Slack je objavio tri nova widgeta za iPhone, koja omogućavaju korisnicima da direktno pristupe različitim tabovima unutar aplikacije. Nova Catch Up i Status widgeta mogu se postaviti na početni ekran iPhone-a, omogućavajući korisnicima da ostanu u toku sa neodgovorenim kanalima, najnovijim direktnim porukama i spomenutim događajima. Sa novom Catch Up widgetom, korisnici mogu odmah pristupiti Catch Up tabu na Slack-u. S druge strane, Status widget je dostupan u jednostavnom i više izgledu. Tapanjem na jednostavn prozor se otvara prozor statusa unutar aplikacije u odabranoj radnoj površini, a korisnici mogu promijeniti svoj status ili ga obrisati iz samog widgeta koristeći više izgled prozora. Slack Brings New Status, Catch Up and Other Widgets to iPhone


Slack, the popular cloud-based team communication platform, has recently introduced three new widgets for iPhone users. These widgets aim to enhance the user experience by providing quick access to different features of the Slack app directly from the home and lock screens of the device.

In this article, we will explore the new widgets introduced by Slack and how they can help iPhone users streamline their workflow and stay organized throughout the workday.

What Are Widgets in iPhone?

Widgets are small, interactive elements that provide quick access to specific information or features of an app without having to open the app itself. These widgets can be placed on the home screen or lock screen of an iPhone for easy access to important information or functionality.

Slack Introduces Status, Catch Up and Slack Launcher Widgets for iPhone

Overview of New Slack Widgets

Slack has introduced three new widgets for iPhone users, namely Catch Up, Status, and Slack Launcher. These widgets serve different purposes and can be customized to suit individual preferences and workflow requirements.

Catch Up Widget

The Catch Up widget allows users to quickly catch up on unread channels, new messages, and mentions within the Slack app. By placing this widget on the home screen, users can stay updated on important conversations and notifications without having to open the Slack app.

Status Widget

The Status widget provides users with the ability to change their status or clear it directly from the widget. This widget is available in both single-view and multi-view options, allowing users to easily update their status within the Slack app without navigating through multiple tabs.

Slack Launcher Widget

The Slack Launcher widget is designed to take users directly to their last workspace from the lock screen. This widget enables users to quickly jump into the Slack app and catch up on the latest conversations without unlocking their iPhone.

Slack Introduces Status, Catch Up and Slack Launcher Widgets for iPhone

How to Use Slack Widgets on iPhone

To use the new Slack widgets on your iPhone, you need to first download the latest version of the Slack app from the App Store. Once you have updated the app, follow these steps to add and customize the widgets on your device:

Adding Widgets to Home Screen

  1. Long press on the home screen to enter jiggle mode.
  2. Tap the „+“ button in the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Search for „Slack“ in the widget gallery and select the desired widget.
  4. Tap „Add Widget“ to place the widget on your home screen.
  5. Customize the widget size and position as per your preference.

Adding Widgets to Lock Screen

  1. Swipe right on your lock screen to access the Today View.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap „Edit“.
  3. Search for „Slack“ in the widget gallery and select the desired widget.
  4. Tap „Add Widget“ to include the widget in your Today View.
  5. Rearrange the widgets by dragging them up or down based on your priority.

Slack Introduces Status, Catch Up and Slack Launcher Widgets for iPhone

Benefits of Using Slack Widgets

The new widgets introduced by Slack offer several benefits to iPhone users, including:

Improved Productivity

By providing quick access to important features of the Slack app, the widgets help users streamline their workflow and stay organized throughout the day.

Enhanced Communication

With the Catch Up widget, users can quickly catch up on new messages and notifications, ensuring they stay informed and connected with their team members.

Customizable Experience

The ability to customize the widgets according to individual preferences allows users to create a personalized workspace that caters to their specific needs and requirements.

Slack Introduces Status, Catch Up and Slack Launcher Widgets for iPhone


In conclusion, the new Status, Catch Up, and Slack Launcher widgets introduced by Slack for iPhone users are aimed at enhancing the user experience and improving productivity. By providing quick access to key features of the Slack app directly from the home and lock screens, these widgets help users stay organized and connected with their team members throughout the workday.

Whether you are looking to streamline your workflow, stay updated on important conversations, or simply stay connected with your team, the new Slack widgets offer a convenient and efficient solution for iPhone users. Download the latest version of the Slack app today to experience the benefits of these new widgets firsthand.

Slack Introduces Status, Catch Up and Slack Launcher Widgets for iPhone

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