogućava pretplatu na svoju uslugu putem Apple uređaja, omogućio je korisnicima koji su već bili pretplaćeni na taj način da nastave koristiti kupovinu putem aplikacije. Međutim, plaćanje putem Appleove platforme će uskoro prestati jer Netflix ne želi nastaviti plaćati Appleu 15 posto provizije od tih pretplata. Na stranici za korisnike Netflix-a u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama sada piše da će „neki“ korisnici biti zamoljeni da dodaju novi način plaćanja. Iako nije jasno za koje zemlje se ova nova politika Netflix-a primjenjuje, vjerovatno se odnosi na korisnike u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama.

Netflix više ne dopušta pretplatnicima da plaćaju putem Appleove App Store aplikacije


In recent news, it has been announced that Netflix subscribers who currently pay for their monthly fees through the App Store in-app purchase system will soon be required to add a new payment method in order to keep their accounts active. This change comes after Netflix stopped allowing new subscriptions through iOS devices back in 2018. Although existing subscribers were still able to use in-app purchase to pay, Netflix has now decided to cease payment through Apple’s platform altogether. The main reason behind this change is Netflix’s desire to avoid paying Apple’s 15 percent cut of those subscription fees.

Reason for Change

The decision to remove the in-app purchase payment method stems from Netflix’s reluctance to continue paying Apple a significant portion of its revenue. By eliminating this payment option, Netflix will be able to avoid incurring additional expenses associated with Apple’s cut. This move is consistent with the company’s continued efforts to maximize its revenues and reduce unnecessary costs.

Netflix više ne dopušta pretplatnicima da plaćaju putem Appleove App Store aplikacije

New Payment Method

As Netflix implements this change, customers in „some“ countries will need to add a new payment method to ensure the uninterrupted continuation of their subscriptions. Although it is unclear which specific countries this policy applies to, since the announcement was made on the U.S. Netflix support site, it is highly likely that these changes primarily affect customers in the United States. Netflix has yet to release detailed information regarding the specific countries impacted by this policy change.

Number of Subscribers

Currently, there is no available data regarding the number of Netflix subscribers who are still using the in-app purchase payment method via the App Store. It has been nearly six years since Netflix removed the option to subscribe through iOS devices in 2018. Over this period, it is assumed that most subscribers have transitioned to other payment methods. Nevertheless, the exact number of subscribers still utilizing in-app purchase remains unknown.

Netflix više ne dopušta pretplatnicima da plaćaju putem Appleove App Store aplikacije

Subscription Process on Apple Devices

For customers using Apple devices, such as iPhones and iPads, a new subscription can now only be obtained directly through the Netflix website. The Netflix app no longer offers the option to subscribe and will instead open directly to a sign-in screen. Customers are required to sign up for a new subscription by visiting the Netflix website using their Apple devices. This change ensures that all subscription payments are made directly to Netflix, bypassing the App Store and Apple’s payment processing system.

Previous Assurance

Initially, when Netflix removed the option to pay through in-app purchases, it assured customers that those currently using this billing method would still be able to utilize it until they cancelled their accounts. However, the recent decision to stop accepting App Store payments indicates a significant shift in Netflix’s policy. This change suggests that Netflix has now implemented a stricter stance on the in-app purchase payment method and is no longer providing indefinite support for its usage.

Implications for Netflix

By eliminating the option to pay through the App Store, Netflix aims to avoid additional expenses associated with Apple’s 15 percent cut of subscription fees. This move allows Netflix to increase direct subscriptions through its own website, giving the company more control over its payment processes. In turn, Netflix can allocate these funds towards enhancing its content library, improving its technology infrastructure, and providing a better streaming experience for its subscribers.

User Experience

As a result of this change, affected Netflix subscribers will need to add a new payment method to continue their subscriptions. While this may cause some inconvenience and confusion for those utilizing the in-app purchase method, Netflix is taking proactive measures to inform and guide its customers through this transition. With clear communication and easy-to-follow instructions, Netflix aims to minimize any disruptions to the user experience and ensure a seamless transition to the new payment process.

Global Impact

The global extent of this policy change still remains uncertain. While the announcement was made on the U.S. Netflix support site, it is unclear whether this change will also be implemented for subscribers in other countries. As Netflix operates worldwide and offers its services to millions of subscribers, any future expansion of this policy change may have a significant impact on Netflix subscribers worldwide.


In summary, Netflix has made the decision to discontinue allowing subscribers to pay for their subscriptions through Apple’s App Store payment method. This change comes as Netflix aims to avoid paying Apple’s 15 percent cut of subscription fees and seeks to increase direct subscriptions through its own website. While this change may require affected subscribers to add a new payment method, Netflix is committed to ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining a positive user experience. It is crucial for subscribers to understand the new payment process to avoid any interruptions to their Netflix subscriptions.

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