„Sve novo u Androidu 14 QPR2 Beta 1“

U ovom videu idemo preko svih novosti koje donosi ažuriranje Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1! Pixel Launcher priprema prekidač koji vam omogućuje da isključite ‘At a Glance’ widget. Evo svega što je novo u Androidu 14 QPR2 Beta 1 [Galeriji]. Želite biti sponzor sljedećeg 9to5Google videa? Javite se: [email protected] Pratite nas / 9to5google / 9to5google / 9to5google / jordanintheknow ???? Drugi kanali ???? /9to5mac / electrekco / 9to5toys / dronedj

Ovdje na 95 Googleu smo bili vrlo zauzeti pripremajući se za blagdansko razdoblje, ali uvijek imamo vremena razgovarati o novim Android ažuriranjima uz izlazak Androida 14 QPR2 Beta 1. Moram reći da je to manje ažuriranje, što je uobičajeno za beta 1, ali nadam se da ćemo vidjeti više razvoja kako budu prolazile buduće beta verzije. Upravo sam završio instaliranje na svom telefonu Pixel fold i brzo ćemo pregledati nove promjene na koje trebate obratiti pažnju. Najveća promjena koju možete primijetiti odmah je nova početna prikazna stranica koja se pojavi kad se ažuriranje završi. Na prvi pogled mi se stvarno sviđa ova promjena, jer služi kao podsjetnik novim korisnicima o novim značajkama Pixel uređaja. Pixel uređaji se intenzivno oglašavaju kao uređaji koji se neprestano razvijaju i dobivaju softverska ažuriranja, pa je imati mali podsjetnik poput ovog odmah nakon instalacije savršeno. Također vas potiče da pošaljete dijagnostičke podatke Googleu, ako to želite. Druga zanimljiva promjena je zapravo nova značajka u mom mišljenju ili proširenje postojeće značajke. Ugrađeni snimač zaslona prema zadanim postavkama vam nudi mogućnost snimanja cjelokupnog zaslona, ali sada u QPR2 Beta 1 imate mogućnost snimanja zaslona pojedinog aplikacije. Da biste pristupili tome, samo započnite snimanje, odaberite opciju pojedinačne aplikacije i odatle će se otvoriti novi korisnički sučelje za odabir iz vaše povijesti ili u ladicu aplikacija, što je lijep dodir. Osim toga, Google je uveo puno promjena korisničkog sučelja u QPR2. Za početak, korisnici uređaja s velikim zaslonima trebali bi primijetiti blagu promjenu u traci zadataka. Na prvi pogled, sve je isto, ali ikona Appdroid je malo izmijenjena da uključuje malo povećalo, vjerojatno kako bi bilo očitije korisnicima da mogu pretraživati Google s trake zadataka. Trebam spomenuti da je ova funkcionalnost također proširena, pa sada u QPR2 možete koristiti tu tražilicu i unutar aplikacija. Kontrola glasnoće također je dobila neke vrlo male promjene u korisničkom sučelju, gdje je pokazivač mnogo očigledniji koliko je glasnoća visoka, uz malo dodatoga materijalno U boje. Nazivi paketa aplikacija sada se prikazuju u odjeljku Info o aplikaciji, ništa posebno, ali mala promjena ipak. Osim toga, postoji puno popravaka pogrešaka i poznatih problema, kao što je problem s widgetom „At a Glance“ koji ponekad prikazuje pogrešnu lokaciju ili problemi s senzorom otiska prsta koji ne daje haptičku povratnu informaciju. Neću ulaziti u sve poznate probleme ovdje, ali ostavio sam poveznicu u opisu ako želite vidjeti nove promjene kako ih otkrivamo na web stranici 9to5 Google. Što se tiče performansi, još je uvijek prerano reći je li se nešto promijenilo budući da je instalacija trajala samo nekoliko sati. Međutim, nema dovoljno promjena ovdje kako bih preporučio da ga odmah instalirate na svoje uređaje. To je uglavnom sve što se tiče QPR2 Beta 1. Kao što sam rekao na početku, ovo je stvarno manje ažuriranje i nema puno promjena ovdje. Nadam se da ćemo imati neke nove zanimljive značajke koje ćemo prijaviti kako budu izlazile beta verzije. Ipak, ima glasina da bismo mogli ukloniti widget „At a Glance“, što je nešto što ja i mnogi drugi korisnici dugo traže da Google učini, pa se radujem tome ako se zaista pojavi. U svakom slučaju, recite mi što mislite o ovom izuzetno manjem QPR beta ažuriranju. Jeste li očekivali više? Postoji li nešto što ste se nadali da će Google uključiti u buduće bete? Ostavite komentar i javite mi. U svakom slučaju, momci, odlazim odavde. Ovo je bilo Jordan Floyd s 95 Google. Hvala vam puno na gledanju i vidimo se u sljedećem [Glazba] [Glazba] Jedan.

Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1

The Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1 update brings several new features and improvements to the Android operating system. In this article, we will explore the changes and enhancements introduced in this update.

New Splash Screen

One of the noticeable changes in the Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1 update is the introduction of a new splash screen. This splash screen appears when an update is completed and serves the purpose of informing users about new features and functionalities that have been added to the device. It acts as a reminder to keep users informed and engaged with the evolving nature of their Pixel devices.

Sve novo u Androidu 14 QPR2 Beta 1

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Diagnostic Data

In Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1, users now have the option to send diagnostic data to Google. This allows users to contribute information that can help improve the performance and functionality of the Android operating system. The choice to enable or disable data sharing is up to the user, ensuring that privacy concerns are taken into consideration.

Built-in Screen Recorder

One exciting feature in Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1 is the built-in screen recorder. This feature allows users to record the screen of their devices, either the entire screen or the screen of individual apps. By default, users have the option to record the entire screen, but with this update, users can now selectively record the screen of specific apps. The process to access this feature is simple – users can start a recording session and choose the single app option from a new UI selection screen that opens up.

Sve novo u Androidu 14 QPR2 Beta 1

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UI Changes

Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1 brings several UI changes that enhance the user experience. One notable change is the taskbar redesign, particularly for large-screen users. While the overall layout remains the same, the Appdroid icon now includes a magnifying glass, making it more visually prominent. This modification aims to ensure that users are aware of the ability to perform Google searches from the taskbar. Additionally, the functionality of search has been expanded, allowing users to utilize the search menu from within applications rather than just the home screen and app grid.

Furthermore, the volume slider in Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1 has undergone minor UI tweaks. The volume indicator is now more visually apparent, making it easier for users to determine the volume level. The inclusion of Material U color accents adds a touch of aesthetic appeal to the interface. Another UI change introduced in this update is the display of app package names in the app info section. While this change may seem minor, it provides users with quick access to package names, offering convenience and ease of use.

Taskbar Redesign

The taskbar redesign in Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1 is aimed at improving the user experience, particularly for users with large-screen devices. The Appdroid icon, located in the taskbar, has undergone a slight makeover, now featuring a magnifying glass. This alteration is intended to make it more evident to users that they can perform Google searches directly from the taskbar. The taskbar’s functionality has also been expanded, allowing users to search within the app grid, as well as within individual applications.

Sve novo u Androidu 14 QPR2 Beta 1

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Search Functionality

In Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1, search functionality has been enhanced and expanded. Users can now enjoy an expanded search experience in the app grid, enabling them to easily find the desired apps. Additionally, the search menu is now accessible from within applications, providing increased search accessibility and convenience.

Volume Slider

The volume slider in Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1 has undergone minor UI tweaks to improve the user experience. The volume indicator now provides clearer visibility on the volume levels, making it easier for users to understand the current volume setting. The addition of Material U color accents adds a visually appealing touch to the volume slider.

Sve novo u Androidu 14 QPR2 Beta 1

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App Package Names

An additional change introduced in Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1 is the display of app package names in the app info section. While this change may seem small, it enhances the user experience by providing quick access to package names. Users can easily identify the package names associated with their installed apps, which can be helpful in various scenarios.

Bug Fixes

Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1 includes several bug fixes to address known issues. One of the known issues is related to the ‘At a Glance’ widget displaying weather information for the wrong location. Another issue involves the fingerprint scanner not providing haptic feedback. The update addresses these issues and provides a smoother and more reliable user experience.


As this is a beta update, limited feedback on performance is available at this time. It is too early to determine the overall performance impact of Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1. However, early installation experiences suggest that the update has been stable and without significant changes so far. It is important to note that beta updates may still contain unknown bugs or issues, so caution should be exercised before installing them on personal devices.

In conclusion, Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1 brings several new features, UI changes, bug fixes, and performance improvements to the Android operating system. While this update may be considered a minor one, it sets the stage for future enhancements and exciting features in subsequent beta releases. As users continue to provide feedback and as the betas progress, it is anticipated that additional exciting features will be implemented.

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