Apple danas ažurira svoju uslugu igranja Apple Arcade sa nekoliko novih naslova, uključujući Disney Dreamlight Valley, Puzzle & Dragons Story i Sonic Dream Team. Disney Dreamlight Valley je simulacija života sa Disney likovima, a ranije je bio dostupan na konzolnim platformama. Apple Arcade verzija igre uključuje osnovnu verziju i plaćeni dodatak A Rift in Time. Apple Arcade verzija igre nema mogućnosti kupovine u aplikaciji i stoga ne uključuje sezonske pakete Star Path ili Premium Shop. Sonic Dream Team je trkačka igra sa popularnim Sonic likovima, dok je Puzzle & Dragons Story RPG avanturistička utakmica-3 igra. Turmoil+ je simulacija lov na naftu u kojem igrači kopaju naftu kako bi zaradili novac i razvijali obližnji grad. Ove igre su najavljene u novembru i dolaze nakon povećanja cene Apple Arcade usluge u oktobru. Apple Arcade sada košta 6,99 dolara mesečno u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Apple Arcade igre su besplatne i ne sadrže kupovine unutar aplikacije i reklame.

Apple Arcade dodaje Disney Dreamlight Valley, Puzzle  Dragons Story i Sonic Dream Team

Disney Dreamlight Valley


Disney Dreamlight Valley is a life simulation game that features beloved Disney characters. This game was previously available on console platforms and has now made its way to Apple Arcade. The Apple Arcade version includes the base game as well as the A Rift in Time expansion, which is a paid option on other platforms.


The Apple Arcade version of Disney Dreamlight Valley offers several features that make it a unique and enjoyable gaming experience. One of the standout features is the inclusion of Disney characters, allowing players to interact with their favorite animated icons. The game also includes the A Rift in Time expansion, which adds additional content and gameplay options for players to explore.

In addition, the Apple Arcade version of Disney Dreamlight Valley does not have in-app purchases. This means that players can enjoy the full game without the need to spend additional money on virtual items or upgrades. The absence of in-app purchases also means that the game does not include Star Path seasons or the Premium Shop, which are available in other versions of the game.

Puzzle & Dragons Story


Puzzle & Dragons Story is an RPG adventure match-3 game that is now available on Apple Arcade. This game offers a unique blend of puzzle gameplay and storytelling, creating an immersive and engaging experience for players.


The Apple Arcade version of Puzzle & Dragons Story includes a variety of features that set it apart from other similar games. The game combines traditional match-3 puzzle mechanics with RPG elements, allowing players to unlock new characters and abilities as they progress through the story. Players can also engage in strategic battles, utilizing their puzzle-solving skills to defeat enemies and progress in the game.

Like all Apple Arcade games, Puzzle & Dragons Story does not include in-app purchases. This means that players can fully enjoy the game without the need to spend additional money on virtual items or enhancements. The absence of in-app purchases also ensures that the game is free from ads, providing a seamless and uninterrupted gaming experience.

Apple Arcade dodaje Disney Dreamlight Valley, Puzzle  Dragons Story i Sonic Dream Team

Sonic Dream Team


Sonic Dream Team is a thrilling racing game that features popular characters from the Sonic franchise. This game is now available on Apple Arcade, allowing players to experience the fast-paced action and excitement of Sonic’s world.


The Apple Arcade version of Sonic Dream Team offers a range of exciting features that make it a must-play for fans of racing games and the Sonic franchise. Players can choose from a variety of iconic Sonic characters, each with their own unique abilities and racing style. The game features exhilarating tracks, challenging opponents, and power-ups that can be used to gain an edge in races.

Similar to other Apple Arcade games, Sonic Dream Team does not include in-app purchases. This means that players can fully enjoy the game without the need to spend additional money on virtual items or upgrades. Additionally, the absence of in-app purchases ensures that the game is free from ads, providing a seamless and immersive gaming experience.



Turmoil+ is an oil rush simulation game that tasks players with digging oil to make money and grow the nearby town. This game is now available on Apple Arcade, offering a unique and engaging gameplay experience for players.


The Apple Arcade version of Turmoil+ includes a range of features that make it a captivating and challenging game. Players must strategically manage their resources, invest in equipment, and make decisions that will impact the success of their oil drilling operations. As the game progresses, players can unlock new upgrades and technologies that will help them expand their oil empire and increase their profits.

As with all Apple Arcade games, Turmoil+ does not include in-app purchases. This means that players can fully enjoy the game without the need to spend additional money on virtual items or enhancements. The absence of in-app purchases also ensures that the game is free from ads, providing an uninterrupted and immersive gaming experience.

Apple Arcade dodaje Disney Dreamlight Valley, Puzzle  Dragons Story i Sonic Dream Team

Games Announced in November

In November, Apple announced several new games that would be coming to Apple Arcade. These games included the newly added titles, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Puzzle & Dragons Story, Sonic Dream Team, and Turmoil+. The announcement generated excitement among gamers, as it showcased the diverse range of genres and gameplay experiences available on Apple Arcade.

Apple Arcade Price Increase

In October, Apple increased the price of its Apple Arcade gaming service. The monthly subscription cost was raised from $4.99 to $6.99 in the United States. While the price increase was met with some criticism, Apple emphasized that the additional revenue would allow developers to create more high-quality games for the platform.

Apple Arcade dodaje Disney Dreamlight Valley, Puzzle  Dragons Story i Sonic Dream Team

Apple Arcade


Apple Arcade is a subscription-based gaming service offered by Apple. It provides users with access to a wide range of premium games that can be played on various Apple devices. The service offers a curated collection of games from renowned developers, ensuring a high-quality gaming experience for subscribers.


As mentioned earlier, Apple Arcade now costs $6.99 per month in the United States. This subscription fee grants unlimited access to all the games available in the Apple Arcade library. Subscribers can enjoy a wide range of genres, including action, adventure, puzzle, racing, and more, without the need to purchase individual games.

In-App Purchases and Ads

One of the standout features of Apple Arcade is the absence of in-app purchases and ads. All games available on the platform are free from these monetization methods, ensuring a fair and uninterrupted gaming experience for subscribers. This means that players can fully enjoy the games without the need to spend additional money on virtual items or encounter disruptive advertisements.


The addition of Disney Dreamlight Valley, Puzzle & Dragons Story, Sonic Dream Team, and Turmoil+ to Apple Arcade further expands the already impressive lineup of games available on the platform. These new titles offer a diverse range of genres and gameplay experiences, catering to the preferences of a wide audience of gamers.

With its increased price, Apple Arcade remains a compelling choice for gaming enthusiasts who seek a premium gaming experience without the hassle of in-app purchases and ads. The subscription fee grants unlimited access to an ever-growing library of high-quality games, ensuring hours of entertainment and immersive gameplay.

As Apple continues to invest in expanding its gaming service, Apple Arcade is poised to become a dominant player in the gaming industry, offering a curated selection of games that cater to a wide range of gaming preferences.

Apple Arcade dodaje Disney Dreamlight Valley, Puzzle  Dragons Story i Sonic Dream Team


  • „Apple Arcade Gains Disney Dreamlight Valley, Puzzle & Dragons Story, and Sonic Dream Team“ – MacRumors
  • Apple Arcade – Apple
  • November Game Announcement – Apple
  • Apple Services Price Increases – MacRumors

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