PhonePe je nedavno pokrenuo Indus Appstore u Indiji, što će omogućiti programerima da integrišu platni gateway po svom izboru za kupovine unutar aplikacija. Ova nova prodavnica aplikacija, koju je najavio ministar za komunikacije, elektroniku i informacione tehnologije, Ashwini Vaishnav, ima podršku za 12 regionalnih jezika i nudi funkcije poput otkrivanja aplikacija putem videa, prijave putem mobilnog broja i preporuke aplikacija zahvaljujući veštačkoj inteligenciji. Indus Appstore će takođe biti besplatan za programe tokom prve godine, dok Apple i Google naplaćuju proviziju od 15 do 25 posto za registraciju aplikacija i ne dozvoljavaju integraciju drugih platnih usluga. Ovo je značajan korak ka rešavanju osnovnih problema nedostatka regionalnog sadržaja na tržištima aplikacija u Indiji.

PhonePe pokreće Indus Appstore u Indiji, neće naplaćivati naknadu za navedene aplikacije prve godine


PhonePe Launches Indus Appstore in India

PhonePe, the Walmart-owned fintech firm, has recently launched the Indus Appstore in India. This Android-based mobile app marketplace aims to address the lack of regional language content in existing marketplaces. With around 200,000 apps available at launch, the Indus Appstore offers a wide range of apps and features to cater to the Indian market.

Indus Appstore has around 200,000 apps at launch

At its launch, the Indus Appstore boasts an impressive collection of around 200,000 apps. This extensive selection ensures users have access to a diverse range of applications for their smartphones. The sizable app inventory is one of the key highlights of the Indus Appstore, making it a significant player in the Indian app market.

App store solves the lack of regional language content

One of the main pain points in existing app marketplaces is the lack of regional language content. The Indus Appstore aims to address this issue by providing support for 12 Indian regional languages. Users can switch between languages using a toggle button, which changes the language of the content on the interface as well as app names, descriptions, trailers, and videos. This language support ensures that users from different regions can access apps in their preferred language, making it a more inclusive and user-friendly platform.

Available in English and 12 Indian regional languages

The Indus Appstore is designed to cater to the diverse linguistic needs of the Indian population. In addition to English, the app store is available in 12 Indian regional languages, including Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, and more. This language support ensures that users can navigate and interact with the app store in their preferred language, enhancing the user experience and making it more accessible to a wider audience.

Features include video-led app discovery, mobile-based logins, and AI-driven app recommendations

The Indus Appstore offers a range of features that enhance the user experience and make app discovery more convenient. One such feature is video-led app discovery, which allows users to explore and learn about different apps through videos. This visual approach to app discovery provides users with a richer and more engaging experience.

Additionally, the Indus Appstore uses mobile-based logins instead of relying on email accounts. This offers a more seamless and efficient login process, as users can simply use their mobile number and OTP for authentication. This login method eliminates the need for email verification, simplifying the user onboarding process.

Furthermore, the Indus Appstore leverages artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to provide personalized app recommendations. These AI-driven recommendations take into account user preferences, usage patterns, and location data to suggest apps that are relevant and tailored to each user’s needs. This personalized recommendation feature enhances the user experience by helping users discover new and interesting apps based on their individual preferences.

Indus Appstore Features Regional Language Support

The Indus Appstore is specifically designed to cater to the linguistic diversity of India. It supports a wide range of regional languages, including Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, and more. This regional language support is a significant feature of the app store and sets it apart from other marketplaces.

Supports regional languages like Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, and more

The Indus Appstore recognizes the importance of regional languages in India and provides support for languages like Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, and more. This language support ensures that users from different regions can access apps in their preferred language, making it more inclusive and user-friendly. By offering apps in regional languages, the Indus Appstore aims to bridge the language barrier and provide a platform that caters to the diverse linguistic needs of the Indian population.

Users can switch between languages using a toggle button

To make the app store accessible to users who prefer different regional languages, the Indus Appstore offers a toggle button that allows users to switch between languages easily. This toggle button not only changes the language of the content on the interface but also updates app names, descriptions, trailers, and videos. This language-switching feature ensures that users can navigate and interact with the app store in their preferred language without any hassle.

Translations done at the company’s end

To ensure accurate translations and maintain consistency across the app store, the Indus Appstore takes the responsibility of translating app content into regional languages. By handling the translations at the company’s end, PhonePe ensures that the app store provides high-quality translations that accurately convey the meaning and intention of the original content. This approach saves developers the hassle of translating their app content and ensures a seamless user experience in regional languages.

Users can search in any of the 12 regional languages

In addition to supporting regional languages, the Indus Appstore also allows users to search for apps in any of the 12 supported languages. Users can enter their search queries in their preferred regional language and receive search results in the same language. This language-based search feature makes it easier for users to find apps that are relevant and accessible to them, further enhancing the user experience on the Indus Appstore.

