Appleova linija iPad Air iz 2024. godine će donijeti nekoliko značajnih promjena i poboljšanja. Nakon nekoliko godina bez ažuriranja, Apple će izbaciti dva nova modela iPad Aira, jedan sa standardnom veličinom od 10,9 inča i drugi veći model od 12,9 inča. Očekuje se da će dizajn ostati sličan prethodnom modelu, ali s dodatkom nekih manjih tijekom je godine isplivalo nekoliko rendera koje sugeriraju redizajniranu stražnju kameru i nove boje za iPad Air liniju. Kada je riječ o unutrašnjosti, očekuje se da će novi iPad Air modeli imati M3 čip, koji donosi bolje performanse i poboljšanu energetsku učinkovitost. Također, očekuje se da će novi modeli dobiti bolje Bluetooth i Wi-Fi tehnologije. Sve u svemu, ova nova linija iPad Air modela obećava uzbudljive promjene i poboljšanja.

Appleova linija iPad Air iz 2024. godine: Šta očekivati

Size and Design

Apple is planning to release a new iPad Air model that will be similar in design to the current version. However, this time, there will be two iPad Air models instead of just one. Similar to the iPad Pro lineup, Apple will offer the iPad Air in two sizes.

The standard model will have a 10.9-inch screen, while the larger version will feature a 12.9-inch display. This larger iPad Air will have the same size as the current 12.9-inch iPad Pro.

There haven’t been any rumors of design changes, so we can expect both models to have an edge-to-edge display with slim bezels and an aluminum chassis with rounded edges. The iPad Air has always been slightly thicker than the iPad Pro, and this difference is expected to continue.

It’s worth noting that there have been rumors suggesting that the upcoming iPad Pro models, which will also be refreshed in March, will have thinner frames due to the switch to OLED display technology. However, the iPad Air models are expected to continue using more affordable LCD display technology.

Additionally, leaked renders of the 12.9-inch iPad Air suggest that it could have a redesigned rear camera with a protruding pill-shaped camera bump, similar to the design expected for the iPhone 16 camera.

Based on the rumors, it seems unlikely that there will be major design changes, but Apple may introduce new color options for the iPad Air. Currently, the iPad Air comes in a range of pastel colors, and there is a possibility of introducing a selection of new shades.

M3 Chip

In terms of the processor, Apple has been using M-series chips in the iPad Air and iPad Pro models. For the upcoming iPad Air, it is expected that Apple will bring either the M2 or M3 chip.

The M2 chip is the prior-generation M-series chip that was first introduced in 2022. If Apple opts for the M2 chip, it would provide speed and power efficiency improvements compared to the previous model. However, it would be a smaller improvement compared to the M3 chip. The M2 chip would also help distinguish the iPad Air from the iPad Pro and keep costs down, as the M3 chips are more expensive to produce.

On the other hand, the M3 chip, which was released last year, is the first chip built using next-generation 3-nanometer architecture. It offers better GPU speeds and improved CPU performance compared to the M1 chip. The M3 chip also supports hardware-accelerated ray tracing and mesh shading for better graphics in games.

If the iPad Air ends up with the M3 chip, we can expect the device to offer console-level gaming capabilities similar to Apple’s M3 Macs. The M3 chip provides significant performance improvements compared to the M1 chip, with better GPU speeds and faster CPU performance.

Appleova linija iPad Air iz 2024. godine: Šta očekivati

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi

As the current iPad Air is two years old, it lacks some of the general technology improvements that Apple has implemented in its other devices. However, we can expect the new iPad Air to benefit from certain updates.

Bluetooth 5.3 is expected to be included in the new iPad Air. Bluetooth 5.3 offers more reliable connectivity with Bluetooth accessories and improved power efficiency for longer battery life.

In terms of Wi-Fi, the new iPad Air models are expected to feature Wi-Fi 6E capability. This will allow them to connect to faster 6GHz Wi-Fi networks, providing faster and more reliable wireless connectivity.

iPad Air vs. iPad Pro

One of the main differences between the iPad Air and iPad Pro will be the display technology. While the iPad Pro models will feature OLED displays, the iPad Air models will continue to use LCD display technology. OLED displays offer deeper blacks, better contrast ratios, and vibrant colors compared to LCD displays.

Another distinguishing factor will be the biometric authentication method. The current iPad Air features a Touch ID power button, whereas the iPad Pro models utilize Face ID facial recognition technology. It is likely that Apple will maintain the Touch ID power button on the new iPad Air to keep the Face ID feature exclusive to the iPad Pro, thus differentiating the two models.

In terms of performance, both the iPad Air and iPad Pro are rumored to use the M3 chip, although it’s not entirely clear which chip Apple will ultimately choose. The M3 chip offers significant improvements in GPU speeds and CPU performance compared to the previous M1 chip. The iPad Pro models may have more memory to support the OLED display, providing an edge in performance. Additionally, the iPad Pro features a dual camera setup with Wide and Ultra Wide lenses, while the iPad Air has a single-lens Wide camera.

Appleova linija iPad Air iz 2024. godine: Šta očekivati


The current 11-inch iPad Air starts at $599, and it is likely that the new model will have the same starting price. As for the 12.9-inch version, it is expected to be priced around $200 higher, starting at $799. Apple aims to offer customers more options at different price points with the iPad Air lineup. By offering a larger 12.9-inch iPad Air at a similar price to the 11-inch iPad Pro, customers will have the option to choose a larger display without paying a premium for the Pro model.

Release Date

According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, new iPad models are expected to be released in the March/April timeframe, with the latest news suggesting a release toward the end of March. Apple often holds a spring event around March, so there is a possibility that news about a potential event will be announced in the coming weeks.

Overall, the upcoming iPad Air models are expected to bring improvements in terms of size, design, chip performance, connectivity, and display technology. While the iPad Pro will still offer certain premium features like Face ID and OLED displays, the iPad Air models will provide a more affordable alternative with similar performance. With the expected release date just around the corner, Apple enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new iPad Air models.

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