Microsoft tvrdi da je novi Surface Pro brži od MacBook Air 15″ s M3 procesorom. Novi Surface Pro je jedan od prvih PC-ova sa Copilot+ AI orijentisanom hardverom, opremljen Qualcomm-ovim Arm-based Snapdragon X Elite procesorom. U marketinškim materijalima, Microsoft tvrdi da Surface Pro ima superiornu procesorsku snagu i vijek trajanja baterije u odnosu na MacBook Air sa 8-core CPU i 10-core GPU. U poređenju sa MacBook Air-om 15″ i drugim Copilot+ PC-ovima sa 12-core i 10-core procesorima, Surface Pro nudi 58 posto bolje trajanje baterije i mjerenje višestrukih niti (bazirano na Cinebench testovima).

Microsoft tvrdi da je novi Surface Pro brži od MacBook Air 15 s M3 procesorom

Comparing Performance: Surface Pro vs. MacBook Air

When looking for a new laptop, performance is a key factor to consider. Microsoft claims that the new Surface Pro is faster than the 15″ MacBook Air with an M3 processor. Let’s delve into the specifics and see how these two laptops compare in terms of processing power.

Processor Comparison

The Surface Pro comes equipped with Qualcomm’s Arm-based Snapdragon X Elite processor, while the MacBook Air features an M3 chipset. The Surface Pro boasts 12-core and 10-core processors, offering superior multithreaded performance compared to the MacBook Air’s 8-core CPU and 10-core GPU.

Benchmark Results

According to Cinebench benchmarks, the Surface Pro and other Copilot+ PCs deliver 58 percent better sustained multithreaded performance than the MacBook Air. This means that the Surface Pro can handle more demanding tasks and applications with ease.

Battery Life

In addition to performance, battery life is another crucial aspect to consider when choosing a laptop. Copilot+ PCs, including the Surface Pro, offer up to 15 hours of web browsing or 22 hours of local video playback. On the other hand, the MacBook Air provides 15 hours of wireless web browsing and 18 hours of local video playback.

Microsoft tvrdi da je novi Surface Pro brži od MacBook Air 15 s M3 procesorom

Display and Design: Surface Pro Features

Apart from performance and battery life, the display quality and design of a laptop are equally important. The Surface Pro stands out with its OLED display and lightweight design.

Display Quality

The Surface Pro features an OLED display, offering vibrant colors, deep blacks, and excellent contrast. This type of display technology provides a superior viewing experience, making it ideal for tasks such as photo editing, graphic design, and watching high-definition content.

Lightweight Design

Weighing under two pounds, the Surface Pro is lightweight and portable, making it easy to carry around for work or travel. Its slim and sleek design adds to its appeal, making it a stylish and practical choice for users on the go.

Microsoft tvrdi da je novi Surface Pro brži od MacBook Air 15 s M3 procesorom

Pricing and Availability

When considering a new laptop, pricing and availability are crucial factors to take into account. Let’s explore the pricing details and when the Surface Pro will be available to customers.

Pricing Options

The Surface Pro’s pricing starts at $1,000, with higher-end configurations such as the OLED display and Snapdragon X Elite chip, 16GB RAM, and a 512GB SSD priced at $1,500. Additionally, Microsoft offers the Surface Laptop with similar specifications starting at $1,299.


Microsoft has announced that the Surface devices, including the Surface Pro and Surface Laptop, will be available to customers starting on June 18. This allows potential buyers to plan their purchase and be among the first to experience the new lineup of Copilot+ PCs.

By comparing the performance, display quality, design, pricing, and availability of the new Surface Pro against the MacBook Air, you can make an informed decision on which laptop best suits your needs and preferences. Microsoft’s emphasis on AI technology and superior processing power with the Surface Pro makes it a compelling choice for those seeking high-performance computing capabilities.

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