Upravo je završen kvartalni sastanak tvrtke Apple za prvi financijski kvartal 2024. godine (četvrti kalendarski kvartal 2023.), na kojem su direktor tvrtke Apple, Tim Cook, i financijski direktor Luca Maestri predstavili detalje o performansama tvrtke Apple, nedavno ostvarenim prodajama proizvoda, rastu usluga i još mnogo toga. U članku su naglašeni najzanimljiviji zaključci sa ovog sastanka. Maestri i Cook su odgovorili na pitanje o mogućim ekonomskim rezultatima promjena koje se provode na App Storeu u Europskoj uniji, dok su dodatno raspravljali o viziji Pro aplikacija i umjetnoj inteligenciji. Također su istaknuli rekordne rezultate u kategoriji Usluge, ali i pad prihoda u kategoriji Nosivi uređaji, Kuća i Pribor te prodaji Mac računala i iPada. Ovo je sažetak ključnih informacija koje ćemo detaljnije istražiti u nastavku članka.

Pregled zaključaka Apple-ovog sastanka o financijskom izvješću Q1 2024.

EU App Ecosystem Changes

During the earnings call, Apple CEO Tim Cook and CFO Luca Maestri discussed the economic results of the changes happening in the European Union’s App Store ecosystem. Maestri stated that only seven percent of Apple’s global App Store revenue comes from the EU. Cook added that it is currently impossible to determine the impact of these changes because it is difficult to predict the choices of both customers and developers.

Both Cook and Maestri emphasized Apple’s focus on privacy, security, and usability. Cook mentioned that while Apple has made efforts to provide what customers love about their ecosystem, they may fall short of the maximum amount they could supply due to the need to comply with regulations.

Vision Pro

Apple CFO Luca Maestri highlighted that several big companies, including Walmart, Nike, Vanguard, Stryker, Bloomberg, and SAP, are planning to develop Vision Pro apps for their customers and employees. These apps will range from everyday productivity and collaborative product design to immersive training. Maestri expressed excitement about the amazing things enterprise customers will create in the coming months and years.

Apple CEO Tim Cook echoed the enthusiasm for enterprise opportunities with Vision Pro. He shared that Walmart has a particularly impressive merchandising app. Various companies are developing collaboration and design apps, field service applications, control center/command center apps, and more. Cook described the range of apps as being „all over the map.“ He emphasized that bringing Vision Pro to this stage has been a collective effort across Apple.

Pregled zaključaka Apple-ovog sastanka o financijskom izvješću Q1 2024.


Tim Cook highlighted Apple’s focus on artificial intelligence (AI) during the earnings call. He mentioned that Apple is investing a tremendous amount of time and effort into AI and that details about their AI work will be shared later this year.

Cook explained that Apple’s approach has always been to do the work first and then talk about it, rather than getting ahead of themselves. He expressed excitement about some things they are working on related to generative AI and assured that they would discuss these developments later in the year.


Apple’s Services category achieved an all-time revenue record of $23.1 billion in the first fiscal quarter of 2024, compared to $20.7 billion in the year-ago quarter. Paid subscriptions also experienced double-digit growth year-over-year.

Additionally, Apple set all-time revenue records in advertising cloud services and payment services and video. The App Store and AppleCare both achieved quarterly revenue records during the December quarter.

Pregled zaključaka Apple-ovog sastanka o financijskom izvješću Q1 2024.


The Wearables, Home and Accessories category experienced a drop in revenue during the first fiscal quarter of 2024, generating $12 billion compared to $13.4 billion in the previous year.

Mac and iPad Sales

Mac sales remained relatively flat, amounting to $7.8 billion in the first fiscal quarter of 2024, slightly higher than the $7.7 billion from the previous year. However, iPad sales declined significantly due to the absence of new models released in 2023. iPad revenue reached $7 billion, a decrease from $9.4 billion in the year-ago quarter.

Active Devices

Apple proudly announced that they now have more than 2.2 billion active devices worldwide, including iPhones, iPads, and Macs. This statistic showcases the vast reach and popularity of Apple’s products across the globe.

Privacy, Security, and Usability

Throughout the earnings call, Apple emphasized its commitment to privacy, security, and usability. They have dedicated significant efforts to ensuring that these aspects are prioritized in their ecosystem. Apple acknowledged that they may not be able to provide the maximum level of supply, as they need to comply with regulatory requirements. Nevertheless, they remain focused on delivering the best possible user experience while maintaining the highest standards of privacy and security.

Enterprise Opportunities

With the introduction of Vision Pro, Apple expressed excitement about the enterprise opportunities that lie ahead. Companies like Walmart, Nike, Vanguard, Stryker, Bloomberg, and SAP are developing various enterprise apps to enhance their internal and customer-facing operations. The range of apps includes productivity tools, collaborative design platforms, immersive training experiences, and more. Apple believes that these opportunities will pave the way for innovative solutions in the enterprise space.

Apple’s AI Work

Apple has made a significant investment in artificial intelligence research and development. While they did not provide specific details during the earnings call, Tim Cook mentioned that they are working on exciting AI-related projects. Apple’s focus on generative AI and their commitment to completing work before discussing it publicly demonstrate their dedication to delivering high-quality AI experiences. More information about their AI work will be shared later in the year, generating anticipation among stakeholders and technology enthusiasts.

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