Treća beta verzija watchOS 10.2, koju je Apple objavio ovog tjedna, ponovno uvodi mogućnost zamjene Apple Watch lica pokretom prsta koja je prvobitno uklonjena s nadogradnjom na watchOS 10. Korisnici sada mogu odabrati da koriste pokret prsta za zamjenu aktivnog Apple Watch lica tako što će omogućiti tu opciju u aplikaciji Postavke Apple Watcha. Kada je ova funkcija uključena, prevlačenje prsta lijevo ili desno po satu prolazi kroz dostupna lica koja su postavljena. Zamjena Watch lica pokretom prsta bila je zadana opcija u watchOS 9, ali je Apple ažurirao tu interakciju zbog žalbi da je previše lako slučajno promijeniti lice. Trenutna gesta zahtijeva duže pritiskanje prije pomicanja za zamjenu aktivnog Watch lica. S watchOS-om 10.2, vlasnici Apple Watcha koji su preferirali prethodni način zamjene Watch lica mogu odabrati omogućiti tu postavku, ako žele. Opcija se nalazi pod Postavke > Sat u trećoj beti. watchOS 10.2 je trenutno dostupan i developerima i javnim betatesterima, a očekuje se javno lansiranje u prosincu.

watchOS 10.2 Beta Reintroduces Option to Change Apple Watch Faces With a Swipe

watchOS 10.2 Beta ponovo uvodi mogućnost promjene Apple Watch lica pokretom prsta


The latest watchOS 10.2 beta released by Apple brings back a feature that allows Apple Watch users to change their watch faces with a simple swipe gesture. This feature, which was initially removed with the upgrade to watchOS 10, has been reintroduced based on user feedback and preferences. By enabling this option in the Apple Watch Settings app, users can now switch between different watch faces by swiping left or right.


In previous versions of watchOS, specifically watchOS 9, changing watch faces with a swipe gesture was the default method. However, Apple decided to update the interaction in watchOS 10 due to complaints that it was too easy to accidentally change watch faces. The new method required a long press before swiping to change the active watch face.

Previous removal of feature

The removal of the swipe gesture feature in watchOS 10 disappointed many Apple Watch users who enjoyed the simplicity and convenience it provided. The change was met with mixed reactions, with some users finding the new method more secure and others missing the ease of switching watch faces with a single swipe.

Reintroduction in watchOS 10.2 beta

With the release of watchOS 10.2 beta 3, Apple has listened to user feedback and brought back the option to change watch faces with a swipe gesture. This reintroduction aims to cater to users who preferred the previous method and missed the seamless experience it provided.

watchOS 10.2 Beta ponovo uvodi mogućnost promjene Apple Watch lica pokretom prsta

Enabling the swipe gesture

To enable the swipe gesture for changing watch faces, users need to navigate to the Apple Watch Settings app. Within the settings, they will find an option under „Clock“ that allows them to enable the swipe gesture. By turning this option on, users will be able to switch between their preset watch faces by simply swiping left or right on the watch face.

Previous method of changing watch faces

Before the removal of the swipe gesture in watchOS 10, users could easily change their watch faces by swiping left or right on the screen. This intuitive and quickly accessible method allowed users to customize their Apple Watch to match their style or needs without any hassle.

watchOS 10.2 Beta ponovo uvodi mogućnost promjene Apple Watch lica pokretom prsta

Availability and launch

The reintroduction of the swipe gesture for changing watch faces is currently available in the watchOS 10.2 beta. This beta version is accessible to both developers and public beta testers. It is expected that watchOS 10.2 will see a public launch in December, allowing all Apple Watch owners to enjoy the convenience of the swipe gesture once again.

Related Roundup: watchOS 10

For more information about watchOS 10 and its features, users can refer to the related roundup on the MacRumors website. The roundup provides comprehensive details about the different updates and changes introduced in watchOS 10.

watchOS 10.2 Beta ponovo uvodi mogućnost promjene Apple Watch lica pokretom prsta

Related Forum: Apple Programming

Users interested in discussing watchOS 10, its features, and related programming topics can visit the Apple Programming forum on the MacRumors website. The forum provides a platform for developers and enthusiasts to share their thoughts, ask questions, and engage in discussions related to Apple programming.


The reintroduction of the swipe gesture for changing watch faces in watchOS 10.2 beta demonstrates Apple’s commitment to catering to user preferences and ensuring a seamless user experience. By bringing back this feature, Apple is providing options for users who enjoyed the simplicity and convenience of the swipe gesture. As the beta version progresses towards a public launch, Apple Watch owners can look forward to easily customizing their watch faces once again.

watchOS 10.2 Beta ponovo uvodi mogućnost promjene Apple Watch lica pokretom prsta

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