Apple iMessage i Microsoft Edge i Bing uspijevaju izbjeći veliki napad EU-a na velike tehnološke kompanije. Europska unija je donijela odluku da ove usluge neće biti regulirane prema novim regulativama koje ograničavaju moć velikih tehnoloških platformi. Ova odluka je osigurala da Apple i Microsoft neće morati prilagoditi svoje usluge kako bi ispunili nove obveze i zabrane namijenjene suzbijanju zloupotrebe tržišne moći. Ovaj članak pruža uvid u važnost ove odluke za ove dvije američke kompanije i šesti kompanija koje su digitalni „čuvari“.

Apple iMessage, Microsoft Edge i Bing izbjegavaju veliki napad EU-a na velike tehnološke kompanije

EU’s Digital Markets Act

Exemption for iMessage and Bing

The European Union (EU) has announced that Apple’s iMessage and Microsoft’s Bing search engine, Edge web browser, and Advertising service will be exempt from the upcoming regulations of the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA). This decision comes after a probe concluded that these services do not hold a dominant enough position in the market to be regulated under the DMA. Apple and Microsoft have both welcomed this decision, as it means they will not have to make extensive changes to their services to comply with the new obligations and prohibitions outlined in the DMA.

New obligations for Apple and Microsoft

The EU’s Digital Markets Act aims to limit market power abuses by technology firms. While iMessage and Bing have been exempted from the regulations, Apple and Microsoft, along with other major technology companies such as Meta Platforms Inc., Google, Amazon, and TikTok owner ByteDance, will still face new obligations under the DMA. These obligations are designed to prevent these companies from abusing their dominant positions in the market.

Impact of the DMA

Aimed at limiting market power abuses

The EU’s Digital Markets Act is a regulatory framework designed to curb the market power abuses of major technology firms. By implementing new obligations and prohibitions, the DMA aims to create a level playing field and prevent these companies from stifling competition and innovation in the digital market. The DMA specifically targets companies that are deemed to be digital „gatekeepers,“ who have significant control over access to digital services and a strong influence over the market.

Six technology firms deemed as gatekeepers

The EU has identified six major technology firms as digital „gatekeepers,“ including Apple and Microsoft. These companies have been singled out due to their significant market presence and the level of control they exert over certain digital services. The DMA aims to impose new obligations on these gatekeepers to ensure fair competition and prevent the abuse of their dominant positions. While iMessage and Bing have been exempted from the regulations, Apple and Microsoft will still face a range of obligations outlined by the EU.

Apple iMessage, Microsoft Edge i Bing izbjegavaju veliki napad EU-a na velike tehnološke kompanije

Obligations for Microsoft

Windows operating system and LinkedIn platform

Microsoft, as one of the designated digital „gatekeepers,“ will face new obligations under the DMA. These obligations include ensuring fair competition in the market for its Windows operating system and its LinkedIn social media platform. Microsoft will need to comply with the DMA’s regulations to prevent the favoring of its own services over those of its competitors. It will also be prohibited from combining personal data across different services and from using data collected from third-party merchants to compete against them.

Obligations for Apple

iOS mobile operating system, App Store, and Safari browser

As another digital „gatekeeper,“ Apple will also be subject to new obligations under the Digital Markets Act. These obligations will apply to Apple’s iOS mobile operating system, its App Store, and its Safari browser. Apple will be prohibited from favoring its own services over rivals and from combining personal data collected across its different services. Additionally, Apple will be prohibited from using data collected from third-party merchants to compete against them. These obligations aim to ensure fair competition in the market and prevent the abuse of Apple’s dominant position.

Apple iMessage, Microsoft Edge i Bing izbjegavaju veliki napad EU-a na velike tehnološke kompanije

Restrictions Under the DMA

Prohibited favoring of own services over rivals

One of the key restrictions outlined in the EU’s Digital Markets Act is the prohibition of favoring one’s own services over those of rivals. This means that digital „gatekeepers“ like Apple and Microsoft will be required to provide equal treatment to their own services and the services of their competitors. This restriction aims to create a level playing field in the market and prevent anti-competitive behavior.

Prohibited combining personal data across services

Another important restriction imposed by the DMA is the prohibition of combining personal data collected across different services. This means that companies like Apple and Microsoft will not be allowed to merge personal data collected from users across their various platforms and services. This restriction aims to protect user privacy and prevent the consolidation of personal data for anti-competitive purposes.

Data Usage Restrictions

Prohibited use of data collected to compete against third-party merchants

Under the Digital Markets Act, digital „gatekeepers“ will be prohibited from using the data they collect from third-party merchants to compete against them. This restriction aims to prevent unfair practices and ensure that these gatekeepers do not leverage their access to user data to gain a competitive advantage over other market players. It is intended to promote fair competition and protect the interests of smaller merchants and businesses.

Apple iMessage, Microsoft Edge i Bing izbjegavaju veliki napad EU-a na velike tehnološke kompanije

App Downloading from Rival Platforms

Users must be allowed to download apps from rivals’ platforms

One of the important provisions of the Digital Markets Act is that users must be allowed to download apps from rival platforms. This means that digital „gatekeepers“ like Apple and Microsoft will be required to provide access to their platforms and services for competing app stores. This provision aims to promote competition and give users greater choice in accessing apps and services on different platforms.

Implementation Date

New rules set to come into play on March 7th

The new rules outlined in the EU’s Digital Markets Act are set to come into play on March 7th. From this date onwards, digital „gatekeepers“ like Apple and Microsoft will be required to comply with the new obligations and restrictions imposed by the DMA. The implementation of these rules aims to create a more level playing field and ensure fair competition in the digital market.

Apple iMessage, Microsoft Edge i Bing izbjegavaju veliki napad EU-a na velike tehnološke kompanije


Exemption a win for Apple and Microsoft

The exemption of iMessage and Bing from the regulations of the EU’s Digital Markets Act is a significant win for Apple and Microsoft. These companies will not have to make extensive changes to their services to comply with the new obligations and prohibitions outlined by the EU. This exemption acknowledges that iMessage and Bing do not hold a dominant enough position in the market to be regulated under the DMA.

EU cracking down on technology firms

Overall, the EU’s Digital Markets Act represents a significant effort to crack down on the power abuses of major technology firms. By imposing new obligations and restrictions, the DMA aims to promote fair competition and prevent anti-competitive behavior in the digital market. While iMessage and Bing have been exempted from the regulations, Apple, Microsoft, and other designated digital „gatekeepers“ will face extensive obligations to ensure fair competition and protect user privacy. The implementation of the DMA on March 7th will mark a new era in regulating the digital market in the EU.

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