EU je odobrila korištenje Apple NFC tehnologije u Europi nakon što je kompanija pristala napraviti potrebne promjene. Apple je dobio odobrenje da ponudi svoje ‘Tap and Go’ NFC funkcije korisnicima u Europi nakon što je pristao otvoriti pristup trećim aplikacijama. Kompamija ima rok do 25. jula da implementira sve predložene promjene od strane EU kako bi odobrenje bilo valjano. Ovo odobrenje je rezultat dugotrajnog spora između Applea i EU o monopolu kompanije na ovu tehnologiju i odbijanju pristupa trećim aplikacijama. Promjene koje je Apple napravio uključuju pristup trećim pružaocima e-walleta NFC tehnologije na iOS uređajima bez naknade i uspostavljanje pravednih i transparentnih procedura za pristup trećim aplikacijama.


Hello, dear reader. Today, we will delve into the exciting news about the European Union’s approval of Apple’s Near Field Communication (NFC) technology in Europe. After addressing the concerns raised by the EU about Apple’s monopoly practices, the tech giant has agreed to make some changes and open its NFC technology to third-party apps. Let’s explore the details further in this informative article.

EU Odobrava korištenje Apple NFC-a u Europi

What is NFC Technology?

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology that allows devices to communicate with each other when they are in close proximity. In the case of smartphones, NFC enables users to make contactless payments, transfer data, and connect devices simply by tapping them together. With the European Union’s approval, Apple will now be able to offer its tap-and-go NFC features to users in Europe.

EU Odobrava korištenje Apple NFC-a u Europi

Apple’s Previous NFC Practices

Previously, Apple’s NFC technology was limited to its own native apps, such as Apple Wallet and Apple Pay. Third-party app developers were not granted access to this technology, leading to concerns about innovation and competition in the market. The EU raised objections to Apple’s practices, citing violations of competition rules.

EU Odobrava korištenje Apple NFC-a u Europi

Changes Made by Apple

In response to the EU’s concerns, Apple has agreed to make significant changes to its NFC practices. The company has committed to allowing third-party wallet providers access to the NFC input on iOS devices free of charge. This means that developers will now be able to integrate NFC technology into their apps, providing users with more choices and innovative solutions.

Fair, Objective, and Transparent Procedure

Apple has pledged to apply a fair, objective, transparent, and non-discriminatory procedure when granting access to NFC to third-party app developers. This ensures that all developers have an equal opportunity to utilize this technology without facing any bias or discrimination.

Monitoring Mechanisms and Dispute Settlement Systems

To ensure compliance with the agreed-upon changes, Apple has agreed to establish separate monitoring mechanisms and dispute settlement systems. These mechanisms will independently review Apple’s decisions regarding the restriction of access to NFC technology, providing transparency and accountability.

EU Odobrava korištenje Apple NFC-a u Europi

Impact on European Users

With the approval of Apple’s NFC technology in Europe, users will now have access to a wider range of contactless payment options and innovative solutions. The opening up of NFC technology to third-party apps will promote competition, drive innovation, and enhance user experience.

EU Odobrava korištenje Apple NFC-a u Europi


In conclusion, the European Union’s approval of Apple’s NFC technology in Europe marks a significant step towards promoting competition and innovation in the market. By agreeing to open up its NFC technology to third-party apps, Apple has taken a positive step towards empowering developers and providing users with more choices. This approval sets a precedent for collaboration and fair competition in the tech industry.

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