EAST SHORE je jedinstvena ekskluziva KALTBLUT magazina koja predstavlja konceptualnu umjetničku seriju fotografija. Uz pomoć fotografije, videa, ilustracije i stilizacije, EAST SHORE pruža jedinstveno iskustvo koje vas vodi na putovanje u vašu unutarnju prirodu. Fotograf Mattia de Benedictis, dizajnerica Glenda Trubiano i stilistica Emanuela Picchini udružili su snage kako bi stvorili ovu nevjerojatnu vizualnu priču, dok model Yordi Santiago Garavaglia nastupa kao protagonista. Ova jedinstvena kolekcija prikazuje balans između čekanja i preuzimanja rizika, kao i pronalazak vlastitog identiteta u svijetu koji se konstantno mijenja.

EAST SHORE - Jedinstvena ekskluziva KALTBLUT magazina

EAST SHORE – Jedinstvena ekskluziva KALTBLUT magazina

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EAST SHORE - Jedinstvena ekskluziva KALTBLUT magazina


Culture plays a vital role in shaping our society and influencing our perspectives. It encompasses various aspects of human life, including art, fashion, music, and more. In recent years, Amsterdam’s nightlife scene has undergone a remarkable transformation, moving beyond hedonism and embracing deeper cultural experiences. From raves to resistance, the city’s nightlife has evolved into a platform for self-expression and social change.

From Raves to Resistance: Amsterdam’s nightlife is moving beyond hedonism

Amsterdam has long been known for its vibrant and euphoric nightlife scene, with its world-renowned clubs and festivals attracting party-goers from around the globe. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in the city’s nightlife culture. While the hedonistic elements still remain, a new wave of events and initiatives has emerged, focusing on art, activism, and social consciousness.

These gatherings are not mere parties; they are platforms for artists, activists, and community members to come together and explore issues beyond the dance floor. From art exhibitions and panel discussions to workshops and performances, Amsterdam’s nightlife is now a space for creatives to express their views on social, political, and environmental matters.

One notable example is the rise of queer and feminist parties, which have become increasingly popular in Amsterdam’s club scene. These events provide a safe and inclusive space for marginalized communities to celebrate their identities and promote visibility and acceptance. Additionally, they often collaborate with local organizations and initiatives to raise awareness and funds for various causes.

Amsterdam’s nightlife scene is also embracing sustainability and conscious consumption. Many venues and promoters are implementing eco-friendly practices, such as reducing plastic waste, promoting responsible drug use, and supporting local and ethical fashion brands. By prioritizing sustainability, the city’s nightlife is not only providing a platform for expression but also taking steps towards a more environmentally friendly future.

Overall, Amsterdam’s nightlife is becoming a hub for cultural exploration and social change. Through a combination of art, activism, and conscious partying, the city is redefining the meaning and purpose of nightlife. By moving beyond hedonism, Amsterdam is proving that nightlife can be a powerful tool for societal transformation.

DRAG RACE GERMANY Celebrates Grand World Premiere in Berlin

Drag culture has gained significant visibility and popularity worldwide in recent years, and Germany is no exception. The grand world premiere of Drag Race Germany in Berlin is a testament to the country’s vibrant drag scene and its growing influence in the global drag community.

The event, held in Berlin, brought together drag queens from across Germany to compete for the coveted title of Germany’s Next Drag Superstar. With their impeccable makeup skills, extravagant outfits, and awe-inspiring performances, these drag queens showcased the artistry and creativity that define the world of drag.

Drag Race Germany not only celebrates the talent and diversity of German drag performers but also provides a platform for LGBTQ+ representation and advocacy. By bringing drag to mainstream media, the show challenges societal norms and promotes inclusivity. It offers a space for the LGBTQ+ community to express themselves and be celebrated for their unique talents.

The grand world premiere of Drag Race Germany in Berlin signifies the growing acceptance and appreciation of drag culture in Germany and beyond. It showcases the power of drag as a form of art, entertainment, and activism, and demonstrates the impact it can have on society.


As a platform that explores various aspects of modern culture, KALTBLUT Magazine covers a wide range of issues. These issues address important societal topics and provide insightful perspectives on current events. From politics and social justice to environmental concerns and mental health, KALTBLUT Magazine aims to initiate conversations and raise awareness about the most pressing issues of our time.

EAST SHORE - Jedinstvena ekskluziva KALTBLUT magazina


KALTBLUT Magazine features artists, designers, musicians, and other creatives who are making a significant impact in their respective fields. Through in-depth interviews, photo shoots, and profiles, the magazine highlights the stories and accomplishments of these individuals, offering readers an inside look into their creative processes and inspirations.

The features section of KALTBLUT Magazine serves as a platform for artists to share their work, express their visions, and connect with a larger audience. By showcasing emerging talents alongside established names, the magazine celebrates creativity in all its forms and encourages readers to explore the diverse world of contemporary art, fashion, and music.


KALTBLUT Magazine keeps readers up to date with the latest cultural events, from fashion shows and music festivals to art exhibitions and film screenings. By providing comprehensive coverage of these events, the magazine allows readers to stay informed about the most exciting happenings in the world of culture.

Whether it’s a behind-the-scenes glimpse into a fashion week or a review of a groundbreaking exhibition, KALTBLUT Magazine aims to bring readers closer to the cultural events that shape our society. By attending and reporting on these events, the magazine contributes to the promotion and recognition of talented artists, designers, and performers.

EAST SHORE - Jedinstvena ekskluziva KALTBLUT magazina


The advertorial section of KALTBLUT Magazine features curated content from brands and companies that align with the magazine’s values and aesthetics. These advertorials blend seamlessly with the overall content of the magazine, providing readers with valuable information about products, services, and experiences that resonate with their interests.

KALTBLUT Magazine ensures that the advertorial content is carefully selected to maintain the integrity and quality of the publication. By partnering with brands that share their vision, the magazine offers readers a curated shopping experience and introduces them to unique and innovative offerings.


In conclusion, KALTBLUT Magazine’s comprehensive coverage of art, fashion, music, and culture provides readers with a rich and diverse understanding of the contemporary cultural landscape. From Amsterdam’s evolving nightlife scene to the grand world premiere of Drag Race Germany in Berlin, the magazine explores the most exciting and impactful events, issues, and features in the world of culture.

With a professional tone and a second-person point of view, KALTBLUT Magazine engages readers and invites them to be a part of the ever-evolving world of art, fashion, music, and culture. By highlighting the voices and perspectives of artists, designers, musicians, and other creatives, the magazine celebrates their contributions and inspires readers to embrace their own creativity and passions.

EAST SHORE - Jedinstvena ekskluziva KALTBLUT magazina

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