Važno je napomenuti da Google Photos radi na razvoju nove mogućnosti koja će korisnicima omogućiti da dijele tjedne naglaske sa drugima. Uz podršku partnerstva između Google-a i Apple-a, premještanje podataka s Google Photos na iCloud Photos moglo bi uskoro postati jednostavnije. Ova nova inicijativa omogućit će korisnicima da sačuvaju svoje medije na iCloud Photos bez brisanja istih sa Google-ove biblioteke. Uz pomoć tehnologije Data Transfer Project (DTP), koja je pokrenuta kao otvoreni izvor od strane Google-a i Apple-a, ovaj alat za prenos podataka trebao bi biti dostupan korisnicima već iduće sedmice. Nakon što se prijenos podataka završi, korisnici će primiti potvrdu putem e-pošte.

Moving Data from Google Photos to iCloud Photos Made Easier

Have you ever struggled with transferring your data from Google Photos to iCloud Photos? Soon, you may no longer have to worry about this tedious process. Google and Apple have joined forces to introduce a new data transfer tool that promises to make this task more seamless than ever before. Let’s delve into the details of this exciting initiative.

Google Photos Reportedly Developing New Feature That Lets Users Share Weekly Highlights With Others

Google and Apple’s Partnership for Data Transfer

Google and Apple have collaborated to develop a new tool powered by the open-source Data Transfer Project (DTP) technology stack. This partnership aims to enhance data portability by providing users with a more straightforward way to transfer their media files from Google Photos to iCloud Photos. Soon, users will be able to seamlessly move their photos and videos across devices without the hassle of manual downloads.

How the Data Transfer Tool Works

The new data transfer tool allows users to select the data they wish to transfer from Google Photos to iCloud Photos directly through Google Takeout. Users can choose specific images and videos, and even set media visibility permissions. Once the transfer is complete, the photos and videos will appear in a designated „Import from Google“ album within the Photos app. Additionally, users will receive a confirmation email once the transfer process is finished.

Google Photos Reportedly Developing New Feature That Lets Users Share Weekly Highlights With Others

Supported File Formats and Limitations

It’s important to note that the data transfer tool currently supports the transfer of photo and video files only. Formats such as JPEG, HEIC, PNG, MP4, and MOV are compatible with the tool. However, motion photos, Live Photos, and Memories are not supported for transfer at this time. Any unsupported media will be shifted to iCloud Drive instead. Make sure to keep these limitations in mind when using the tool for data transfer.

Google Photos Reportedly Developing New Feature That Lets Users Share Weekly Highlights With Others

Benefits of the Data Transfer Initiative

By enabling seamless data transfer from Google Photos to iCloud Photos, this initiative opens up new possibilities for users who constantly switch between different devices. Whether you’re transitioning from an Android device to an iPhone or simply want to consolidate your media libraries, this tool provides a convenient solution. With the support of both Google and Apple, users can expect a smooth and efficient data transfer experience.

Google Photos Reportedly Developing New Feature That Lets Users Share Weekly Highlights With Others


In conclusion, the collaborative effort between Google and Apple to introduce a new data transfer tool signifies a step forward in improving data portability for users. Whether you’re a photography enthusiast looking to manage your media across multiple platforms or a regular consumer seeking a hassle-free transfer process, this tool holds promise for a more seamless experience. Stay tuned for the official rollout of the tool next week, and get ready to enjoy a smoother data transfer process from Google Photos to iCloud Photos.

Google Photos Reportedly Developing New Feature That Lets Users Share Weekly Highlights With Others

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