PhonePe pokreće Indus Appstore u Indiji, neće naplaćivati naknadu za navedene aplikacije prve godine

App Listings and Developers

The Indus Appstore offers a developer platform that allows app creators to list their applications on the marketplace. The platform provides various benefits and features for developers, making it an attractive option for app developers in India.

App listings on the developer platform will be free for the first year

To encourage app developers to list their applications on the Indus Appstore, PhonePe has announced that app listings will be free for the first year. This means that developers can list their apps on the platform without incurring any charges during the initial year. This offer provides developers with an opportunity to showcase their apps to a wider audience and gain exposure without any upfront costs.

An annual fee will be levied after the first year

While app listings are free for the first year, PhonePe will introduce an annual fee for app listings starting from the second year. This fee structure allows the Indus Appstore to sustain its operations and provide ongoing support and services to app developers. The specific details of the annual fee will be communicated to developers in due course. It is important for developers to consider this fee when planning the long-term listing and promotion of their apps on the Indus Appstore.

No platform fee or commission for in-app payments if separate payment gateways are used

In a departure from the practices of other app marketplaces, the Indus Appstore does not charge any platform fee or commission for in-app payments if developers choose to use separate payment gateways. This flexibility gives developers the freedom to integrate their preferred payment services and retain full control over the revenue generated from in-app transactions. This approach is in contrast to the commission rates and restrictions imposed by other app platforms like Apple and Google, offering developers more options and greater financial freedom.

Contrast with Apple and Google’s commission rates and restrictions

The Indus Appstore’s approach to app listings and in-app payments sets it apart from industry giants like Apple and Google. While Apple and Google charge developers between 15 percent and 25 percent commission for in-app transactions, the Indus Appstore offers developers the option to use separate payment gateways without any platform fees or commissions. This difference in fee structure and policy gives developers more flexibility and control over their revenue streams, making the Indus Appstore an attractive alternative for app creators in India.

User Features and Convenience

In addition to catering to app developers, the Indus Appstore focuses on providing a seamless and user-friendly experience for its users. The app store offers several features and conveniences that enhance the user experience and make app discovery and management more convenient.

Mobile number and OTP-based logins instead of using emails

To simplify the login process and eliminate the need for email verification, the Indus Appstore offers mobile number and OTP-based logins. Users can simply enter their mobile number and receive a one-time password (OTP) for authentication. This login method is more convenient and efficient, as users can quickly access the app store without the hassle of remembering and entering their email credentials. This user-centric approach to login ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience for users.

Artificial intelligence (AI)-based algorithms for app recommendations

The Indus Appstore leverages artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to provide personalized app recommendations to its users. These algorithms analyze user preferences, usage patterns, and location data to suggest apps that are relevant and of interest to each user. By using AI-driven app recommendations, the Indus Appstore helps users discover new and interesting apps that align with their individual preferences. This personalized recommendation feature enhances the user experience by making app discovery more tailored and relevant.

Smart features like fast updates and personalized storage management

The Indus Appstore offers several smart features that enhance the overall user experience. One such feature is fast updates, which allows users to quickly update their installed apps to the latest versions. This ensures that users have access to the latest features, bug fixes, and security patches for their apps, providing a seamless and up-to-date user experience.

Another smart feature offered by the Indus Appstore is personalized storage management. This feature analyzes users’ app usage patterns and recommends apps that are rarely used and can be put into hibernation to free up storage space. Additionally, the feature suggests apps that are never used and can be safely deleted to optimize storage usage. This personalized storage management feature helps users declutter their devices and manage their app installations more efficiently.

PhonePe pokreće Indus Appstore u Indiji, neće naplaćivati naknadu za navedene aplikacije prve godine

Popular Apps on Indus Appstore

The Indus Appstore offers a wide range of popular apps to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of its users. From e-commerce giants to entertainment platforms, the app store features some of the most prominent apps in the Indian market.

Prominent apps include Flipkart, Disney+ Hotstar, Myntra, Zomato, Swiggy, Snapchat, and more

The Indus Appstore hosts a variety of popular apps that are widely used by Indian consumers. Some of the prominent apps available on the platform include Flipkart, Disney+ Hotstar, Myntra, Zomato, Swiggy, Snapchat, and many more. These apps cover various categories like e-commerce, entertainment, food delivery, and social media, providing users with a comprehensive selection of popular apps that cater to their daily needs and interests.

