Google je nedavno najavio da će operativni sistem Wear OS 5 prestati podržavati starije stilske skrinove na Play Storeu. Skrinovi koji nisu razvijeni korištenjem WFF formata neće više biti podržani, a Google tvrdi da oni razvijeni korištenjem ovog formata zahtijevaju manje održavanja i manje ažuriranja. Ovo će se odnositi samo na nove pametne satove koji podržavaju najnoviji Wear OS 5 operativni sistem, prvi takvi uređaji su Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 i Galaxy Watch Ultra. Ovu promjenu Google je najavio u nastojanju da podstakne razvoj novih i unaprijeđenih stilskih skrinova za pametne satove.

Wear OS 5 Will No Longer Support Watch Faces Not Developed Using WFF, Says Google

What is Wear OS 5?

You may be wondering what exactly Wear OS 5 is and how it differs from older versions of the operating system. In this article, we will break down everything you need to know about Wear OS 5 and its impact on watch faces.

Understanding the Transition to Wear OS 5

The transition to Wear OS 5 marks a significant shift in compatibility requirements for watch faces on smartwatches. This update introduces new standards and performance criteria that watch faces must meet to be supported on devices running Wear OS 5.

The Role of WFF in Watch Face Development

To understand why Wear OS 5 will no longer support watch faces not developed using WFF, it is essential to delve into the role of WFF in watch face development. WFF, or Watch Face Format, was rolled out by Google in partnership with Samsung in 2023 as a new standard for designing watch faces.

Benefits of Using WFF

Watch faces developed using WFF offer several advantages, including reduced maintenance requirements, fewer updates, and improved battery life. These benefits are attributed to the declarative XML format used in WFF, which simplifies the design process and enhances the performance of watch faces.

Wear OS 5 Will No Longer Support Watch Faces Not Developed Using WFF, Says Google

Impact on Existing Watch Faces

If you currently own a smartwatch running Wear OS 2 or later, you may still have access to non-WFF watch faces on the Google Play Store. However, transferring to a new Wear OS 5 smartwatch may result in some watch faces not being carried over, and select watch faces may no longer be available for download.

Guidelines for Watch Face Developers

In light of this change, Google has set guidelines for watch face developers to ensure compliance with the new compatibility requirements of Wear OS 5. Developers are encouraged to transition their watch faces to the WFF format to continue offering their creations on the Google Play Store.

Wear OS 5 Will No Longer Support Watch Faces Not Developed Using WFF, Says Google

Future of Watch Face Development

Looking ahead, Google aims to have all watch faces on the Google Play Store developed using WFF by early 2025. As more smartwatches adopt Wear OS 5 and the WFF standard, developers will need to adapt their watch faces to meet the new requirements to remain accessible to users.

Expansion to Other Smartwatches

While the Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 and Galaxy Watch Ultra are the first smartwatches to receive the Wear OS 5 update, we can expect this compatibility standard to be extended to other compatible smartwatches in the future. The adoption of WFF is part of Google’s ongoing efforts to enhance the user experience and performance of wearables.

In conclusion, the transition to Wear OS 5 and the requirement for watch faces to be developed using WFF signal a new era in smartwatch customization and performance. By understanding these changes and their implications, you can ensure a seamless transition to the latest operating system and continue enjoying personalized watch faces on your smartwatch.

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