Includes several thousand games with a focus on casual gaming, heavy gaming, and real money gaming (RMG)

In addition to the diverse range of utility apps, the Indus Appstore also features several thousand games. These games cater to different gaming preferences and genres, with a focus on casual gaming, heavy gaming, and real money gaming (RMG). The inclusion of a wide variety of games ensures that users can find entertainment and recreation through gaming on the Indus Appstore, making it a comprehensive platform for both utility apps and gaming experiences.

Advertising and Ad Revenue

The Indus Appstore provides app developers with the option to choose whether to show ads in their apps or not. Those developers who opt to include ads in their apps can earn a commission from the generated ad revenue. This advertising feature allows developers to monetize their apps and earn additional revenue by displaying targeted and relevant ads to their users.

PhonePe pokreće Indus Appstore u Indiji, neće naplaćivati naknadu za navedene aplikacije prve godine

Future Plans for Indus Appstore

The Indus Appstore has several future plans and enhancements in the pipeline to further improve the platform and provide a better experience for its users and developers. These plans include additional features, AI-driven app recommendations, and continuous updates and improvements.

Option for app developers to show ads

In the future, the Indus Appstore plans to provide more options for app developers to monetize their apps by showing ads. This additional revenue stream will offer developers greater flexibility and opportunities to generate income from their apps, further incentivizing them to list their apps on the Indus Appstore.

AI features and location data for app recommendations

To enhance the app discovery experience, the Indus Appstore will continue to leverage AI technology and location data for more accurate and personalized app recommendations. By analyzing user preferences and behavior patterns, the app store aims to provide users with highly relevant and tailored app suggestions that align with their individual needs and interests.

Continuous updates and improvements

The Indus Appstore is committed to continuous updates and improvements to ensure that the platform remains up-to-date and offers the best possible experience for its users and developers. By regularly updating the app store’s features and functionalities, PhonePe aims to address any issues, introduce new capabilities, and enhance the overall user experience.

Comparison with Other Platforms

When comparing the Indus Appstore with other app marketplaces like Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store, several key differences and advantages become apparent.

Contrast with Apple and Google’s commission rates and restrictions

One of the significant contrasts between the Indus Appstore and Apple’s App Store or Google Play Store is the fee structure and restrictions imposed on developers. While Apple and Google charge developers between 15 percent and 25 percent commission for in-app transactions, the Indus Appstore offers developers the option to use separate payment gateways without any platform fees or commissions. This difference allows developers to have more control over their revenue streams and choose the payment services that best suit their needs.

PhonePe’s emphasis on regional language content

Another distinguishing factor is the Indus Appstore’s emphasis on regional language content. While Apple and Google primarily focus on English and a few other languages, the Indus Appstore supports 12 Indian regional languages. This regional language support addresses the linguistic diversity of India and enables users to access apps in their preferred language. This focus on regional language content sets the Indus Appstore apart and makes it a more inclusive platform.

Additional features and convenience for users

The Indus Appstore offers several features and conveniences that enhance the user experience and make app discovery and management more convenient. Features like mobile number and OTP-based logins, AI-driven app recommendations, and personalized storage management provide users with a seamless and user-friendly experience. These additional features make the Indus Appstore a compelling choice for users who value convenience and personalized app recommendations.

PhonePe pokreće Indus Appstore u Indiji, neće naplaćivati naknadu za navedene aplikacije prve godine

Implications for Developers and Users

The launch of the Indus Appstore has significant implications for both app developers and users in India. The platform’s features and benefits offer unique opportunities and advantages for developers, while users can enjoy access to a wider range of apps in their preferred regional languages.

Increased opportunities for regional language app developers

The Indus Appstore’s focus on regional language content opens up new opportunities for app developers who create apps in regional languages. By supporting 12 Indian regional languages, the platform provides a dedicated space for developers to showcase their language-specific apps and reach a wider audience. This increased exposure and accessibility for regional language apps can significantly benefit developers and contribute to the growth of regional language content in the Indian app market.

Access to a wider range of apps for users

For users, the Indus Appstore offers access to a wider range of apps, including popular utility apps and a diverse selection of games. The platform’s emphasis on regional language content ensures that users can find apps in their preferred language, making the app store more inclusive and user-friendly. Additionally, the app store’s personalized recommendation feature helps users discover new and interesting apps that align with their individual preferences, enhancing the overall user experience.


PhonePe’s launch of the Indus Appstore in India addresses the lack of regional language content in existing marketplaces and provides users with a comprehensive selection of apps in their preferred languages. With features like video-led app discovery, mobile-based logins, and AI-driven app recommendations, the Indus Appstore offers a seamless and user-friendly experience. The platform’s support for 12 Indian regional languages and its emphasis on personalized app recommendations set it apart from other app marketplaces. Overall, the Indus Appstore provides app developers with an opportunity to showcase their apps to a wider audience and presents users with access to a diverse range of apps, making it a significant addition to the Indian app market.

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